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More praise for Guns, Germs, and Steel

"No scientist brings more experience from the laboratory and field, none thinks more deeply about social issues or addresses them with greater clarity, than Jared Diamond as illustrated by Guns, Germs, and Steel. In this remarkably readable book he shows how history and biology can enrich one another to produce a deeper understanding of the human condition." -Edward O. Wilson, Pellegrino University Professor, Harvard University

"Serious, groundbreaking biological studies of human history only seem to come along once every generation or so. . . . Now Jared Diamond must be added to their select number. . . . Diamond meshes technological mastery with historical sweep, anecdotal delight with broad conceptual vision, and command of sources with creative leaps. No finer work of its kind has been published this year, or for many past."

-Martin Sieff, Washington Times

"[Diamond's] masterful synthesis is a refreshingly unconventional history informed by anthropology, behavioral ecology, linguistics, epidemiology, archeology, and technological development."

-Publishers Weekly (starred review)

"[Jared Diamond] is broadly erudite, writes in a style that pleasantly expresses scientific concepts in vernacular American English, and deals almost exclusively in questions that should interest everyone concerned about how humanity has developed. . . . [He] has done us all a great favor by supplying a rock-solid alternative to the racist answer. ... A wonderfully interesting book." -Alfred W. Crosby, Los Angeles Times

"Fascinating and extremely important. . . . [A] synopsis doesn't do credit to the immense subtlety of this book."

-David Brown, Washington Post Book World

"Deserves the attention of anyone concerned with the history of mankind at its most fundamental level. It is an epochal work. Diamond has written

a summary of human history that can be accounted, for the time being, as Darwinian in its authority." -Thomas M. Disch, New Leader

"A wonderfully engrossing book. . . . Jared Diamond takes us on an e

xhilarating world tour of history that makes us rethink all our ideas about ourselves and other peoples and our places in the overall scheme of things." -Christopher Ehret, Professor of African History, UCLA

"Jared Diamond masterfully draws together recent discoveries in fields of inquiry as diverse as archaeology and epidemiology, as he illuminates how and why the human societies of different continents followed widely divergent pathways of development over the past 13,000 years."

-Bruce D. Smith, Director, Archaeobiology Program,

Smithsonian Institution

"The question, 'Why did human societies have such diverse fates?' has usually received racist answers. Mastering information from many different fields, Jared Diamond convincingly demonstrates that head starts and local conditions can explain much of the course of human history. His impressive account will appeal to a vast readership."

-Luca Cavalli-Sforza, Professor of Genetics, Stanford University

Guns, germs, and STEEL


Jared Diamond

W. W. Norton & Company New York London

To Esa, Kariniga, Omwai, Paran, Sauakari, Wiwor,

and all my other New Guinea friends and teachers-masters of a difficult environment

Copyright © 1999, 1997 by Jared Diamond

All rights reserved

Printed in the United States of America

First published as a Norton paperback 1999

For information about permission to reproduce selections from this book, write to Permissions, W. W. Norton & Company, Inc., 500 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10110.

The text of this book is composed in Sabon with the display set in Trajan Bold

Composition and manufacturing by the Maple-Vail Book Manufacturing Group

Book design by Chris Welch

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Diamond, Jared M.

Guns, germs, and steel : the fates of human societies /Jared Diamond.

p. cm.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

ISBN 0-393-31755-2

1. Social evolution. 2. Civilization-History. 3. Ethnology. 4. Human beings-Effect of environment on. 5. Culture diffusion. I. Title.

HM206.D48 1997

303.4-dc21 96-37068 CIP

W. W. Norton & Company, Inc., 500 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10110

W. W. Norton & Company Ltd., Castle House, 75/76 Wells Street, London W1T 3QT

62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70

Электронное оглавление

Электронное оглавление. 5

Contents. 7


Why is World History Like an Onion?. 8

PROLOGUE. Yali's Question. 9


CHAPTER 1. Up to the Starting Line. 17

Figure 1.1. The spread of humans around the world. 18

CHAPTER 2. A Natural Experiment of History. 24

Figure 2.1. Polynesian islands. (Parentheses denote some non-Polynesian lands.) 25

CHAPTER 3. Collision at Cajamarca. 29


CHAPTER 4. Farmer Power 36

Factors Underlying the Broadest Pattern of History. 37

CHAPTER 5. History's Haves and Have-nots. 39

Plate 1. A woman and child from New Guinea's north coastal lowlands (Siar Island). 41

Plate 2. Paran, a New Guinea bigblander of the Fore people. 42

Plate 3. Esa, a New Guinea highlander of the Fore people. 43

Plate 4. Kariniga, a south New Guinea lowlander of the Tudawhe people. 44

Plate 5. Sauakari, a New Guinea lowlander from the north coast. 45

Plate 6. A New Guinea highlander. 46

Plate 7. An Aboriginal Australian man of the Pintupi people (central Australia). 47

Plate 8. Aboriginal Australians from Arnhem Land (northern Australia). 48

Plate 9. An Aboriginal Tasmanian woman, one of the last survivors of those born before European arrival. 49

Plate 10. A Tungus woman from Siberia. 50

Plate 11. A Japanese: Emperor Akihito celebrating his 59th birthday. 51

Plate 12. A Javanese woman harvesting rice. Plates 12 and 13 depict speakers of Austronesian languages. 52

Plate 13. A Polynesian woman from Rapa Island in the tropical Pacific, 7,000 miles east of Java. 53

Plate 14. A Chinese girl gathering bamboo shoots. 54

Plate 15. A Native North American: Spotted Horse Chief of the Pawnee tribe of the Great Plains. 55

Plate 16. Another Native North American: a Navajo woman of the southwestern United States. 56

Figure 5.1. Centers of origin of food production. 57

Table 5.1 Examples of Species Domesticated in Each Area. 58

CHAPTER 6. To Farm or Not to Farm.. 59

CHAPTER 7. How to Make an Almond. 63

Table 7.1. Examples of Early Major Crop Types around the Ancient World. 68

CHAPTER 8. Apples or Indians. 69

Figure 8.1. The Fertile Crescent, encompassing sites of food production before 7000 B.C. 71

Figure 8.2. The world's zones of Mediterranean climate. 73

Table 8.1 World Distribution of Large-Seeded Grass Species. 73

CHAPTER 9. Zebras, Unhappy Marriages, and the Anna Karenina Principle. 80

Table 9.1 The Ancient Fourteen Species of Big Herbivorous Domestic Mammals. 81

The Major Five. 81

Table 9.2. Mammalian Candidates for Domestication. 82

Table 9.3 Approximate Dates of First Attested Evidence for Domestication of Large Mammal Species. 84

CHAPTER 10. Spacious Skies and Tilted Axes. 87

Figure 10.1. Major axes of the continents. 87

The spread of Fertile Crescent crops across western Eurasia. 89


CHAPTER 11. Lethal Gift of Livestock. 94

Table ii.i Deadly Gifts from Our Animal Friends. 99

CHAPTER 12. Blueprints and Borrowed Letters. 101

Figure 12.1. The question marks next to China and Egypt 103

An example of Babylonian cuneiform writing, derived ultimately from Sumerian cuneiform. 104

A painting of the Rajasthani or Gujarati school, from the Indian subcontinent in the early 17th century. 105

The set of signs that Sequoyah devised to represent syllables of the Cherokee language. 109

A Korean text (the poem "Flowers on the Hills" by So-Wol Kim), illustrating the remarkable Han'gul writing system. 110

An example of Chinese writing: a handscroll by Wu Li, from a.d. 1679. 111

An example of Egyptian hieroglyphs: the funerary papyrus of Princess Entiu-ny. 111

CHAPTER 13. Necessity's Mother 113

One side of the two-sided Phaistos Disk. 113

Table 13.1 Human Populations of the Continents. 123

CHAPTER 14. From Egalitarianism to Kleptocracy. 123

Table 14.1 Types of Societies. 125

A horizontal arrow indicates that the attribute varies between less and more complex societies of that type. 125

Plate 17. An Oyana man from tropical northern South America. Plates 17-20 depict Native South Americans. 133

Plate 18. A Yanomamo girl from tropical northern South America. 135

Plate 19. A Fuegian man from the southern tip of South America. 136

Plate 20. A Quechua man from the Andean highlands of South America. 137

Plate 21. A man from western Europe (Spain). Plates 21-24 illustrate speakers of Indo-European languages, from the western half of Eurasia. 138

Plate 22. Another western European: former president Charles de Gaulle France. 138

Plate 23. Above: two Scandinavian women (Swedish actress Ingrid Bergman and her daughter). Below: an Armenian man, from western Asia. 139

Plate 24. Afghan soldiers, from central Asia. 140

Plate 25. A Khoisan woman from the Kalahari Desert of Botswana, southern Africa. 141

Plate 26. A Khoisan man from the Kalahari Desert of Botswana, southern Africa. 142

Plate 27. A pygmy girl from the Ituri forest of equatorial Africa. 143

Plate 28 A group of pygmies from the Ituri forest of equatorial Africa. 144

Plate 29. An East African speaker of a Nilo-Saharan language: a Nuer man from the Sudan. 145

Plate 30. An East African speaker of an Afro-Asiatic language: Ethiopia's Haile Gebreselassie, winning the men's 10,000-meter race at the 1996 Olympic Games, just ahead of Kenya's Paul Tergat. 146

Plate 31. An East African speaker of a non-Bantu Niger-Congo language: a Zande woman of the Sudan. 147

Plate 32. A speaker of a Bantu Niger-Congo language: President Nelson Mandela of South Africa. 148


CHAPTER 15. Yali's People. 151

Figure 15.1. Map of the region from Southeast Asia to Australia and New Guinea. 153

CHAPTER 16. How China Became Chinese. 162

Figure 16.1. The four language families of China and Southeast Asia. 163

Figure 16.2. Modern political borders in East and Southeast Asia, for use in interpreting the distributions of language families shown in Figure 16.1. 164

CHAPTER 17. Speedboat to Polynesia. 167

Figure 17.1. The Austronesian language family consists of four subfamilies, three of them confined to Taiwan and one (Malayo-Polynesian) widespread. 168

Figure 17.2. The paths of the Austronesian expansion, with approximate dates when each region was reached. 170

CHAPTER 18. Hemispheres Colliding. 175

Table 18.1 Historical Trajectories of Eurasia and the Americas. 178

Table 18.2 Language Expansions in the Old World. 181

Figure 18.1. The Norse expansion from Norway across the North Atlantic, with dates or approximate dates when each area was reached. 182

CHAPTER 19. How Africa Became Black. 183

Figure 19.1. See the text for caveats about describing distributions of African peoples in terms of these familiar but problematical groupings. 185

Figure 19.2. Language families of Africa. 186

Figure 19.3. The areas of origin of crops grown traditionally in Africa (that is, before the arrival of crops carried by colonizing Europeans), with examples of two crops from each area. 189

Figure 19.4. Approximate paths of the expansion that carried people speaking Bantu languages. 193


Comparison of the coastlines of China and of Europe, drawn to the same scale. 200

2003 Afterword: Guns, Germs, and Steel Today. 205

Acknowledgments. 211

Further Readings. 212

Prologue. 212

Chapter 1. 212

Chapter 2. 213

Chapter 3. 213

Chapters 4-10. 214

Chapter 11. 215

Chapter 12. 217

Chapter 13. 217

Chapter 14. 218

Chapter 15. 218

Chapters 16 and 17. 219

Chapter 18. 220

Chapter 19. 221

Epilogue. 221

2003 Afterword. 222

Credits. 224

BETWEEN PP. 96 AND 97. 224

BETWEEN PP. 288 AND 289. 224

Index. 225







Preface to the Paperback Edition 9

prologue Yalis Question

The regionally differing courses of history 13

part one From Eden to Cajamarca 33


What happened on all the continents before 11,000 B.C.? 35


How geography molded societies on Polynesian islands 53


Why the Inca emperor Atahuallpa did not capture King Charles I of Spain 67

part two The Rise and Spread of Food

Production 83

chapter 4 FARMER POWER

The roots of guns, germs, and steel 85



Geographic differences in the onset of food production 93


Causes of the spread of food production 104


The unconscious development of ancient crops 114


Why did peoples of some regions fail to domesticate plants? 131


Why were most big wild mammal species never domesticated? 157


Why did food production spread at different rates on different continents? 176

part three From Food to Guns, Germs, and Steel 193


The evolution of germs 195


The evolution of writing 215


The evolution of technology 239


The evolution of government and religion 265

part four Around the World in Five Chapters 293

chapter 15 YALI'S PEOPLE

The histories of Australia and New Guinea 295



The history of East Asia 322


The history of the Austronesian expansion 334


The histories of Eurasia and the Americas compared 354


The history of Africa 376

epilogue The Future of Human

History as a Science 403

2003 Afterword: Guns, Germs, and Steel

Today 26

Acknowledgments 441

Further Readings 442

credits 472

Index 475





Why is World History Like an Onion?

THIS BOOK ATTEMPTS TO PROVIDE A SHORT HISTORY OF everybody for the last 13,000 years. The question motivating the book is: Why did history unfold differently on different continents? In case this question immediately makes you shudder at the thought that you are about to read a racist treatise, you aren't: as you will see, the answers to the question don't involve human racial differences at all. The book's emphasis is on the search for ultimate explanations, and on pushing back the chain of historical causation as far as possible.

Most books that set out to recount world history concentrate on histories of literate Eurasian and North African societies. Native societies of other parts of the world-sub-Saharan Africa, the Americas, Island Southeast Asia, Australia, New Guinea, the Pacific Islands-receive only brief treatment, mainly as concerns what happened to them very late in their history, after they were discovered and subjugated by western Europeans. Even within Eurasia, much more space gets devoted to the history of western Eurasia than of China, India, Japan, tropical Southeast Asia, and other eastern Eurasian societies. History before the emergence of writing around 3,000 b.c. also receives brief treatment, although it constitutes 99.9% of the five-million-year history of the human species.

Such narrowly focused accounts of world history suffer from three disadvantages. First, increasing numbers of people today are, quite understandably, interested in other societies besides those of western Eurasia. After all, those "other" societies encompass most of the world's population and the vast majority of the world's ethnic, cultural, and linguistic


groups. Some of them already are, and others are becoming, among the world's most powerful economies and political forces.

Second, even for people specifically interested in the shaping of the modern world, a history limited to developments since the emergence of writing cannot provide deep understanding. It is not the case that societies on the different continents were comparable to each other until 3,000 B.C., whereupon western Eurasian societies suddenly developed writing and began for the first time to pull ahead in other respects as well. Instead, already by 3,000 B.C., there were Eurasian and North African societies not only with incipient writing but also with centralized state governments, cities, widespread use of metal tools and weapons, use of domesticated animals for transport and traction and mechanical power, and reliance on agriculture and domestic animals for food. Throughout most or all parts of other continents, none of those things existed at that time; some but not all of them emerged later in parts of the Native Americas and sub-Saharan Africa, but only over the course of the next five millennia; and none of them emerged in Aboriginal Australia. That should already warn us that the roots of western Eurasian dominance in the modern world lie in the preliterate past before 3,000 B.C. (By western Eurasian dominance, I mean the dominance of western Eurasian societies themselves and of the societies that they spawned on other continents.)

Third, a history focused on western Eurasian societies completely bypasses the obvious big question. Why were those societies the ones that became disproportionately powerful and innovative? The usual answers to that question invoke proximate forces, such as the rise of capitalism, mercantilism, scientific inquiry, technology, and nasty germs that killed peoples of other continents when they came into contact with western Eurasians. But why did all those ingredients of conquest arise in western Eurasia, and arise elsewhere only to a lesser degree or not at all?

All those ingredients are just proximate factors, not ultimate explanations. Why didn't capitalism flourish in Native Mexico, mercantilism in sub-Saharan Africa, scientific inquiry in China, advanced technology in Native North America, and nasty germs in Aboriginal Australia? If one responds by invoking idiosyncratic cultural factors-e.g., scientific inquiry supposedly stifled in China by Confucianism but stimulated in western Eurasia by Greek or Judaeo-Christian traditions-then one is continuing to ignore the need for ultimate explanations: why didn't traditions like Confucianism and the Judaeo-Christian ethic instead develop in western


Eurasia and China, respectively? In addition, one is ignoring the fact that Confucian China was technologically more advanced than western Eurasia until about A.D. 1400.

It is impossible to understand even just western Eurasian societies themselves, if one focuses on them. The interesting questions concern the distinctions between them and other societies. Answering those questions requires us to understand all those other societies as well, so that western Eurasian societies can be fitted into the broader context.

Some readers may feel that I am going to the opposite extreme from conventional histories, by devoting too little space to western Eurasia at the expense of other parts of the world. I would answer that some other parts of the world are very instructive, because they encompass so many societies and such diverse societies within a small geographical area. Other readers may find themselves agreeing with one reviewer of this book. With mildly critical tongue in cheek, the reviewer wrote that I seem to view world history as an onion, of which the modern world constitutes only the surface, and whose layers are to be peeled back in the search for historical understanding. Yes, world history is indeed such an onion! But that peeling back of the onion's layers is fascinating, challenging-and of overwhelming importance to us today, as we seek to grasp our past's lessons for our future.



PROLOGUE. Yali's Question

WE ALL KNOW THAT HISTORY HAS PROCEEDED VERY DIFFERENTLY for peoples from different parts of the globe. In the 13,000 years since the end of the last Ice Age, some parts of the world developed literate industrial societies with metal tools, other parts developed only nonliterate farming societies, and still others retained societies of hunter-gatherers with stone tools. Those historical inequalities have cast long shadows on the modern world, because the literate societies with metal tools have conquered or exterminated the other societies. While those differences constitute the most basic fact of world history, the reasons for them remain uncertain and controversial. This puzzling question of their origins was posed to me 25 years ago in a simple, personal form.

In July 1972 I was walking along a beach on the tropical island of New Guinea, where as a biologist I study bird evolution. I had already heard about a remarkable local politician named Yali, who was touring the district then. By chance, Yali and I were walking in the same direction on that day, and he overtook me. We walked together for an hour, talking during the whole time.

Yali radiated charisma and energy. His eyes flashed in a mesmerizing way. He talked confidently about himself, but he also asked lots of probing questions and listened intently. Our conversation began with a subject then



of the answer to Yali's question. Recognition of those factors emphasizes the unexplained residue, whose understanding will be a task for the future.

The Epilogue, entitled "The Future of Human History as a Science," lays out some pieces of the residue, including the problem of the differences between different parts of Eurasia, the role of cultural factors unrelated to environment, and the role of individuals. Perhaps the biggest of these unsolved problems is to establish human history as a historical science, on a par with recognized historical sciences such as evolutionary biology, geology, and climatology. The study of human history does pose real difficulties, but those recognized historical sciences encounter some of the same challenges. Hence the methods developed in some of these other fields may also prove useful in the field of human history.

Already, though, I hope to have convinced you, the reader, that history is not "just one damn fact after another," as a cynic put it. There really are broad patterns to history, and the search for their explanation is as productive as it is fascinating.




CHAPTER 1. Up to the Starting Line

A SUITABLE STARTING POINT FROM WHICH TO COMPARE historical developments on the different continents is around 11,000 B.C.* This date corresponds approximately to the beginnings of village life in a few parts of the world, the first undisputed peopling of the Americas, the end of the Pleistocene Era and last Ice Age, and the start of what geologists term the Recent Era. Plant and animal domestication began in at least one part of the world within a few thousand years of that date. As of then, did the people of some continents already have a head start or a clear advantage over peoples of other continents?

If so, perhaps that head start, amplified over the last 13,000 years, pro-

*Throughout this book, dates for about the last 15,000 years will be quoted as so-called calibrated radiocarbon dates, rather than as conventional, uncalibrated radiocarbon dates. The difference between the two types of dates will be explained in Chapter 5. Calibrated dates are the ones believed to correspond more closely to actual calendar dates. Readers accustomed to uncalibrated dates will need to bear this distinction in mind whenever they find me quoting apparently erroneous dates that are older than the ones with which they are familiar. For example, the date of the Clovis archaeological horizon in North America is usually quoted as around 9000 B.C. (11,000 years ago), but I quote it instead as around 11,000 B.C. (13,000 years ago), because the date usually quoted is uncalibrated.



Figure 1.1. The spread of humans around the world.

Europe stems from around half a million years ago, but there are claims of an earlier presence. One would certainly assume that the colonization of Asia also permitted the simultaneous colonization of Europe, since Eurasia is a single landmass not bisected by major barriers.

That illustrates an issue that will recur throughout this book. Whenever some scientist claims to have discovered "the earliest X"-whether X is the earliest human fossil in Europe, the earliest evidence of domesticated corn in Mexico, or the earliest anything anywhere-that announcement challenges other scientists to beat the claim by finding something still earlier. In reality, there must be some truly "earliest X," with all claims of earlier X's being false. However, as we shall see, for virtually any X, every year brings forth new discoveries and claims of a purported still earlier X, along with refutations of some or all of previous years' claims of earlier X. It often takes decades of searching before archaeologists reach a consensus on such questions.

By about half a million years ago, human fossils had diverged from older Homo erectus skeletons in their enlarged, rounder, and less angular skulls. African and European skulls of half a million years ago were sufficiently similar to skulls of us moderns that they are classified in our species, Homo sapiens, instead of in Homo erectus. This distinction is



Figure 2.1. Polynesian islands. (Parentheses denote some non-Polynesian lands.)

tion, the Chathams are relatively small and remote islands, capable of supporting a total population of only about 2,000 hunter-gatherers. With no other accessible islands to colonize, the Moriori had to remain in the Chat-hams, and to learn how to get along with each other. They did so by renouncing war, and they reduced potential conflicts from overpopulation by castrating some male infants. The result was a small, unwarlike population with simple technology and weapons, and without strong leadership or organization.

In contrast, the northern (warmer) part of New Zealand, by far the largest island group in Polynesia, was suitable for Polynesian agriculture. Those Maori who remained in New Zealand increased in numbers until there were more than 100,000 of them. They developed locally dense populations chronically engaged in ferocious wars with neighboring populations. With the crop surpluses that they could grow and store, they fed craft specialists, chiefs, and part-time soldiers. They needed and developed varied tools for growing their crops, fighting, and making art. They erected elaborate ceremonial buildings and prodigious numbers of forts.



CHAPTER 3. Collision at Cajamarca

THE BIGGEST POPULATION SHIFT OF MODERN TIMES HAS been the colonization of the New World by Europeans, and the resulting conquest, numerical reduction, or complete disappearance of most groups of Native Americans (American Indians). As I explained in Chapter 1, the New World was initially colonized around or before 11,000 B.C. by way of Alaska, the Bering Strait, and Siberia. Complex agricultural societies gradually arose in the Americas far to the south of that entry route, developing in complete isolation from the emerging complex societies of the Old World. After that initial colonization from Asia, the sole well-attested further contacts between the New World and Asia involved only hunter-gatherers living on opposite sides of the Bering Strait, plus an inferred transpacific voyage that introduced the sweet potato from South America to Polynesia.

As for contacts of New World peoples with Europe, the sole early ones involved the Norse who occupied Greenland in very small numbers between a.d. 986 and about 1500. But those Norse visits had no discernible impact on Native American societies. Instead, for practical purposes the collision of advanced Old World and New World societies began abruptly in a.d. 1492, with Christopher Columbus's "discovery" of Caribbean islands densely populated by Native Americans.

The most dramatic moment in subsequent European-Native American


relations was the first encounter between the Inca emperor Atahuallpa and the Spanish conquistador Francisco Pizarro at the Peruvian highland town of Cajamarca on November 16, 1532. Atahuallpa was absolute monarch of the largest and most advanced state in the New World, while Pizarro represented the Holy Roman Emperor Charles V (also known as King Charles I of Spain), monarch of the most powerful state in Europe. Pizarro, leading a ragtag group of 168 Spanish soldiers, was in unfamiliar terrain, ignorant of the local inhabitants, completely out of touch with the nearest Spaniards (1,000 miles to the north in Panama) and far beyond the reach of timely reinforcements. Atahuallpa was in the middle of his own empire of millions of subjects and immediately surrounded by his army of 80,000 soldiers, recently victorious in a war with other Indians. Nevertheless, Pizarro captured Atahuallpa within a few minutes after the two leaders first set eyes on each other. Pizarro proceeded to hold his prisoner for eight months, while extracting history's largest ransom in return for a promise to free him. After the ransom-enough gold to fill a room 22 feet long by 17 feet wide to a height of over 8 feet-was delivered, Pizarro reneged on his promise and executed Atahuallpa.

Atahuallpa's capture was decisive for the European conquest of the Inca Empire. Although the Spaniards' superior weapons would have assured an ultimate Spanish victory in any case, the capture made the conquest quicker and infinitely easier. Atahuallpa was revered by the Incas as a sun-god and exercised absolute authority over his subjects, who obeyed even the orders he issued from captivity. The months until his death gave Pizarro time to dispatch exploring parties unmolested to other parts of the Inca Empire, and to send for reinforcements from Panama. When fighting between Spaniards and Incas finally did commence after Atahuallpa's execution, the Spanish forces were more formidable.

Thus, Atahuallpa's capture interests us specifically as marking the decisive moment in the greatest collision of modern history. But it is also of more general interest, because the factors that resulted in Pizarro's seizing Atahuallpa were essentially the same ones that determined the outcome of many similar collisions between colonizers and native peoples elsewhere in the modern world. Hence Atahuallpa's capture offers us a broad window onto world history.


What unfolded that day at Cajamarca is well known, because it was recorded in writing by many of the Spanish participants. To get a



nents. Long before anyone began manufacturing guns and steel, others of those same factors had led to the expansions of some non-European peoples, as we shall see in later chapters.

But we are still left with the fundamental question why all those immediate advantages came to lie more with Europe than with the New World. Why weren't the Incas the ones to invent guns and steel swords, to be mounted on animals as fearsome as horses, to bear diseases to which European lacked resistance, to develop oceangoing ships and advanced political organization, and to be able to draw on the experience of thousands of years of written history? Those are no longer the questions of proximate causation that this chapter has been discussing, but questions of ultimate causation that will take up the next two parts of this book.


CHAPTER 4. Farmer Power

AS A TEENAGER, I SPENT THE SUMMER OF 1956 IN MON. tana, working for an elderly farmer named Fred Hirschy. Born in Switzerland, Fred had come to southwestern Montana as a teenager in the 1890s and proceeded to develop one of the first farms in the area. At the time of his arrival, much of the original Native American population of hunter-gatherers was still living there.

My fellow farmhands were, for the most part, tough whites whose normal speech featured strings of curses, and who spent their weekdays working so that they could devote their weekends to squandering their week's wages in the local saloon. Among the farmhands, though, was a member of the Blackfoot Indian tribe named Levi, who behaved very differently from the coarse miners-being polite, gentle, responsible, sober, and well spoken. He was the first Indian with whom I had spent much time, and I came to admire him.

It was therefore a shocking disappointment to me when, one Sunday morning, Levi too staggered in drunk and cursing after a Saturday-night binge. Among his curses, one has stood out in my memory: "Damn you, Fred Hirschy, and damn the ship that brought you from Switzerland!" It poignantly brought home to me the Indians' perspective on what I, like other white schoolchildren, had been taught to view as the heroic conquest



Factors Underlying the Broadest Pattern of History

helped feed dense societies in which epidemics could maintain themselves, and partly because the diseases evolved from germs of the domestic animals themselves.



Of equal importance in wars of conquest were the germs that evolved in human societies with domestic animals. Infectious diseases like smallpox, measles, and flu arose as specialized germs of humans, derived by mutations of very similar ancestral germs that had infected animals (Chapter 11). The humans who domesticated animals were the first to fall victim to the newly evolved germs, but those humans then evolved substantial resistance to the new diseases. When such partly immune people came into contact with others who had had no previous exposure to the germs, epidemics resulted in which up to 99 percent of the previously unexposed population was killed. Germs thus acquired ultimately from domestic animals played decisive roles in the European conquests of Native Americans, Australians, South Africans, and Pacific islanders.

In short, plant and animal domestication meant much more food and hence much denser human populations. The resulting food surpluses, and (in some areas) the animal-based means of transporting those surpluses, were a prerequisite for the development of settled, politically centralized, socially stratified, economically complex, technologically innovative societies. Hence the availability of domestic plants and animals ultimately explains why empires, literacy, and steel weapons developed earliest in Eurasia and later, or not at all, on other continents. The military uses of horses and camels, and the killing power of animal-derived germs, complete the list of major links between food production and conquest that we shall be exploring.


CHAPTER 5. History's Haves and Have-nots

MUCH OF HUMAN HISTORY HAS CONSISTED OF UNEQUAL conflicts between the haves and the have-nots: between peoples with farmer power and those without it, or between those who acquired it at different times. It should come as no surprise that food production never arose in large areas of the globe, for ecological reasons that still make it difficult or impossible there today. For instance, neither farming nor herding developed in prehistoric times in North America's Arctic, while the sole element of food production to arise in Eurasia's Arctic was reindeer herding. Nor could food production spring up spontaneously in deserts remote from sources of water for irrigation, such as central Australia and parts of the western United States.

Instead, what cries out for explanation is the failure of food production to appear, until modern times, in some ecologically very suitable areas that are among the world's richest centers of agriculture and herding today. Foremost among these puzzling areas, where indigenous peoples were still hunter-gatherers when European colonists arrived, were California and the other Pacific states of the United States, the Argentine pampas, southwestern and southeastern Australia, and much of the Cape region of South Africa. Had we surveyed the world in 4000 B.C., thousands of years after the rise of food production in its oldest sites of origin, we would have been


historvs haves and have-nots 99

Figure 5.1. Centers of origin of food production.

A question mark indicates some uncertainty whether the rise of food production at that center was really uninfluenced by the spread of food production from other centers, or (in the case of New Guinea) what the earliest crops were.

nous wild plants in Ethiopia. As for New Guinea, archaeological studies there have provided evidence of early agriculture well before food production in any adjacent areas, but the crops grown have not been definitely identified.

Table 5.1 summarizes, for these and other areas of local domestication, some of the best-known crops and animals and the earliest known dates of domestication. Among these nine candidate areas for the independent evolution of food production, Southwest Asia has the earliest definite dates for both plant domestication (around 8500 B.C.) and animal domestication (around 8000 B.C.); it also has by far the largest number of accurate radiocarbon dates for early food production. Dates for China are nearly as early, while dates for the eastern United States are clearly about 6,000 years later. For the other six candidate areas, the earliest well-established dates do not rival those for Southwest Asia, but too few early sites have been securely dated in those six other areas for us to be certain that they really lagged behind Southwest Asia and (if so) by how much.

The next group of areas consists of ones that did domesticate at least a


CHAPTER 6. To Farm or Not to Farm

FORMERLY, ALL PEOPLE ON EARTH WERE HUNTER-gatherers. Why did any of them adopt food production at all? Given that they must have had some reason, why did they do so around 8500 B.C. in Mediterranean habitats of the Fertile Crescent, only 3,000 years later in the climatically and structurally similar Mediterranean habitats of southwestern Europe, and never indigenously in the similar Mediterranean habitats of California, southwestern Australia, and the Cape of South Africa? Why did even people of the Fertile Crescent wait until 8500 B.C., instead of becoming food producers already around 18,500 or 28,500 B.C.?

From our modern perspective, all these questions at first seem silly, because the drawbacks of being a hunter-gatherer appear so obvious. Scientists used to quote a phrase of Thomas Hobbes's in order to characterize the lifestyle of hunter-gatherers as "nasty, brutish, and short." They seemed to have to work hard, to be driven by the daily quest for food, often to be close to starvation, to lack such elementary material comforts as soft beds and adequate clothing, and to die young.

In reality, only for today's affluent First World citizens, who don't actually do the work of raising food themselves, does food production (by remote agribusinesses) mean less physical work, more comfort, freedom from starvation, and a longer expected lifetime. Most peasant farmers and




standing examples are the persistence of Native American hunter-gatherers in California, separated by deserts from the Native American farmers of Arizona; that of Khoisan hunter-gatherers at the Cape of South Africa, in a Mediterranean climate zone unsuitable for the equatorial crops of nearby Bantu farmers; and that of hunter-gatherers throughout the Australian continent, separated by narrow seas from the food producers of Indonesia and New Guinea. Those few peoples who remained hunter-gatherers into the 20th century escaped replacement by food producers because they were confined to areas not fit for food production, especially deserts and Arctic regions. Within the present decade, even they will have been seduced by the attractions of civilization, settled down under pressure from bureaucrats or missionaries, or succumbed to germs.

CHAPTER 7. How to Make an Almond

If you're a hiker whose appetite is jaded by farm-grown foods, it's fun to try eating wild foods. You know that some wild plants, such as wild strawberries and blueberries, are both tasty and safe to eat. They're sufficiently similar to familiar crops that you can easily recognize the wild berries, even though they're much smaller than those we grow. Adventurous hikers cautiously eat mushrooms, aware that many species can kill us. But not even ardent nut lovers eat wild almonds, of which a few dozen contain enough cyanide (the poison used in Nazi gas chambers) to kill us. The forest is full of many other plants deemed inedible.

Yet all crops arose from wild plant species. How did certain wild plants get turned into crops? That question is especially puzzling in regard to the many crops (like almonds) whose wild progenitors are lethal or bad-tasting, and to other crops (like corn) that look drastically different from their wild ancestors. What cavewoman or caveman ever got the idea of "domesticating" a plant, and how was it accomplished?

Plant domestication may be defined as growing a plant and thereby, consciously or unconsciously, causing it to change genetically from its wild ancestor in ways making it more useful to human consumers. Crop devel-


opment is today a conscious, highly specialized effort carried out by professional scientists. They already know about the hundreds of existing crops and set out to develop yet another one. To achieve that goal, they plant many different seeds or roots, select the best progeny and plant their seeds, apply knowledge of genetics to develop good varieties that breed true, and perhaps even use the latest techniques of genetic engineering to transfer specific useful genes. At the Davis campus of the University of California, an entire department (the Department of Pomology) is devoted to apples and another (the Department of Viticulture and Enology) to grapes and wine.

But plant domestication goes back over 10,000 years. Early farmers surely didn't use molecular genetic techniques to arrive at their results. The first farmers didn't even have any existing crop as a model to inspire them to develop new ones. Hence they couldn't have known that, whatever they were doing, they would enjoy a tasty treat as a result.

How, then, did early farmers domesticate plants unwittingly? For example, how did they turn poisonous almonds into safe ones without knowing what they were doing? What changes did they actually make in wild plants, besides rendering some of them bigger or less poisonous? Even for valuable crops, the times of domestication vary greatly: for instance, peas were domesticated by 8000 B.C., olives around 4000 B.C., strawberries not until the Middle Ages, and pecans not until 1846. Many valuable wild plants yielding food prized by millions of people, such as oaks sought for their edible acorns in many parts of the world, remain untamed even today. What made some plants so much easier or more inviting to domesticate than others? Why did olive trees yield to Stone Age farmers, whereas oak trees continue to defeat our brightest agronomists?


Let's begin by looking at domestication from the plant's point of view. As far as plants are concerned, we're just one of thousands of animal species that unconsciously "domesticate" plants.

Like all animal species (including humans), plants must spread their offspring to areas where they can thrive and pass on their parents' genes. Young animals disperse by walking or flying, but plants don't have that option, so they must somehow hitchhike. While some plant species have seeds adapted for being carried by the wind or for floating on water, many



Table 7.1. Examples of Early Major Crop Types around the Ancient World


Crop Type


Cereals, Other Grasses


Fertile Crescent

emmer wheat, einkorn wheat, barley

pea, lentil, chickpea


foxtail millet, broom-corn millet, rice

soybean, adzuki bean, mung bean



common bean, tepary bean, scarlet runner bean

Andes, Amazonia

quinoa, [corn]

lima bean, common bean, peanut

West Africa and Sahel

sorghum, pearl millet, African rice

cowpea, groundnut


[wheat, barley, rice, sorghum, millets]

hyacinth bean, black gram, green gram


teff, finger millet, [wheat, barley]

[pea, lentil]

Eastern United States

maygrass, little barley, knotweed, goosefoot


New Guinea

sugar cane


Mesoamerica, India, Ethiopia, sub-Saharan Africa, and South America, supplemented in several of those areas by wool from domestic animals. Of the centers of early food production, only the eastern United States and New Guinea remained without a fiber crop.

Alongside these parallels, there were also some major differences in food production systems around the world. One is that agriculture in much of the Old World came to involve broadcast seeding and monoculture fields, and eventually plowing. That is, seeds were sown by being



protective nets and greenhouses were we finally able to defeat the thrushes, and to redesign strawberries and raspberries according to our own standards.


We've thus seen that the difference between gigantic supermarket strawberries and tiny wild ones is just one example of the various features distinguishing cultivated plants from their wild ancestors. Those differences arose initially from natural variation among the wild plants themselves. Some of it, such as the variation in berry size or in nut bitterness, would have been readily noticed by ancient farmers. Other variation, such as that in seed dispersal mechanisms or seed dormancy, would have gone unrecognized by humans before the rise of modern botany. But whether or not the selection of wild edible plants by ancient hikers relied on conscious or unconscious criteria, the resulting evolution of wild plants into crops was at first an unconscious process. It followed inevitably from our selecting among wild plant individuals, and from competition among plant individuals in gardens favoring individuals different from those favored in the wild.

That's why Darwin, in his great book On the Origin of Species, didn't start with an account of natural selection. His first chapter is instead a lengthy account of how our domesticated plants and animals arose through artificial selection by humans. Rather than discussing the Galapagos Island birds that we usually associate with him, Darwin began by discussing-how farmers develop varieties of gooseberries! He wrote, "I have seen great surprise expressed in horticultural works at the wonderful skill of gardeners, in having produced such splendid results from such poor materials; but the art has been simple, and as far as the final result is concerned, has been followed almost unconsciously. It has consisted in always cultivating the best-known variety, sowing its seeds, and, when a slightly better variety chanced to appear, selecting it, and so onwards." Those principles of crop development by artificial selection still serve as our most understandable model of the origin of species by natural selection.

CHAPTER 8. Apples or Indians

WE HAVE JUST SEEN HOW PEOPLES OF SOME REGIONS began to cultivate wild plant species, a step with momentous unforeseen consequences for their lifestyle and their descendants' place in history. Let us now return to our questions: Why did agriculture never arise independently in some fertile and highly suitable areas, such as California, Europe, temperate Australia, and subequatorial Africa? Why, among the areas where agriculture did arise independently, did it develop much earlier in some than in others?

Two contrasting explanations suggest themselves: problems with the local people, or problems with the locally available wild plants. On the one hand, perhaps almost any well-watered temperate or tropical area of the globe offers enough species of wild plants suitable for domestication. In that case, the explanation for agriculture's failure to develop in some of those areas would lie with cultural characteristics of their peoples. On the other hand, perhaps at least some humans in any large area of the globe would have been receptive to the experimentation that led to domestication. Only the lack of suitable wild plants might then explain why food production did not evolve in some areas.

As we shall see in the next chapter, the corresponding problem for domestication of big wild mammals proves easier to solve, because there



most difficult fruit trees to cultivate and among the last major ones to be domesticated in Eurasia, because their propagation requires the difficult technique of grafting. There is no evidence for large-scale cultivation of apples even in the Fertile Crescent and in Europe until classical Greek times, 8,000 years after the rise of Eurasian food production began. If Native Americans had proceeded at the same rate in inventing or acquiring grafting techniques, they too would eventually have domesticated apples- around the year a.d. 5500, some 8,000 years after the rise of domestication in North America around 2500 b.c.

Thus, the reason for the failure of Native Americans to domesticate North American apples by the time Europeans arrived lay neither with the people nor with the apples. As far as biological prerequisites for apple domestication were concerned, North American Indian farmers were like Eurasian farmers, and North American wild apples were like Eurasian wild apples. Indeed, some of the supermarket apple varieties now being munched by readers of this chapter have been developed recently by crossing Eurasian apples with wild North American apples. Instead, the reason Native Americans did not domesticate apples lay with the entire suite of wild plant and animal species available to Native Americans. That suite's modest potential for domestication was responsible for the late start of food production in North America.

CHAPTER 9. Zebras, Unhappy Marriages, and the Anna Karenina Principle

DOMESTICABLE ANIMALS ARE ALL ALIKE; EVERY UNDOmesticable animal is undomesticable in its own way.

If you think you've already read something like that before, you're right. Just make a few changes, and you have the famous first sentence of Tolstoy's great novel Anna Karenina: "Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way." By that sentence, Tolstoy meant that, in order to be happy, a marriage must succeed in many different respects: sexual attraction, agreement about money, child discipline, religion, in-laws, and other vital issues. Failure in any one of those essential respects can doom a marriage even if it has all the other ingredients needed for happiness.

This principle can be extended to understanding much else about life besides marriage. We tend to seek easy, single-factor explanations of success. For most important things, though, success actually requires avoiding many separate possible causes of failure. The Anna Karenina principle explains a feature of animal domestication that had heavy consequences for human history-namely, that so many seemingly suitable big wild mammal species, such as zebras and peccaries, have never been domesticated and that the successful domesticates were almost exclusively Eurasian. Having in the preceding two chapters discussed why so many wild



Table 9.1 The Ancient Fourteen Species of Big Herbivorous Domestic Mammals

The Major Five

1. Sheep. Wild ancestor: the Asiatic mouflon sheep of West and Central Asia. Now worldwide.

2. Goat. Wild ancestor: the bezoar goat of West Asia. Now worldwide.

3. Cow, alias ox or cattle. Wild ancestor: the now extinct aurochs, formerly distributed over Eurasia and North Africa. Now worldwide.

4. Pig. Wild ancestor: the wild boar, distributed over Eurasia and North Africa. Now worldwide. Actually an omnivore (regularly eats both animal and plant food), whereas the other 13 of the Ancient Fourteen are more strictly herbivores.

5. Horse. Wild ancestor: now extinct wild horses of southern Russia; a different subspecies of the same species survived in the wild to modern times as Przewalski's horse of Mongolia. Now worldwide.

The Minor Nine

6. Arabian (one-humped) camel. Wild ancestor: now extinct, formerly lived in Arabia and adjacent areas. Still largely restricted to Arabia and northern Africa, though feral in Australia.

7. Bactrian (two-humped) camel: Wild ancestor: now extinct, lived in Central Asia. Still largely confined to Central Asia.

8. Llama and alpaca. These appear to be well-differentiated breeds of the same species, rather than different species. Wild ancestor: the guanaco of the Andes. Still largely confined to the Andes, although some are bred as pack animals in North America.

9. Donkey. Wild ancestor: the African wild ass of North Africa and formerly perhaps the adjacent area of Southwest Asia. Originally confined as a domestic animal to North Africa and western Eurasia, more recently also used elsewhere.

10. Reindeer. Wild ancestor: the reindeer of northern Eurasia. Still largely confined as a domestic animal to that area, though now some are also used in Alaska.

11. Water buffalo. Wild ancestor lives in Southeast Asia. Still used as a domestic animal mainly in that area, though many are also used in Brazil and others have escaped to the wild in Australia and other places.



Table 9.3 Approximate Dates of First Attested Evidence for Domestication of Large Mammal Species


Date (b.c.)




Southwest Asia, China, North America



Southwest Asia



Southwest Asia



China, Southwest Asia



Southwest Asia, India, (?)North Africa







Water buffalo



Llama / alpaca



Bactrian camel


Central Asia

Arabian camel



For the other four domesticated large mammal species-reindeer, yak, gaur, and banteng-there is as yet little evidence concerning the date of domestication. Dates and places shown are merely the earliest ones attested to date; domestication may actually have begun earlier and at a different location.

of ancient humans. Europeans today are heirs to one of the longest traditions of animal domestication on Earth-that which began in Southwest Asia around 10,000 years ago. Since the fifteenth century, Europeans have spread around the globe and encountered wild mammal species not found in Europe. European settlers, such as those that I encounter in New Guinea with pet kangaroos and possums, have tamed or made pets of many local mammals, just as have indigenous peoples. European herders and farmers emigrating to other continents have also made serious efforts to domesticate some local species.

In the 19th and 20th centuries at least six large mammals-the eland, elk, moose, musk ox, zebra, and American bison-have been the subjects of especially well-organized projects aimed at domestication, carried out by modern scientific animal breeders and geneticists. For example, eland, the largest African antelope, have been undergoing selection for meat quality and milk quantity in the Askaniya-Nova Zoological Park in the


Ukraine, as well as in England, Kenya, Zimbabwe, and South Africa; an experimental farm for elk (red deer, in British terminology) has been operated by the Rowett Research Institute at Aberdeen, Scotland; and an experimental farm for moose has operated in the Pechero-Ilych National Park in Russia. Yet these modern efforts have achieved only very limited successes. While bison meat occasionally appears in some U.S. supermarkets, and while moose have been ridden, milked, and used to pull sleds in Sweden and Russia, none of these efforts has yielded a result of sufficient economic value to attract many ranchers. It is especially striking that recent attempts to domesticate eland within Africa itself, where its disease resistance and climate tolerance would give it a big advantage over introduced Eurasian wild stock susceptible to African diseases, have not caught on.

Thus, neither indigenous herders with access to candidate species over thousands of years, nor modern geneticists, have succeeded in making useful domesticates of large mammals beyond the Ancient Fourteen, which were domesticated by at least 4,500 years ago. Yet scientists today could undoubtedly, if they wished, fulfill for many species that part of the definition of domestication that specifies the control of breeding and food supply. For example, the San Diego and Los Angeles zoos are now subjecting the last surviving California condors to a more draconian control of breeding than that imposed upon any domesticated species. All individual condors have been genetically identified, and a computer program determines which male shall mate with which female in order to achieve human goals (in this case, to maximize genetic diversity and thereby preserve this endangered bird). Zoos are conducting similar breeding programs for many other threatened species, including gorillas and rhinos. But the zoos' rigorous selection of California condors shows no prospects of yielding an economically useful product. Nor do zoos' efforts with rhinos, although rhinos offer up to over three tons of meat on the hoof. As we shall now see, rhinos (and most other big mammals) present insuperable obstacles to domestication.


In all, of the world's 148 big wild terrestrial herbivorous mammals- the candidates for domestication-only 14 passed the test. Why did the other 134 species fail? To which conditions was Francis Galton referring, when he spoke of those other species as "destined to perpetual wildness"?



diversity, started out with the most candidates. Second, Australia and the Americas, but not Eurasia or Africa, lost most of their candidates in a massive wave of late-Pleistocene extinctions-possibly because the mammals of the former continents had the misfortune to be first exposed to humans suddenly and late in our evolutionary history, when our hunting skills were already highly developed. Finally, a higher percentage of the surviving candidates proved suitable for domestication on Eurasia than on the other continents. An examination of the candidates that were never domesticated, such as Africa's big herd-forming mammals, reveals particular reasons that disqualified each of them. Thus, Tolstoy would have approved of the insight offered in another context by an earlier author, Saint Matthew: "Many are called, but few are chosen."


CHAPTER 10. Spacious Skies and Tilted Axes

ON THE MAP OF THE WORLD ON PAGE 177 (FIGURE 10.1), compare the shapes and orientations of the continents. You'll be struck by an obvious difference. The Americas span a much greater distance north-south (9,000 miles) than east-west: only 3,000 miles at the widest, narrowing to a mere 40 miles at the Isthmus of Panama. That is, the major axis of the Americas is north-south. The same is also true, though to a less extreme degree, for Africa. In contrast, the major axis of Eurasia is east-west. What effect, if any, did those differences in the orientation of the continents' axes have on human history?

This chapter will be about what I see as their enormous, sometimes tragic, consequences. Axis orientations affected the rate of spread of crops and livestock, and possibly also of writing, wheels, and other inventions. That basic feature of geography thereby contributed heavily to the very different experiences of Native Americans, Africans, and Eurasians in the last 500 years.


Food production's spread proves as crucial to understanding geographic differences in the rise of guns, germs, and steel as did its origins, which we considered in the preceding chapters. That's because, as we


Figure 10.1. Major axes of the continents.

saw in Chapter 5, there were no more than nine areas of the globe, perhaps as few as five, where food production arose independently. Yet, already in prehistoric times, food production became established in many other regions besides those few areas of origins. All those other areas became food producing as a result of the spread of crops, livestock, and knowledge of how to grow them and, in some cases, as a result of migrations of farmers and herders themselves.

The main such spreads of food production were from Southwest Asia to Europe, Egypt and North Africa, Ethiopia, Central Asia, and the Indus Valley; from the Sahel and West Africa to East and South Africa; from China to tropical Southeast Asia, the Philippines, Indonesia, Korea, and Japan; and from Mesoamerica to North America. Moreover, food production even in its areas of origin became enriched by the addition of crops, livestock, and techniques from other areas of origin.

Just as some regions proved much more suitable than others for the origins of food production, the ease of its spread also varied greatly around the world. Some areas that are ecologically very suitable for food production never acquired it in prehistoric times at all, even though areas of prehistoric food production existed nearby. The most conspicuous such examples are the failure of both farming and herding to reach Native



or from Egypt to South Africa, while amber waves of wheat and barley came to stretch from the Atlantic to the Pacific across the spacious skies of Eurasia. That faster spread of Eurasian agriculture, compared with that of Native American and sub-Saharan African agriculture, played a role (as the next part of this book will show) in the more rapid diffusion of Eurasian writing, metallurgy, technology, and empires.

To bring up all those differences isn't to claim that widely distributed crops are admirable, or that they testify to the superior ingenuity of early Eurasian farmers. They reflect, instead, the orientation of Eurasia's axis compared with that of the Americas or Africa. Around those axes turned the fortunes of history.


CHAPTER 11. Lethal Gift of Livestock

WE HAVE NOW TRACED HOW FOOD PRODUCTION AROSE in a few centers, and how it spread at unequal rates from there to other areas. Those geographic differences constitute important ultimate answers to Yali's question about why different peoples ended up with disparate degrees of power and affluence. However, food production itself is not a proximate cause. In a one-on-one fight, a naked farmer would have no advantage over a naked hunter-gatherer.

Instead, one part of the explanation for farmer power lies in the much denser populations that food production could support: ten naked farmers certainly would have an advantage over one naked hunter-gatherer in a fight. The other part is that neither farmers nor hunter-gatherers are naked, at least not figuratively. Farmers tend to breathe out nastier germs, to own better weapons and armor, to own more-powerful technology in general, and to live under centralized governments with literate elites better able to wage wars of conquest. Hence the next four chapters will explore how the ultimate cause of food production led to the proximate causes of germs, literacy, technology, and centralized government.

The links connecting livestock and crops to germs were unforgettably illustrated for me by a hospital case about which I learned through a physician friend. When my friend was an inexperienced young doctor, he was


called into a hospital room to deal with a married couple stressed-out by a mysterious illness. It did not help that the couple was also having difficulty communicating with each other, and with my friend. The husband was a small, timid man, sick with pneumonia caused by an unidentified microbe, and with only limited command of the English language. Acting as translator was his beautiful wife, worried about her husband's condition and frightened by the unfamiliar hospital environment. My friend was also stressed-out from a long week of hospital work, and from trying to figure out what unusual risk factors might have brought on the strange illness. The stress caused my friend to forget everything he had been taught about patient confidentiality: he committed the awful blunder of requesting the woman to ask her husband whether he'd had any sexual experiences that could have caused the infection.

As the doctor watched, the husband turned red, pulled himself together so that he seemed even smaller, tried to disappear under his bedsheets, and stammered out words in a barely audible voice. His wife suddenly screamed in rage and drew herself up to tower over him. Before the doctor could stop her, she grabbed a heavy metal bottle, slammed it with full force onto her husband's head, and stormed out of the room. It took a while for the doctor to revive her husband and even longer to elicit, through the man's broken English, what he'd said that so enraged his wife. The answer slowly emerged: he had confessed to repeated intercourse with sheep on a recent visit to the family farm; perhaps that was how he had contracted the mysterious microbe.

This incident sounds bizarrely one-of-a-kind and of no possible broader significance. In fact, it illustrates an enormous subject of great importance: human diseases of animal origins. Very few of us love sheep in the carnal sense that this patient did. But most of us platonically love our pet animals, such as our dogs and cats. As a society, we certainly appear to have an inordinate fondness for sheep and other livestock, to judge from the vast numbers of them that we keep. For example, at the time of a recent census, Australia's 17,085,400 people thought so highly of sheep that they kept 161,600,000 of them.

Some of us adults, and even more of our children, pick up infectious diseases from our pets. Usually they remain no more than a nuisance, but a few have evolved into something far more serious. The major killers of humanity throughout our recent history-smallpox, flu, tuberculosis, malaria, plague, measles, and cholera-are infectious diseases that evolved



killed by epidemics beginning with the first European visit, in 1791). Syphilis, gonorrhea, tuberculosis, and influenza arriving with Captain Cook in 1779, followed by a big typhoid epidemic in 1804 and numerous "minor" epidemics, reduced Hawaii's population from around half a million in 1779 to 84,000 in 1853, the year when smallpox finally reached Hawaii and killed around 10,000 of the survivors. These examples could be multiplied almost indefinitely.

However, germs did not act solely to Europeans' advantage. While the New World and Australia did not harbor native epidemic diseases awaiting Europeans, tropical Asia, Africa, Indonesia, and New Guinea certainly did. Malaria throughout the tropical Old World, cholera in tropical Southeast Asia, and yellow fever in tropical Africa were (and still are) the most notorious of the tropical killers. They posed the most serious obstacle to European colonization of the tropics, and they explain why the European colonial partitioning of New Guinea and most of Africa was not accomplished until nearly 400 years after European partitioning of the New World began. Furthermore, once malaria and yellow fever did become transmitted to the Americas by European ship traffic, they emerged as the major impediment to colonization of the New World tropics as well. A familiar example is the role of those two diseases in aborting the French effort, and nearly aborting the ultimately successful American effort, to construct the Panama Canal.

Bearing all these facts in mind, let's try to regain our sense of perspective about the role of germs in answering Yali's question. There is no doubt that Europeans developed a big advantage in weaponry, technology, and political organization over most of the non-European peoples that they conquered. But that advantage alone doesn't fully explain how initially so few European immigrants came to supplant so much of the native population of the Americas and some other parts of the world. That might not have happened without Europe's sinister gift to other continents-the germs evolving from Eurasians' long intimacy with domestic animals.

CHAPTER 12. Blueprints and Borrowed Letters

NINETEENTH-CENTURY AUTHORS TENDED TO INTERPRET history as a progression from savagery to civilization. Key hallmarks of this transition included the development of agriculture, metallurgy, complex technology, centralized government, and writing. Of these, writing was traditionally the one most restricted geographically: until the expansions of Islam and of colonial Europeans, it was absent from Australia, Pacific islands, subequatorial Africa, and the whole New World except for a small part of Mesoamerica. As a result of that confined distribution, peoples who pride themselves on being civilized have always viewed writing as the sharpest distinction raising them above "barbarians" or "savages."

Knowledge brings power. Hence writing brings power to modern societies, by making it possible to transmit knowledge with far greater accuracy and in far greater quantity and detail, from more distant lands and more remote times. Of course, some peoples (notably the Incas) managed to administer empires without writing, and "civilized" peoples don't always defeat "barbarians," as Roman armies facing the Huns learned. But the European conquests of the Americas, Siberia, and Australia illustrate the typical recent outcome.

Writing marched together with weapons, microbes, and centralized


political organization as a modern agent of conquest. The commands of the monarchs and merchants who organized colonizing fleets were conveyed in writing. The fleets set their courses by maps and written sailing directions prepared by previous expeditions. Written accounts of earlier expeditions motivated later ones, by describing the wealth and fertile lands awaiting the conquerors. The accounts taught subsequent explorers what conditions to expect, and helped them prepare themselves. The resulting empires were administered with the aid of writing. While all those types of information were also transmitted by other means in preliterate societies, writing made the transmission easier, more detailed, more accurate, and more persuasive.

Why, then, did only some peoples and not others develop writing, given its overwhelming value? For example, why did no traditional hunters-gatherers evolve or adopt writing? Among island empires, why did writing arise in Minoan Crete but not in Polynesian Tonga? How many separate times did writing evolve in human history, under what circumstances, and for what uses? Of those peoples who did develop it, why did some do so much earlier than others? For instance, today almost all Japanese and Scandinavians are literate but most Iraqis are not: why did writing nevertheless arise nearly four thousand years earlier in Iraq?

The diffusion of writing from its sites of origin also raises important questions. Why, for instance, did it spread to Ethiopia and Arabia from the Fertile Crescent, but not to the Andes from Mexico? Did writing systems spread by being copied, or did existing systems merely inspire neighboring peoples to invent their own systems? Given a writing system that works well for one language, how do you devise a system for a different language? Similar questions arise whenever one tries to understand the origins and spread of many other aspects of human culture-such as technology, religion, and food production. The historian interested in such questions about writing has the advantage that they can often be answered in unique detail by means of the written record itself. We shall therefore trace writing's development not only because of its inherent importance, but also for the general insights into cultural history that it provides.


The three basic strategies underlying writing systems differ in the size of the speech unit denoted by one written sign: either a single basic sound, a whole syllable, or a whole word. Of these, the one employed



Eurasia plus North Africa. Africa's north-south axis posed a further obstacle to the diffusion of technology, both between Eurasia and sub-Saharan Africa and within the sub-Saharan region itself. As an illustration of the latter obstacle, pottery and iron metallurgy arose in or reached sub-Saharan Africa's Sahel zone (north of the equator) at least as early as they reached western Europe. However, pottery did not reach the southern tip of Africa until around a.d. 1, and metallurgy had not yet diffused overland to the southern tip by the time that it arrived there from Europe on ships.

Finally, Australia is the smallest continent. The very low rainfall and productivity of most of Australia makes it effectively even smaller as regards its capacity to support human populations. It is also the most isolated continent. In addition, food production never arose indigenously in Australia. Those factors combined to leave Australia the sole continent still without metal artifacts in modern times.

Table 13.1 translates these factors into numbers, by comparing the continents with respect to their areas and their modern human populations. The continents' populations 10,000 years ago, just before the rise of food production, are not known but surely stood in the same sequence, since many of the areas producing the most food today would also have been productive areas for hunter-gatherers 10,000 years ago. The differences in population are glaring: Eurasia's (including North Africa's) is nearly 6 times that of the Americas, nearly 8 times that of Africa's, and 230 times that of Australia's. Larger populations mean more inventors and more competing societies. Table 13.1 by itself goes a long way toward explaining the origins of gun,s and steel in Eurasia.

All these effects that continental differences in area, population, ease of

Table 13.1 Human Populations of the Continents






(square miles)

Eurasia and North Africa






(North Africa)



North America and South America



Sub-Saharan Africa







diffusion, and onset of food production exerted on the rise of technology became exaggerated, because technology catalyzes itself. Eurasia's considerable initial advantage thereby was translated into a huge lead as of A.D. 1492-for reasons of Eurasia's distinctive geography rather than of distinctive human intellect. The New Guineans whom I know include potential Edisons. But they directed their ingenuity toward technological problems appropriate to their situations: the problems of surviving without any imported items in the New Guinea jungle, rather than the problem of inventing phonographs.

CHAPTER 14. From Egalitarianism to Kleptocracy

IN 1979, WHILE I WAS FLYING WITH MISSIONARY FRIENDS over a remote swamp-filled basin of New Guinea, I noticed a few huts many miles apart. The pilot explained to me that, somewhere in that muddy expanse below us, a group of Indonesian crocodile hunters had recently come across a group of New Guinea nomads. Both groups had panicked, and the encounter had ended with the Indonesians shooting several of the nomads.

My missionary friends guessed that the nomads belonged to an uncontacted group called the Fayu, known to the outside world only through accounts by their terrified neighbors, a missionized group of erstwhile nomads called the Kirikiri. First contacts between outsiders and New Guinea groups are always potentially dangerous, but this beginning was especially inauspicious. Nevertheless, my friend Doug flew in by helicopter to try to establish friendly relations with the Fayu. He returned, alive but shaken, to tell a remarkable story.

It turned out that the Fayu normally lived as single families, scattered through the swamp and coming together once or twice each year to negotiate exchanges of brides. Doug's visit coincided with such a gathering, of a few dozen Fayu. To us, a few dozen people constitute a small, ordinary gathering, but to the Fayu it was a rare, frightening event. Murderers sud-



Where population densities are high, as in regions occupied by states or chiefdoms, the defeated still have nowhere to flee, but the victors now have two options for exploiting them while leaving them alive. Because chiefdoms and state societies have economic specialization, the defeated can be used as slaves, as commonly happened in biblical times. Alternatively, because many such societies have intensive food production systems capable of yielding large surpluses, the victors can leave the defeated in place but deprive them of political autonomy, make them pay regular tribute in food or goods, and amalgamate their society into the victorious state or chiefdom. This has been the usual outcome of battles associated with the founding of states or empires throughout recorded history. For example, the Spanish conquistadores wished to exact tribute from Mexico's defeated native populations, so they were very interested in the Aztec Empire's tribute lists. It turned out that the tribute received by the Aztecs each year from subject peoples had included 7,000 tons of corn, 4,000 tons of beans, 4,000 tons of grain amaranth, 2,000,000 cotton cloaks, and huge quantities of cacao beans, war costumes, shields, feather headdresses, and amber.

Thus, food production, and competition and diffusion between societies, led as ultimate causes, via chains of causation that differed in detail but that all involved large dense populations and sedentary living, to the proximate agents of conquest: germs, writing, technology, and centralized political organization. Because those ultimate causes developed differently on different continents, so did those agents of conquest. Hence those agents tended to arise in association with each other, but the association was not strict: for example, an empire arose without writing among the Incas, and writing with few epidemic diseases among the Aztecs. Dingiswayo's Zulus illustrate that each of those agents contributed somewhat independently to history's pattern. Among the dozens of Zulu chiefdoms, the Mtetwa chiefdom enjoyed no advantage whatsoever of technology, writing, or germs over the other chiefdoms, which it nevertheless succeeded in defeating. Its advantage lay solely in the spheres of government and ideology. The resulting Zulu state was thereby enabled to conquer a fraction of a continent for nearly a century.


CHAPTER 15. Yali's People

WHEN MY WIFE, MARIE, AND I WERE VACATIONING IN Australia one summer, we decided to visit a site with well-preserved Aboriginal rock paintings in the desert near the town of Menindee. While I knew of the Australian desert's reputation for dryness and summer heat, I had already spent long periods working under hot, dry conditions in the Californian desert and New Guinea savanna, so I considered myself experienced enough to deal with the minor challenges we would face as tourists in Australia. Carrying plenty of drinking water, Marie and I set off at noon on a hike of a few miles to the paintings.

The trail from the ranger station led uphill, under a cloudless sky, through open terrain offering no shade whatsoever. The hot, dry air that we were breathing reminded me of how it had felt to breathe while sitting in a Finnish sauna. By the time we reached the cliff site with the paintings, we had finished our water. We had also lost our interest in art, so we pushed on uphill, breathing slowly and regularly. Presently I noticed a bird that was unmistakably a species of babbler, but it seemed enormous compared with any known babbler species. At that point, I realized that I was experiencing heat hallucinations for the first time in my life. Marie and I decided that we had better head straight back.


Both of us stopped talking. As we walked, we concentrated on listening to our breathing, calculating the distance to the next landmark, and estimating the remaining time. My mouth and tongue were now dry, and Marie's face was red. When we at last reached the air-conditioned ranger station, we sagged into chairs next to the water cooler, drank down the cooler's last half-gallon of water, and asked the ranger for another bottle. Sitting there exhausted, both physically and emotionally, I reflected that the Aborigines who had made those paintings had somehow spent their entire lives in that desert without air-conditioned retreats, managing to find food as well as water.

To white Australians, Menindee is famous as the base camp for two whites who had suffered worse from the desert's dry heat over a century earlier: the Irish policeman Robert Burke and the English astronomer William Wills, ill-fated leaders of the first European expedition to cross Australia from south to north. Setting out with six camels packing food enough for three months, Burke and Wills ran out of provisions while in the desert north of Menindee. Three successive times, they encountered and were rescued by well-fed Aborigines whose home was that desert, and who plied the explorers with fish, fern cakes, and roasted fat rats. But then Burke foolishly shot his pistol at one of the Aborigines, whereupon the whole group fled. Despite their big advantage over the Aborigines in possessing guns with which to hunt, Burke and Wills starved, collapsed, and died within a month after the Aborigines' departure.

My wife's and my experience at Menindee, and the fate of Burke and Wills, made vivid for me the difficulties of building a human society in Australia. Australia stands out from all the other continents: the differences between Eurasia, Africa, North America, and South America fade into insignificance compared with the differences between Australia and any of those other landmasses. Australia is by far the driest, smallest, flattest, most infertile, climatically most unpredictable, and biologically most impoverished continent. It was the last continent to be occupied by Europeans. Until then, it had supported the most distinctive human societies, and the least numerous human population, of any continent.

Australia thus provides a crucial test of theories about intercontinental differences in societies. It had the most distinctive environment, and also the most distinctive societies. Did the former cause the latter? If so, how? Australia is the logical continent with which to begin our around-the-



constitute a perfectly controlled experiment in the evolution of human societies, forcing us to a simple racist conclusion?

The resolution of this problem is simple. White English colonists did not create a literate, food-producing, industrial democracy in Australia. Instead, they imported all of the elements from outside Australia: the livestock, all of the crops (except macadamia nuts), the metallurgical knowledge, the steam engines, the guns, the alphabet, the political institutions, even the germs. All these were the end products of 10,000 years of development in Eurasian environments. By an accident of geography, the colonists who landed at Sydney in 1788 inherited those elements. Europeans have never learned to survive in Australia or New Guinea without their inherited Eurasian technology. Robert Burke and William Wills were smart enough to write, but not smart enough to survive in Australian desert regions where Aborigines were living.

The people who did create a society in Australia were Aboriginal Australians. Of course, the society that they created was not a literate, food-producing, industrial democracy. The reasons follow straightforwardly from features of the Australian environment.

CHAPTER 16. How China Became Chinese

IMMIGRATION, AFFIRMATIVE ACTION, MULTILINGUALISM, ethnic diversity-my state of California was among the pioneers of these controversial policies and is now pioneering a backlash against them. A glance into the classrooms of the Los Angeles public school system, where my sons are being educated, fleshes out the abstract debates with the faces of children. Those children represent over 80 languages spoken in the home, with English-speaking whites in the minority. Every single one of my sons' playmates has at least one parent or grandparent who was born outside the United States; that's true of three of my own sons' four grandparents. But immigration is merely restoring the diversity that America held for thousands of years. Before European settlement, the mainland United States was home to hundreds of Native American tribes and languages and came under control of a single government only within the last hundred years.

In these respects the United States is a thoroughly "normal" country. All but one of the world's six most populous nations are melting pots that achieved political unification recently, and that still support hundreds of languages and ethnic groups. For example, Russia, once a small Slavic state centered on Moscow, did not even begin its expansion beyond the Ural Mountains until a.d. 1582. From then until the 19th century, Russia


CHAPTER 17. Speedboat to Polynesia

PACIFIC ISLAND HISTORY IS ENCAPSULATED FOR ME IN AN incident that happened when three Indonesian friends and I walked into a store in Jayapura, the capital of Indonesian New Guinea. My friends' names were Achmad, Wiwor, and Sauakari, and the store was run by a merchant named Ping Wah. Achmad, an Indonesian government officer, was acting as the boss, because he and I were organizing an ecological survey for the government and had hired Wiwor and Sauakari as local assistants. But Achmad had never before been in a New Guinea mountain forest and had no idea what supplies to buy. The results were comical.

At the moment that my friends entered the store, Ping Wah was reading a Chinese newspaper. When he saw Wiwor and Sauakari, he kept reading it but then shoved it out of sight under the counter as soon as he noticed Achmad. Achmad picked up an ax head, causing Wiwor and Sauakari to laugh, because he was holding it upside down. Wiwor and Sauakari showed him how to hold it correctly and to test it. Achmad and Sauakari then looked at Wiwor's bare feet, with toes splayed wide from a lifetime of not wearing shoes. Sauakari picked out the widest available shoes and held them against Wiwor's feet, but the shoes were still too narrow, sending Achmad and Sauakari and Ping Wah into peals of laughter. Achmad picked up a plastic comb with which to comb out his straight, coarse black


hair. Glancing at Wiwor's tough, tightly coiled hair, he handed the comb to Wiwor. It immediately stuck in Wiwor's hair, then broke as soon as Wiwor pulled on the comb. Everyone laughed, including Wiwor. Wiwor responded by reminding Achmad that he should buy lots of rice, because there would be no food to buy in New Guinea mountain villages except sweet potatoes, which would upset Achmad's stomach-more hilarity.

Despite all the laughter, I could sense the underlying tensions. Achmad was Javan, Ping Wah Chinese, Wiwor a New Guinea highlander, and Sauakari a New Guinea lowlander from the north coast. Javans dominate the Indonesian government, which annexed western New Guinea in the 1960s and used bombs and machine guns to crush New Guinean opposition. Achmad later decided to stay in town and to let me do the forest survey alone with Wiwor and Sauakari. He explained his decision to me by pointing to his straight, coarse hair, so unlike that of New Guineans, and saying that New Guineans would kill anyone with hair like his if they found him far from army backup.

Ping Wah had put away his newspaper because importation of Chinese writing is nominally illegal in Indonesian New Guinea. In much of Indonesia the merchants are Chinese immigrants. Latent mutual fear between the economically dominant Chinese and politically dominant Javans erupted in 1966 in a bloody revolution, when Javans slaughtered hundreds of thousands of Chinese. As New Guineans, Wiwor and Sauakari shared most New Guineans' resentment of Javan dictatorship, but they also scorned each other's groups. Highlanders dismiss lowlanders as effete sago eaters, while lowlanders dismiss highlanders as primitive big-heads, referring both to their massive coiled hair and to their reputation for arrogance. Within a few days of my setting up an isolated forest camp with Wiwor and Sauakari, they came close to fighting each other with axes.

Tensions among the groups that Achmad, Wiwor, Sauakari, and Ping Wah represent dominate the politics of Indonesia, the world's fourth-most-populous nation. These modern tensions have roots going back thousands of years. When we think of major overseas population movements, we tend to focus on those since Columbus's discovery of the Americas, and on the resulting replacements of non-Europeans by Europeans within historic times. But there were also big overseas movements long before Columbus, and prehistoric replacements of non-European peoples by other non-European peoples. Wiwor, Achmad, and Sauakari represent three prehistorical waves of people that moved overseas from the Asian mainland into the


borrowed into English include "taboo" and "tattoo" (from a Polynesian language), "boondocks" (from the Tagalog language of the Philippines), and "amok," "batik," and "orangutan" (from Malay).

That genetic and linguistic uniformity of Indonesia and the Philippines is initially as surprising as is the predominant linguistic uniformity of China. The famous Java Homo erectus fossils prove that humans have occupied at least western Indonesia for a million years. That should have given ample time for humans to evolve genetic and linguistic diversity and tropical adaptations, such as dark skins like those of many other tropical peoples-but instead Indonesians and Filipinos have light skins.

It is also surprising that Indonesians and Filipinos are so similar to trop-



mies underwent great diversification in different environments. Within a millennium, East Polynesian colonists had reverted to hunting-gathering on the Chathams while building a protostate with intensive food production on Hawaii.

When Europeans at last arrived, their technological and other advantages enabled them to establish temporary colonial domination over most of tropical Southeast Asia and the Pacific islands. However, indigenous germs and food producers prevented Europeans from settling most of this region in significant numbers. Within this area, only New Zealand, New Caledonia, and Hawaii-the largest and most remote islands, lying farthest from the equator and hence in the most nearly temperate (Europelike) climates-now support large European populations. Thus, unlike Australia and the Americas, East Asia and most Pacific islands remain occupied by East Asian and Pacific peoples.

CHAPTER 18. Hemispheres Colliding

THE LARGEST POPULATION REPLACEMENT OF THE LAST 13,000 years has been the one resulting from the recent collision between Old World and New World societies. Its most dramatic and decisive moment, as we saw in Chapter 3, occurred when Pizarro's tiny army of Spaniards captured the Inca emperor Atahuallpa, absolute ruler of the largest, richest, most populous, and administratively and technologically most advanced Native American state. Atahuallpa's capture symbolizes the European conquest of the Americas, because the same mix of proximate factors that caused it was also responsible for European conquests of other Native American societies. Let us now return to that collision of hemispheres, applying what we have learned since Chapter 3. The basic question to be answered is: why did Europeans reach and conquer the lands of Native Americans, instead of vice versa? Our starting point will be a comparison of Eurasian and Native American societies as of a.d. 1492, the year of Columbus's "discovery" of the Americas.

Our comparison begins with food production, a major determinant of local population size and societal complexity-hence an ultimate factor behind the conquest. The most glaring difference between American


and Eurasian food production involved big domestic mammal species. In Chapter 9 we encountered Eurasia's 13 species, which became its chief source of animal protein (meat and milk), wool, and hides, its main mode of land transport of people and goods, its indispensable vehicles of warfare, and (by drawing plows and providing manure) a big enhancer of crop production. Until waterwheels and windmills began to replace Eurasia's mammals in medieval times, they were also the major source of its "industrial" power beyond human muscle power-for example, for turning grindstones and operating water lifts. In contrast, the Americas had only one species of big domestic mammal, the llama / alpaca, confined to a small area of the Andes and the adjacent Peruvian coast. While it was used for meat, wool, hides, and goods transport, it never yielded milk for human consumption, never bore a rider, never pulled a cart or a plow, and never served as a power source or vehicle of warfare.

That's an enormous set of differences between Eurasian and Native American societies-due largely to the Late Pleistocene extinction (extermination?) of most of North and South America's former big wild mammal species. If it had not been for those extinctions, modern history might have taken a different course. When Cortes and his bedraggled adventurers landed on the Mexican coast in 1519, they might have been driven into the sea by thousands of Aztec cavalry mounted on domesticated native American horses. Instead of the Aztecs' dying of smallpox, the Spaniards might have been wiped out by American germs transmitted by disease-resistant Aztecs. American civilizations resting on animal power might have been sending their own conquistadores to ravage Europe. But those hypothetical outcomes were foreclosed by mammal extinctions thousands of years earlier.

Those extinctions left Eurasia with many more wild candidates for domestication than the Americas offered. Most candidates disqualify themselves as potential domesticates for any of half a dozen reasons. Hence Eurasia ended up with its 13 species of big domestic mammals and the Americas with just its one very local species. Both hemispheres also had domesticated species of birds and small mammals-the turkey, guinea pig, and Muscovy duck very locally and the dog more widely in the Americas; chickens, geese, ducks, cats, dogs, rabbits, honeybees, silkworms, and some others in Eurasia. But the significance of all those species of small domestic animals was trivial compared with that of the big ones.

Eurasia and the Americas also differed with respect to plant food pro-



black Africans, along with Asian Indians and Javanese in Suriname).

In parts of Central America and the Andes, the Native Americans were originally so numerous that, even after epidemics and wars, much of the population today remains Native American or mixed. That is especially true at high altitudes in the Andes, where genetically European women have physiological difficulties even in reproducing, and where native Andean crops still offer the most suitable basis for food production. However, even where Native Americans do survive, there has been extensive replacement of their culture and languages with those of the Old World. Of the hundreds of Native American languages originally spoken in North America, all except 187 are no longer spoken at all, and 149 of these last 187 are moribund in the sense that they are being spoken only by old people and no longer learned by children. Of the approximately 40 New World nations, all now have an Indo-European language or creole as the official language. Even in the countries with the largest surviving Native American populations, such as Peru, Bolivia, Mexico, and Guatemala, a glance at photographs of political and business leaders shows that they are disproportionately Europeans, while several Caribbean nations have black African leaders and Guyana has had Asian Indian leaders.

The original Native American population has been reduced by a debated large percentage: estimates for North America range up to 95 percent. But the total human population of the Americas is now approximately ten times what it was in 1492, because of arrivals of Old World peoples (Europeans, Africans, and Asians). The Americas' population now consists of a mixture of peoples originating from all continents except Australia. That demographic shift of the last 500 years-the most massive shift on any continent except Australia-has its ultimate roots in developments between about 11,000 B.c. and a.d. 1,

CHAPTER 19. How Africa Became Black

NO MATTER HOW MUCH ONE HAS READ ABOUT AFRICA beforehand, one's first impressions from actually being there are overwhelming. On the streets of Windhoek, capital of newly independent Namibia, I saw black Herero people, black Ovambos, whites, and Namas, different again from both blacks and whites. They were no longer mere pictures in a textbook, but living humans in front of me. Outside Windhoek, the last of the formerly widespread Kalahari Bushmen were struggling for survival. But what most surprised me in Namibia was a street sign: one of downtown Windhoek's main roads was called Goering Street! Surely, I thought, no country could be so dominated by unrepentant Nazis as to name a street after the notorious Nazi Reichskommissar and founder of the Luftwaffe, Hermann Goering! No, it turned out that the street instead commemorated Hermann's father, Heinrich Goering, founding Reich skommissar of the former German colony of South-West Africa, which became Namibia. But Heinrich was also a problematic figure, for his legacy included one of the most vicious attacks by European colonists on Africans, Germany's 1904 war of extermination against the Hereros. Today, while events in neighboring South Africa command more of the world's attention, Namibia as well is struggling to deal with its colonial



Figure 19.4. Approximate paths of the expansion that carried people speaking Bantu languages

Figure 19.4. Approximate paths of the expansion that carried people speaking Bantu languages, originating from a homeland (designated H) in the northwest corner of the current Bantu area, over eastern and southern Africa between 3000 b.c. and a.d. 500.


compete against numerous Nilo-Saharan and Afroasiatic Iron Age farmers. But to the south lay 2,000 miles of country thinly occupied by Khoisan hunter-gatherers, lacking iron and crops. Within a few centuries, in one of the swiftest colonizing advances of recent prehistory, Bantu farmers had swept all the way to Natal, on the east coast of what is now South Africa.

It's easy to oversimplify what was undoubtedly a rapid and dramatic expansion, and to picture all Khoisan in the way being trampled by onrushing Bantu hordes. In reality, things were more complicated. Khoisan peoples of southern Africa had already acquired sheep and cattle a few centuries ahead of the Bantu advance. The first Bantu pioneers probably were few in number, selected wet-forest areas suitable for their yam agriculture, and leapfrogged over drier areas, which they left to Khoisan herders and hunter-gatherers. Trading and marriage relationships were undoubtedly established between those Khoisan and the Bantu farmers, each occupying different adjacent habitats, just as Pygmy hunter-gatherers and Bantu farmers still do today in equatorial Africa. Only gradually, as the Bantu multiplied and incorporated cattle and dry-climate cereals into their economy, did they fill in the leapfrogged areas. But the eventual result was still the same: Bantu farmers occupying most of the former Khoisan realm; the legacy of those former Khoisan inhabitants reduced to clicks in scattered non-Khoisan languages, as well as buried skulls and stone tools waiting for archaeologists to discover; and the Khoisan-like appearance of some southern African Bantu peoples.

What actually happened to all those vanished Khoisan populations? We don't know. All we can say for sure is that, in places where Khoisan peoples had lived for perhaps tens of thousands of years, there are now Bantu. We can only venture a guess, by analogy with witnessed events in modern times when steel-toting white farmers collided with stone tool-using hunter-gatherers of Aboriginal Australia and Indian California. There, we know that hunter-gatherers were rapidly eliminated in a combination of ways: they were driven out, men were killed or enslaved, women were appropriated as wives, and both sexes became infected with epidemics of the farmers' diseases. An example of such a disease in Africa is malaria, which is borne by mosquitoes that breed around farmers' villages, and to which the invading Bantu had already developed genetic resistance but Khoisan hunter-gatherers probably had not.

However, Figure 19.1, of recent African human distributions, reminds us that the Bantu did not overrun all the Khoisan, who did survive in



ences between European and African peoples themselves, as white racists assume. Rather, it was due to accidents of geography and biogeography -- in particular, to the continents' different areas, axes, and suites of wild plant and animal species. That is, the different historical trajectories of Africa and Europe stem ultimately from differences in real estate.




YALI'S QUESTION WENT TO THE HEART OF THE CURRENT human condition, and of post-Pleistocene human history. Now that we have completed this brief tour over the continents, how shall we answer Yali?

I would say to Yali: the striking differences between the long-term histories of peoples of the different continents have been due not to innate differences in the peoples themselves but to differences in their environments. I expect that if the populations of Aboriginal Australia and Eurasia could have been interchanged during the Late Pleistocene, the original Aboriginal Australians would now be the ones occupying most of the Americas and Australia, as well as Eurasia, while the original Aboriginal Eurasians would be the ones now reduced to downtrodden population fragments in Australia. One might at first be inclined to dismiss this assertion as meaningless, because the experiment is imaginary and my claim about its outcome cannot be verified. But historians are nevertheless able to evaluate related hypotheses by retrospective tests. For instance, one can examine what did happen when European farmers were transplanted to Greenland or the U.S. Great Plains, and when farmers stemming ultimately from China emigrated to the Chatham Islands, the rain forests of Borneo, or the volcanic soils of Java or Hawaii. These tests confirm that the same


ancestral peoples either ended up extinct, or returned to living as hunter-gatherers, or went on to build complex states, depending on their environments. Similarly, Aboriginal Australian hunter-gatherers, variously transplanted to Flinders Island, Tasmania, or southeastern Australia, ended up extinct, or as hunter-gatherers with the modern world's simplest technology, or as canal builders intensively managing a productive fishery, depending on their environments.

Of course, the continents differ in innumerable environmental features affecting trajectories of human societies. But a mere laundry list of every possible difference does not constitute an answer to Yali's question. Just four sets of differences appear to me to be the most important ones.

The first set consists of continental differences in the wild plant and animal species available as starting materials for domestication. That's because food production was critical for the accumulation of food surpluses that could feed non-food-producing specialists, and for the buildup of large populations enjoying a military advantage through mere numbers even before they had developed any technological or political advantage. For both of those reasons, all developments of economically complex, socially stratified, politically centralized societies beyond the level of small nascent chiefdoms were based on food production.

But most wild animal and plant species have proved unsuitable for domestication: food production has been based on relatively few species of livestock and crops. It turns out that the number of wild candidate species for domestication varied greatly among the continents, because of differences in continental areas and also (in the case of big mammals) in Late Pleistocene extinctions. These extinctions were much more severe in Australia and the Americas than in Eurasia or Africa. As a result, Africa ended up biologically somewhat less well endowed than the much larger Eurasia, the Americas still less so, and Australia even less so, as did Yali's New Guinea (with one-seventieth of Eurasia's area and with all of its original big mammals extinct in the Late Pleistocene).

On each continent, animal and plant domestication was concentrated in a few especially favorable homelands accounting for only a small fraction of the continent's total area. In the case of technological innovations and political institutions as well, most societies acquire much more from other societies than they invent themselves. Thus, diffusion and migration within a continent contribute importantly to the development of its societies, which tend in the long run to share each other's developments (insofar



2003 Afterword: Guns, Germs, and Steel Today

GUNS, GERMS, AND STEEL (GGS) IS ABOUT WHY THE RISE OF complex human societies unfolded differently on different continents over the last 13,000 years. I finished revising the manuscript in 1996, and it was published in 1997. Since then, I have been involved mostly in work on other projects, especially on my next book about collapses of societies. Hence seven years' distance in time and focus now separates me from GGS's writing. How does the book look in retrospect, and what has happened to change or extend its conclusions since its publication? To my admittedly biased eye, the book's central message has survived well, and the most interesting developments since its publication have involved four extensions of the story to the modern world and to recent history.

My main conclusion was that societies developed differently on different continents because of differences in continental environments, not in human biology. Advanced technology, centralized political organization, and other features of complex societies could emerge only in dense sedentary populations capable of accumulating food surpluses-populations that depended for their food on the rise of agriculture that began around 8,500 B.C. But the domesticable wild plant and animal species essential for that rise of agriculture were distributed very unevenly over the continents.


The most valuable domesticable wild species were concentrated in only nine small areas of the globe, which thus became the earliest homelands of agriculture. The original inhabitants of those homelands thereby gained a head start toward developing guns, germs, and steel. The languages and genes of those homeland inhabitants, as well as their livestock, crops, technologies, and writing systems, became dominant in the ancient and modern world.

Discoveries in the last half-dozen years, by archaeologists, geneticists, linguists, and other specialists, have enriched our understanding of this story, without changing its main outlines. Let me mention three examples. One of the biggest gaps in GGS's geographic coverage involved Japan, about whose prehistory I had little to say in 1996. Recent genetic evidence now suggests that the modern Japanese people are the product of an agricultural expansion similar to others discussed in GGS: an expansion of Korean farmers, beginning around 400 B.C., into southwestern Japan and then advancing northeast up the Japanese archipelago. The immigrants brought intensive rice agriculture and metal tools, and they mixed with the original Japanese population (related to the modern Ainu) to produce the modern Japanese, much as expanding Fertile Crescent farmers mixed with Europe's original hunter/gatherer population to produce modern Europeans.

As another example, archaeologists originally assumed that Mexican corn, beans, and squashes reached the southeastern United States by the most direct route via northeastern Mexico and eastern Texas. But it is now becoming clear that this route was too dry for farming; those crops instead took a longer route, spreading from Mexico into the southwestern United States to trigger the rise of Anasazi societies there, and then spreading east from New Mexico and Colorado through river valleys of the Great Plains into the southeastern United States.

As a final example, in Chapter 10 I contrasted the frequency of repeated independent domestications and slow spreads of the same or related plants along the Americas' north/south axis with the predominantly single domestications and rapid east/west spreads of Eurasian crops. Even more examples of those two contrasting patterns have continued to turn up, but it now appears that most or all of Eurasia's Big Five domestic mammals also underwent repeated independent domestications in different parts of Eurasia-unlike Eurasia's plants, but like the Americas' plants.




IT IS A PLEASURE FOR ME TO ACKNOWLEDGE THE CONTRIBUtions of many people to this book. My teachers at Roxbury Latin School introduced me to the fascination of history. My great debt to my many New Guinea friends will be obvious from the frequency with which I cite their experiences. I owe an equally great debt (and absolution from responsibility for my errors) to my many scientist friends and professional colleagues, who patiently explained the subtleties of their subjects and read my drafts. In particular, Peter Bellwood, Kent Flannery, Patrick Kirch, and my wife, Marie Cohen, read the whole manuscript, and Charles Heiser, Jr., David Keightley, Bruce Smith, Richard Yarnell, and Daniel Zohary each read several chapters. Earlier versions of several of the chapters appeared as articles in Discover magazine and in Natural History magazine. The National Geographic Society, World Wildlife Fund, and University of California at Los Angeles supported my fieldwork on Pacific islands. I have been fortunate to have John Brockman and Katinka Matson as my agents, Lori Iversen and Lori Rosen as my research assistants and secretaries, Ellen Modecki as my illustrator, and as my editors Donald Lamm at W. W Norton, Neil Belton and Will Sulkin at Jonathan Cape, Willi Köhler at Fischer, Marc Zabludoff and Mark Wheeler and Polly Shulman at Discover, and Ellen Goldensohn and Alan Ternes at Natural History.

Further Readings

THESE SUGGESTIONS ARE FOR THOSE INTERESTED IN reading further. Hence, in addition to key books and papers, I have favored references that provide comprehensive listings of the earlier literature. A journal title (in italics) is followed by the volume number, followed after a colon by the first and last page numbers, and then the year of publication in parentheses.


Among references relevant to most chapters of this book is an enormous compendium of human gene frequencies entitled The History and Geography of Human Genes, by L. Luca Cavalli-Sforza, Paolo Menozzi, and Alberto Piazza (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1994). This remarkable book approximates a history of everything about everybody, because the authors begin their accounts of each continent with a convenient summary of the continent's geography, ecology, and environment, followed by the prehistory, history, languages, physical anthropology, and culture of its peoples. L. Luca Cavalli-Sforza and Francisco Cavalli-Sforza, The Great Human Diasporas (Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley, 1995), covers similar


material but is written for the general reader rather than for specialists.

Another convenient source is a series of five volumes entitled The Illustrated History of Humankind, ed. Goran Burenhult (San Francisco: HarperCollins, 1993-94). The five individual volumes in this series are entitled, respectively, The First Humans, People of the Stone Age, Old World Civilizations, New World and Pacific Civilizations, and Traditional Peoples Today.

Several series of volumes published by Cambridge University Press (Cambridge, England, various dates) provide histories of particular regions or eras. One series consists of books entitled The Cambridge History of [X], where X is variously Africa, Early Inner Asia, China, India, Iran, Islam, Japan, Latin America, Poland, and Southeast Asia. Another series is The Cambridge Encyclopedia of [X], where X is variously Africa, China, Japan, Latin America and the Caribbean, Russia and the former Soviet Union, Australia, the Middle East and North Africa, and India, Pakistan, and adjacent countries. Still other series include The Cambridge Ancient History, The Cambridge Medieval History, The Cambridge Modern History, The Cambridge Economic History of Europe, and The Cambridge Economic History of India.

Three encyclopedic accounts of the world's languages are Barbara Grimes, Ethnologue: Languages of the World, 13th ed. (Dallas: Summer Institute of Linguistics, 1996), Merritt Ruhlen, A Guide to the World's Languages, (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1987), and C. F. Voegelin and F. M. Voegelin, Classification and Index of the World's Languages (New York: Elsevier, 1977),

Among large-scale comparative histories, Arnold Toynbee, A Study of History, 12 vols. (London: Oxford University Press, 1934-54), stands out. An excellent history of Eurasian civilization, especially western Eurasian civilization, is William McNeill, The Rise of the West (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1991). The same author's A World History (New York: Oxford University Press, 1979), despite its title, also maintains a focus on western Eurasian civilization, as does V. Gordon Childe, What Happened in History, rev. ed. (Baltimore: Penguin Books, 1954). Another comparative history with a focus on western Eurasia, C. D. Darlington, The Evolution of Man and Society (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1969), is by a biologist who recognizes some of the same links between continental history and domestication that I discuss. Two books by Alfred Crosby are


distinguished studies of the European overseas expansion with emphasis on its accompanying plants, animals, and germs: The Columbian Exchange: Biological Consequences of 1492 (Westport, Conn.: Greenwood, 1972) and Ecological Imperialism: The Biological Expansion of Europe, 900-1900 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1986). Marvin Harris, Cannibals and Kings: The Origins of Cultures (New York: Vintage Books, 1978), and Marshall Sahlins and Elman Service, eds., Evolution and Culture (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1960), are comparative histories from the perspective of cultural anthropologists. Ellen Semple, Influences of Geographic Environment (New York: Holt, 1911), is an example of earlier efforts to study geographic influences on human societies. Other important historical studies are listed under further readings for the Epilogue. My book The Third Chimpanzee (New York: HarperCollins, 1992), especially its chapter 14, on the comparative histories of Eurasia and the Americas, provided the starting point for my thinking about the present book.

The best-known or most notorious recent entrant into the debate about group differences in intelligence is Richard Herrnstein and Charles Murray, The Bell Curve: Intelligence and Class Structure in American Life (New York: Free Press, 1994).

Chapter 1

Excellent books about early human evolution include Richard Klein, The Human Career (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1989), Roger Lewin, Bones of Contention (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1989), Paul Mellars and Chris Stringer, eds., The Human Revolution: Behavioural and Biological Perspectives on the Origins of Modern Humans (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 1989), Richard Leakey and Roger Lewin, Origins Reconsidered (New York: Doubleday, 1992), D. Tab Rasmussen, ed., The Origin and Evolution of Humans and Humanness (Boston: Jones and Bartlett, 1993), Matthew Nitecki and Doris Nitecki, eds., Origins of Anatomically Modern Humans (New York: Plenum, 1994), and Chris Stringer and Robin McKie, African Exodus (London: Jonathan Cape, 1996). Three popular books dealing specifically with the Neanderthals are Christopher Stringer and Clive Gamble, In Search of the Neanderthals (New York:


Thames and Hudson, 1993), Erik Trinkaus and Pat Shipman, The Neandertals (New York: Knopf, 1993), and Ian Tattersall, The Last Neanderthal (New York: Macmillan, 1995).

Genetic evidence of human origins is the subject of the two books by L. Luca Cavalli-Sforza et al. already cited under the Prologue, and of chapter 1 of my book The Third Chimpanzee. Two technical papers with recent advances in the genetic evidence are J. L. Mountain and L. L. Cavalli-Sforza, "Inference of human evolution through cladistic analysis of nuclear DNA restriction polymorphism," Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 91:6515-19 (1994), and D. B. Goldstein et al., "Genetic absolute dating based on microsatellites and the origin of modern humans," ibid. 92:6723-27 (1995).

References to the human colonization of Australia, New Guinea, and the Bismarck and Solomon Archipelagoes, and to extinctions of large animals there, are listed under further readings for Chapter 15. In particular, Tim Flannery, The Future Eaters (New York: Braziller, 1995), discusses those subjects in clear, understandable terms and explains the problems with claims of very recent survival of extinct big Australian mammals.

The standard text on Late Pleistocene and Recent extinctions of large animals is Paul Martin and Richard Klein, eds., Quaternary Extinctions (Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 1984). More recent updates are Richard Klein, "The impact of early people on the environment: The case of large mammal extinctions," pp. 13-34 in J. E. Jacobsen and J. Firor, Human Impact on the Environment (Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press, 1992), and Anthony Stuart, "Mammalian extinctions in the Late Pleistocene of Northern Eurasia and North America," Biological Reviews 66:453-62 (1991). David Steadman summarizes recent evidence that extinction waves accompanied human settlement of Pacific islands in his paper "Prehistoric extinctions of Pacific island birds: Biodiversity meets zooarchaeology," Science 267:1123-31 (1995).

Popular accounts of the settlement of the Americas, the accompanying extinctions of large mammals, and the resulting controversies are Brian Fagan, The Great Journey: The Peopling of Ancient America (New York: Thames and Hudson, 1987), and chapter 18 of my book The Third Chimpanzee, both of which provide many other references. Ronald Carlisle, ed., Americans before Columbus: Ice-Age Origins (Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh, 1988), includes a chapter by J. M. Adovasio and his colleagues on pre-Clovis evidence at the Meadowcroft site. Papers by C. Vance


Haynes, Jr., an expert on the Clovis horizon and reported pre-Clovis sites, include "Contributions of radiocarbon dating to the geochronology of the peopling of the New World," pp. 354-74 in R. E. Taylor, A. Long, and R. S. Kra, eds., Radiocarbon after Four Decades (New York: Springer, 1992), and "Clovis-Folson geochronology and climate change," pp. 219-36 in Olga Soffer and N. D. Praslov, eds., From Kostenki to Clovis: Upper Paleolithic Paleo-Indian Adaptations (New York: Plenum, 1993). Pre-Clovis claims for the Pedra Furada site are argued by N. Guidon and G. Delibrias, "Carbon-14 dates point to man in the Americas 32,000 years ago," Nature 321:769-71 (1986), and David Meltzer et al., "On a Pleistocene human occupation at Pedra Furada, Brazil," Antiquity 68:695-714 (1994). Other publications relevant to the pre-Clovis debate include T. D. Dillehay et al., "Earliest hunters and gatherers of South America," Journal of World Prehistory 6:145-204 (1992), T. D. Dillehay, Monte Verde: A Late Pleistocene Site in Chile (Washington, D.C.; Smithsonian Institution Press, 1989), T. D. Dillehay and D. J. Meltzer, eds., The First Americans: Search and Research (Boca Raton: CRC Press, 1991), Thomas Lynch "Glacial-age man in South America?-a critical review," American Antiquity 55:12-36 (1990), John Hoffecker et al., "The colonization of Beringia and the peopling of the New World," Science 259:46-53 (1993), and A. C. Roosevelt et al., "Paleoindian cave dwellers in the Amazon: The peopling of the Americas," Science 272:373-84 (1996).

Chapter 2

Two outstanding books explicitly concerned with cultural differences among Polynesian islands are Patrick Kirch, The Evolution of the Polynesian Chiefdoms (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1984), and the same author's The Wet and the Dry (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1994). Much of Peter Bellwood's The Polynesians, rev. ed. (London: Thames and Hudson, 1987), also deals with this problem. Notable books dealing with specific Polynesian islands include Michael King, Moriori (Auckland: Penguin, 1989), on the Chatham Islands, Patrick Kirch, Feathered Gods and Fishhooks (Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1985), on Hawaii, Patrick Kirch and Marshall Sahlins, Anahulu (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1992), also on Hawaii, Jo Anne Van Tilburg, Easter Island (Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1994),


and Paul Bahn and John Flenley, Easter Island, Earth Island (London: Thames and Hudson, 1992).

Chapter 3

My account of Pizarro's capture of Atahuallpa combines the eyewitness accounts by Francisco Pizarro's brothers Hernando Pizarro and Pedro Pizarro and by Pizarro's companions Miguel de Estete, Cristobal de Mena, Ruiz de Arce, and Francisco de Xerez. The accounts by Hernando Pizarro, Miguel de Estete, and Francisco de Xerez have been translated by Clements Markham, Reports on the Discovery of Peru, Hakluyt Society, 1st ser., vol. 47 (New York, 1872); Pedro Pizarro's account, by Philip Means, Relation of the Discovery and Conquest of the Kingdoms of Peru (New York: Cortes Society, 1921); and Cristobal de Mena's account, by Joseph Sinclair, The Conquest of Peru, as Recorded by a Member of the Pizarro Expedition (New York, 1929). The account by Ruiz de Arce was reprinted in Boletin de la Real Academia de Historia (Madrid) 102:327-84 (1933). John Hemming's excellent The Conquest of the Incas (San Diego: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1970) gives a full account of the capture and indeed of the whole conquest, with an extensive bibliography. A 19th-century account of the conquest, William H. Prescott's History of the Conquest of Peru (New York, 1847), is still highly readable and ranks among the classics of historical writing. Corresponding modern and classic 19th-century accounts of the Spanish conquest of the Aztecs are, respectively, Hugh Thomas, Conquest: Montezuma, Cortes, and the Fall of Old Mexico (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1993), and William Prescott, History of the Conquest of Mexico (New York, 1843). Contemporary eyewitness accounts of the conquest of the Aztecs were written by Cortes himself (reprinted as Hernando Cortes, Five Letters of Cortes to the Emperor [New York: Norton, 1969]) and by many of Cortes's companions (reprinted in Patricia de Fuentes, ed., The Conquistadors [Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1993]).

Chapters 4-10

References for these seven chapters on food production will be combined, since many of the references apply to more than one of them.


Five important sources, all of them excellent and fact-filled, address the question how food production evolved from the hunter-gatherer lifestyle: Kent Flannery, "The origins of agriculture," Annual Reviews of Anthropology 2:271-310 (1973); Jack Harlan, Crops and Man, 2nd ed. (Madison, Wis.: American Society of Agronomy, 1992); Richard MacNeish, The Origins of Agriculture and Settled Life (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1992); David Rindos, The Origins of Agriculture: An Evolutionary Perspective (San Diego: Academic Press, 1984); and Bruce Smith, The Emergence of Agriculture (New York: Scientific American Library, 1995). Notable older references about food production in general include two multi-author volumes: Peter Ucko and G. W. Dimbleby, eds., The Domestication and Exploitation of Plants and Animals (Chicago: Aldine, 1969), and Charles Reed, ed., Origins of Agriculture (The Hague: Mouton, 1977). Carl Sauer, Agricultural Origins and Dispersals (New York: American Geographical Society, 1952), is a classic early comparison of Old World and New World food production, while Erich Isaac, Geography of Domestication (Englewood Cliffs, N. J.: Prentice-Hall, 1970), addresses the questions of where, when, and how regarding plant and animal domestication.

Among references specifically about plant domestication, Daniel Zohary and Maria Hopf, Domestication of Plants in the Old World, 2nd ed. (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1993), stands out. It provides the most detailed account of plant domestication available for any part of the world. For each significant crop grown in western Eurasia, the book summarizes archaeological and genetic evidence about its domestication and subsequent spread.

Among important multi-author books on plant domestication are C. Wesley Cowan and Patty Jo Watson, eds., The Origins of Agriculture (Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1992), David Harris and Gordon Hillman, eds., Foraging and Farming: The Evolution of Plant Exploitation (London: Unwin Hyman, 1989), and C. Barigozzi, ed., The Origin and Domestication of Cultivated Plants (Amsterdam: Elsevier, 1986). Two engaging popular accounts of plant domestication by Charles Heiser, Jr., are Seed to Civilization: The Story of Food, 3rd ed. (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1990), and Of Plants and People (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1985). J. Smartt and N. W, Simmonds, ed., Evolution of Crop Plants, 2nd ed. (London: Longman, 1995), is the standard reference volume summarizing information about all of the world's major crops and many minor ones. Three excellent


papers describe the changes that evolve automatically in wild plants under human cultivation: Mark Blumler and Roger Byrne, "The ecological genetics of domestication and the origins of agriculture," Current Anthropology 32:23-54 (1991); Charles Heiser, Jr., "Aspects of unconscious selection and the evolution of domesticated plants," Euphytica 37:77-81 (1988); and Daniel Zohary, "Modes of evolution in plants under domestication," in W. F. Grant, ed., Plant Biosystematics (Montreal: Academic Press, 1984). Mark Blumler, "Independent inventionism and recent genetic evidence on plant domestication," Economic Botany 46:98-111 (1992), evaluates the evidence for multiple domestications of the same wild plant species, as opposed to single origins followed by spread.

Among writings of general interest in connection with animal domestication, the standard encyclopedic reference work to the world's wild mammals is Ronald Nowak, ed., Walker's Mammals of the World, 5th ed. (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1991). Juliet Clutton-Brock, Domesticated Animals from Early Times (London: British Museum [Natural History], 1981), gives an excellent summary of all important domesticated mammals. I. L. Mason, ed., Evolution of Domesticated Animals (London: Longman, 1984), is a multi-author volume discussing each significant domesticated animal individually. Simon Davis, The Archaeology of Animals (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1987), provides an excellent account of what can be learned from mammal bones in archaeological sites. Juliet Clutton-Brock, ed., The Walking Larder (London: Unwin-Hyman, 1989), presents 31 papers about how humans have domesticated, herded, hunted, and been hunted by animals around the world. A comprehensive book in German about domesticated animals is Wolf Herre and Manfred Rohrs, Haustiere zoologisch gesehen (Stuttgart: Fischer, 1990). Stephen Budiansky, The Covenant of the Wild (New York: William Morrow, 1992), is a popular account of how animal domestication evolved automatically from relationships between humans and animals. An important paper on how domestic animals became used for plowing, transport, wool, and milk is Andrew Sheratt, "Plough and pastoralism: Aspects of the secondary products revolution," pp. 261-305 in Ian Hod-der et al., eds., Pattern of the Past (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1981).

Accounts of food production in particular areas of the world include a deliciously detailed mini-encyclopedia of Roman agricultural practices, Pliny, Natural History, vols. 17-19 (Latin text side-by-side with English


translation in the Loeb Classical Library edition [Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1961]); Albert Ammerman and L. L. Cavalli-Sforza, The Neolithic Transition and the Genetics of Populations in Europe (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1984), analyzing the spread of food production from the Fertile Crescent westward across Europe; Graeme Barker, Prehistoric farming in Europe (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1985), and Alasdair Whittle, Neolithic Europe: A Survey (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1985), for Europe; Donald Henry, From Foraging to Agriculture: The Levant at the End of the Ice Age (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1989), for the lands bordering the eastern shore of the Mediterranean; and D. E. Yen, "Domestication: Lessons from New Guinea," pp. 558-69 in Andrew Pawley, ed., Man and a Half (Auckland: Polynesian Society, 1991), for New Guinea. Edward Schafer, The Golden Peaches of Samarkand (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1963), describes the animals, plants, and other things imported into China during the T'ang dynasty.

The following are accounts of plant domestication and crops in specific parts of the world. For Europe and the Fertile Crescent: Willem van Zeist et al., eds., Progress in Old World Palaeoethnobotany (Rotterdam: Balkema, 1991), and Jane Renfrew, Paleoethnobotany (London: Methuen, 1973). For the Harappan civilization of the Indus Valley, and for the Indian subcontinent in general: Steven Weber, Plants and Harappan Subsistence (New Delhi: American Institute of Indian Studies, 1991). For New World crops: Charles Heiser, Jr., "New perspectives on the origin and evolution of New World domesticated plants: Summary," Economic Botany 44(3 suppl.):lll-16 (1990), and the same author's "Origins of some cultivated New World plants," Annual Reviews of Ecology and Systematics 10:309-26 (1979). For a Mexican site that may document the transition from hunting-gathering to early agriculture in Mesoamerica: Kent Flannery, ed., Guild Naquitz (New York: Academic Press, 1986). For an account of crops grown in the Andes during Inca times, and their potential uses today: National Research Council, Lost Crops of the Incas (Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press, 1989). For plant domestication in the eastern and/or southwestern United States: Bruce Smith "Origins of agriculture in eastern North America," Science 246:1566-71 (1989); William Keegan, ed., Emergent Horticultural Economies of the Eastern Woodlands (Carbondale: Southern Illinois University, 1987); Richard Ford, ed., Prehistoric Food Production in North America (Ann Arbor: University of


Michigan Museum of Anthropology, 1985); and R. G. Matson, The Origins of Southwestern Agriculture (Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 1991). Bruce Smith, "The origins of agriculture in the Americas," Evolutionary Anthropology 3:174-84 (1995), discusses the revisionist view, based on accelerator mass spectrometry dating of very small plant samples, that the origins of agriculture in the Americas were much more recent than previously believed.

The following are accounts of animal domestication and livestock in specific parts of the world. For central and eastern Europe: S. Bökönyi, History of Domestic Mammals in Central and Eastern Europe (Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 1974). For Africa: Andrew Smith, Pastoralism in Africa (London: Hurst, 1992). For the Andes: Elizabeth Wing, "Domestication of Andean mammals," pp. 246-64 in F. Vuilleumier and M. Monasterio, eds., High Altitude Tropical Biogeography (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1986).

References on specific important crops include the following. Thomas Sodestrom et al., eds., Grass Systematics and Evolution (Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1987), is a comprehensive multi-author account of grasses, the plant group that gave rise to our cereals, now the world's most important crops. Hugh litis, "From teosinte to maize: The catastrophic sexual transmutation," Science 222:886-94 (1983), gives an account of the drastic changes in reproductive biology involved in the evolution of corn from teosinte, its wild ancestor. Yan Wenming, "China's earliest rice agricultural remains," Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association Bulletin 10:118-26 (1991), discusses early rice domestication in South China. Two books by Charles Heiser, Jr., are popular accounts of particular crops: The Sunflower (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1976) and The Gourd Book (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1979).

Many papers or books are devoted to accounts of particular domesticated animal species. R. T. Loftus et al., "Evidence for two independent domestications of cattle," Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences U.S.A. 91:2757-61 (1994), uses evidence from mitochondrial DNA to demonstrate that cattle were domesticated independently in western Eurasia and in the Indian subcontinent. For horses: Juliet Clutton-Brock, Horse Power (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1992), Richard Meadow and Hans-Peter Uerpmann, eds., Equids in the Ancient World (Wiesbaden: Reichert, 1986), Matthew J. Kust, Man and Horse in History


(Alexandria, Va.: Plutarch Press, 1983), and Robin Law, The Horse in West African History (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1980). For pigs: Colin Groves, Ancestors for the Pigs: Taxonomy and Phylogeny of the Genus Sus (Technical Bulletin no. 3, Department of Prehistory, Research School of Pacific Studies, Australian National University [1981]). For llamas: Kent Flannery, Joyce Marcus, and Robert Reynolds, The Flocks of the Wamani (San Diego: Academic Press, 1989). For dogs: Stanley Olsen, Origins of the Domestic Dog (Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 1985). John Varner and Jeannette Varner, Dogs of the Conquest (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1983), describes the Spaniards' use of dogs as military weapons to kill Indians during the Spanish conquests of the Americas. Clive Spinnage, The Natural History of Antelopes (New York: Facts on File, 1986), gives an account of the biology of antelopes, and hence a starting point for trying to understand why none of these seemingly obvious candidates for domestication was actually domesticated. Derek Goodwin, Domestic Birds (London: Museum Press, 1965), summarizes the bird species that have been domesticated, and R. A. Donkin, The Muscovy Duck Cairina moschata domestica (Rotterdam: Balkema, 1989), discusses one of the sole two bird species domesticated in the New World.

Finally, the complexities of calibrating radiocarbon dates are discussed by G. W. Pearson, "How to cope with calibration," Antiquity 61:98-103 (1987), R. E. Taylor, eds., Radiocarbon after Four Decades: An Interdisciplinary Perspective (New York: Springer, 1992), M. Stuiver et al., "Calibration," Radiocarbon 35:1-244 (1993), S. Bowman "Using radiocarbon: An update," Antiquity 68:838-43 (1994), and R. E. Taylor, M. Stuiver, and C. Vance Haynes, Jr., "Calibration of the Late Pleistocene radiocarbon time scale: Clovis and Folsom age estimates," Antiquity vol. 70 (1996).

Chapter 11

For a gripping account of the impact of disease on a human population, nothing can match Thucydides' account of the plague of Athens, in book 2 of his Peloponnesian War (available in many translations).

Three classic accounts of disease in history are Hans Zinsser, Rats, Lice, ' and History (Boston: Little, Brown, 1935), Geddes Smith, A Plague on Us (New York: Commonwealth Fund, 1941), and William McNeill, Plagues


and Peoples (Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1976). The last book, written by a distinguished historian rather than by a physician, has been especially influential in bringing historians to recognize the impacts of disease, as have been the two books by Alfred Crosby listed under the further readings for the Prologue.

Friedrich Vogel and Arno Motulsky, Human Genetics, 2nd ed. (Berlin: Springer, 1986), the standard textbook on human genetics, is a convenient reference for natural selection of human populations by disease, and for the development of genetic resistance against specific diseases. Roy Anderson and Robert May, Infectious Diseases of Humans (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1992), is a clear mathematical treatment of disease dynamics, transmission, and epidemiology. MacFarlane Burnet, Natural History of Infectious Disease (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1953), is a classic by a distinguished medical researcher, while Arno Karlen, Man and Microbes (New York: Putnam, 1995), is a recent popular account.

Books and articles specifically concerned with the evolution of human infectious diseases include Aidan Cockburn, Infectious Diseases: Their Evolution and Eradication (Springfield, I11.: Thomas, 1967); the same author's "Where did our infectious diseases come from?" pp. 103-13 in Health and Disease in Tribal Societies, CIBA Foundation Symposium, no. 49 (Amsterdam: Elsevier, 1977); George Williams and Randolph Nesse, "The dawn of Darwinian medicine," Quarterly Reviews of Biology 66:1-62 (1991); and Paul Ewald, Evolution of Infectious Disease (New York: Oxford University Press, 1994).

Francis Black, "Infectious diseases in primitive societies," Science 187:515-18 (1975), discusses the differences between endemic and acute diseases in their impact on, and maintenance in, small isolated societies. Frank Fenner, "Myxoma virus and Oryctolagus cuniculus: Two colonizing species," pp. 485-501 in H. G. Baker and G. L. Stebbins, eds., Genetics of Colonizing Species (New York: Academic Press, 1965), describes the spread and evolution of Myxoma virus among Australian rabbits. Peter Panum, Observations Made during the Epidemic of Measles on the Faroe Islands in the Year 1846 (New York: American Public Health Association, 1940), illustrates how the arrival of an acute epidemic disease in an isolated nonresistant population quickly kills or immunizes the whole population. Francis Black, "Measles endemicity in insular populations: Critical community size and its evolutionary implication," Journal of Theoretical


Biology 11:207-11 (1966), uses such measles epidemics to calculate the minimum size of population required to maintain measles. Andrew Dob-son, "The population biology of parasite-induced changes in host behavior," Quarterly Reviews of Biology 63:139-65 (1988), discusses how parasites enhance their own transmission by changing the behavior of their host. Aidan Cockburn and Eve Cockburn, eds., Mummies, Diseases, and Ancient Cultures (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1983), illustrates what can be learned from mummies about past impacts of diseases.

As for accounts of disease impacts on previously unexposed populations, Henry Dobyns, Their Number Became Thinned (Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press, 1983), marshals evidence for the view that European-introduced diseases killed up to 95 percent of all Native Americans. Subsequent books or articles arguing that controversial thesis include John Verano and Douglas Ubelaker, eds., Disease and Demography in the Americas (Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1992); Ann Ramenofsky, Vectors of Death (Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1987); Russell Thornton, American Indian Holocaust and Survival (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1987); and Dean Snow, "Microchronology and demographic evidence relating to the size of the pre-Columbian North American Indian population," Science 268:1601-4 (1995). Two accounts of depopulation caused by European-introduced diseases among Hawaii's Polynesian population are David Stannard, Before the Horror: The Population of Hawaii on the Eve of Western Contact (Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1989), and O. A. Bushnell, The Gifts of Civilization: Germs and Genocide in Hawaii (Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1993). The near-extermination of the Sadlermiut Eskimos by a dysentery epidemic in the winter of 1902-3 is described by Susan Rowley, "The Sadlermiut: Mysterious or misunderstood?" pp. 361-84 in David Morrison and Jean-Luc Pilon, eds., Threads of Arctic Prehistory (Hull: Canadian Museum of Civilization, 1994). The reverse phenomenon, of European deaths due to diseases encountered overseas, is discussed by Philip Curtin, Death by Migration: Europe's Encounter with the Tropical World in the 19th Century (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1989).

Among accounts of specific diseases, Stephen Morse, ed., Emerging Viruses (New York: Oxford University Press, 1993), contains many valuable chapters on "new" viral diseases of humans; so does Mary Wilson et al., eds., Disease in Evolution, Annals of the New York Academy of Sci-


ences, vol. 740 (New York, 1995). References for other diseases include the following. For bubonic plague: Colin McEvedy, "Bubonic plague," Scientific American 258(2):118-23 (1988). For cholera: Norman Longmate, King Cholera (London: Hamish Hamilton, 1966). For influenza: Edwin Kilbourne, Influenza (New York: Plenum, 1987), and Robert Webster et al., "Evolution and ecology of influenza A viruses," Microbiological Reviews 56:152-79 (1992). For Lyme disease: Alan Barbour and Durland Fish, "The biological and social phenomenon of Lyme disease," Science 260:1610-16 (1993), and Allan Steere, "Lyme disease: A growing threat to urban populations," Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 91:2378-83 (1994).

For the evolutionary relationships of human malarial parasites: Thomas McCutchan et al., "Evolutionary relatedness of Plasmodium species as determined by the structure of DNA," Science 225:808-11 (1984), and A. P. Waters et al., "Plasmodium falciparum appears to have arisen as a result of lateral transfer between avian and human hosts," Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 88:3140-44 (1991). For the evolutionary relationships of measles virus: E. Norrby et al., "Is rinderpest virus the archevirus of the Morbillivirus genus?" Intervirology 23:228-32 (1985), and Keith Murray et al., "A morbillivirus that caused fatal disease in horses and humans," Science 268:94-97 (1995). For pertussis, also known as whooping cough: R. Gross et al., "Genetics of pertussis toxin," Molecular Microbiology 3:119-24 (1989). For smallpox: Donald Hopkins, Princes and Peasants: Smallpox in History (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1983); F. Vogel and M. R. Chakravartti, "ABO blood groups and smallpox in a rural population of West Bengal and Bihar (India)," Human Genetics 3:166-80 (1966); and my article "A pox upon our genes," Natural History 99(2):26-30 (1990). For monkeypox, a disease related to smallpox: Zdenek Jezek and Frank Fenner, Human Monkeypox (Basel: Karger, 1988). For syphilis: Claude Quetel, History of Syphilis (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1990). For tuberculosis: Guy Youmans, Tuberculosis (Philadelphia: Saunders, 1979). For the claim that human tuberculosis was present in Native Americans before Columbus's arrival: in favor, Wilmar Salo et al., "Identification of Mycobacterium tuberculosis DNA in a pre-Columbian Peruvian mummy," Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 91:2091-94 (1994); opposed, William Stead et al., "When did Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection first occur in


the New World?" American Journal of Respiratory Critical Care Medicine 151:1267-68 (1995).

Chapter 12

Books providing general accounts of writing and of particular writing systems include David Diringer, Writing (London: Thames and Hudson, 1982), I. J. Gelb, A Study of Writing, 2nd ed. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1963), Geoffrey Sampson, Writing Systems (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1985), John DeFrancis, Visible Speech (Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1989), Wayne Senner, ed., The Origins of Writing (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1991), and J. T. Hooker, ed., Reading the Past (London: British Museum Press, 1990). A comprehensive account of significant writing systems, with plates depicting texts in each system, is David Diringer, The Alphabet, 3rd ed., 2 vols. (London: Hutchinson, 1968). Jack Goody, The Domestication of the Savage Mind (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1977), and Robert Logan, The Alphabet Effect (New York: Morrow, 1986), discuss the impact of literacy in general and of the alphabet in particular. Uses of early writing are discussed by Nicholas Postgate et al., "The evidence for early writing: Utilitarian or ceremonial?" Antiquity 69:459-80 (1995).

Exciting accounts of decipherments of previously illegible scripts are given by Maurice Pope, The Story of Decipherment (London: Thames and Hudson, 1975), Michael Coe, Breaking the Maya Code (New York: Thames and Hudson, 1992), John Chadwick, The Decipherment of Linear B (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1992), Yves Duhoux, Thomas Palaima, and John Bennet, eds., Problems in Decipherment (Louvain-la-Neuve: Peeters, 1989), and John Justeson and Terrence Kaufman, "A decipherment of epi-Olmec hieroglyphic writing," Science 259:1703-11 (1993).

Denise Schmandt-Besserat's two-volume Before Writing (Austin: University of Texas Press, 1992) presents her controversial reconstruction of the origins of Sumerian writing from clay tokens over the course of nearly 5,000 years. Hans Nissen et al., eds., Archaic Bookkeeping (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1994), describes Mesopotamian tablets that represent the earliest stages of cuneiform itself. Joseph Naveh, Early History


of the Alphabet (Leiden: Brill, 1982), traces the emergence of alphabets in the eastern Mediterranean region. The remarkable Ugaritic alphabet is the subject of Gernot Windfuhr, "The cuneiform signs of Ugarit," Journal of Near Eastern Studies 29:48-51 (1970). Joyce Marcus, Mesoamerican Writing Systems: Propaganda, Myth, and History in Four Ancient Civilizations (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1992), and Elizabeth Boone and Walter Mignolo, Writing without Words (Durham: Duke University Press, 1994), describe the development and uses of Mesoamerican writing systems. William Boltz, The Origin and Early Development of the Chinese Writing System (New Haven: American Oriental Society, 1994), and the same author's "Early Chinese writing," World Archaeology 17:420-36 (1986), do the same for China. Finally, Janet Klausner, Sequoyah's Gift (New York: HarperCollins, 1993), is an account readable by children, but equally interesting to adults, of Sequoyah's development of the Cherokee syllabary.

Chapter 13

The standard detailed history of technology is the eight-volume A History of Technology, by Charles Singer et al. (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1954-84). One-volume histories are Donald Cardwell, The Fontana History of Technology (London: Fontana Press, 1994), Arnold Pacey, Technology in World Civilization (Cambridge: MIT Press, 1990), and Trevor Williams, The History of Invention (New York: Facts on File, 1987). R. A. Buchanan, The Power of the Machine (London: Penguin Books, 1994), is a short history of technology focusing on the centuries since a.d. 1700. Joel Mokyr, The Lever of Riches (New York: Oxford University Press, 1990), discusses why the rate of development of technology has varied with time and place. George Basalla, The Evolution of Technology (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1988), presents an evolutionary view of technological change. Everett Rogers, Diffusion of Innovations, 3rd ed. (New York: Free Press, 1983), summarizes modern research on the transfer of innovations, including the QWERTY keyboard. David Holloway, Stalin and the Bomb (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1994), dissects the relative contributions of blueprint copying, idea diffusion (by espionage), and independent invention to the Soviet atomic bomb.

Preeminent among regional accounts of technology is the series Science


and Civilization in China, by Joseph Needham (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press), of which 5 volumes in 16 parts have appeared since 1954, with a dozen more parts on the way. Ahmad al-Hassan and Donald Hill, Islamic Technology (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1992), and K. D. White, Greek and Roman Technology (London: Thames and Hudson, 1984), summarize technology's history for those cultures.

Two conspicuous examples of somewhat isolated societies adopting and then abandoning technologies potentially useful in competition with other societies involve Japan's abandonment of firearms, after their adoption in a.d. 1543, and China's abandonment of its large oceangoing fleets after a.d. 1433. The former case is described by Noel Perrin, Giving Up the Gun (Boston: Hall, 1979), and the latter by Louise Levathes, When China Ruled the Seas (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1994). An essay entitled "The disappearance of useful arts," pp. 190-210 in W. H. B. Rivers, Psychology and Ethnology (New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1926), gives similar examples among Pacific islanders.

Articles on the history of technology will be found in the quarterly journal Technology and Culture, published by the Society for the History of Technology since 1959. John Staudenmaier, Technology's Storytellers (Cambridge: MIT Press, 1985), analyzes the papers in its first twenty years.

Specific fields providing material for those interested in the history of technology include electric power, textiles, and metallurgy. Thomas Hughes, Networks of Power (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1983), discusses the social, economic, political, and technical factors in the electrification of Western society from 1880 to 1930. Dava Sobel, Longitude (New York: Walker, 1995), describes the development of John Harrison's chronometers that solved the problem of determining longitude at sea. E. J. W. Barber, Prehistoric Textiles (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1991), sets out the history of cloth in Eurasia from its beginnings more than 9,000 years ago. Accounts of the history of metallurgy over wide regions or even over the world include Robert Maddin, The Beginning of the Use of Metals and Alloys (Cambridge: MIT Press, 1988), Theodore Wertime and James Muhly, eds., The Coming of the Age of Iron (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1980), R. D. Penhallurick, Tin in Antiquity (London: Institute of Metals, 1986), James Muhly, "Copper and Tin," Transactions of the Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences 43:155-535 (1973), and Alan Franklin, Jacqueline Olin, and Theodore


Wertime, The Search for Ancient Tin (Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1978). Accounts of metallurgy for local regions include R. F. Tylecote, The Early History of Metallurgy in Europe (London: Longman, 1987), and Donald Wagner, Iron and Steel in Ancient China (Leiden: Brill, 1993).

Chapter 14

The fourfold classification of human societies into bands, tribes, chiefdoms, and states owes much to two books by Elman Service: Primitive Social Organization (New York: Random House, 1962) and Origins of the State and Civilization (New York: Norton, 1975). A related classification of societies, using different terminology, is Morton Fried, The Evolution of Political Society (New York: Random House, 1967). Three important review articles on the evolution of states and societies are Kent Flannery, "The cultural evolution of civilizations," Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics 3:399-426 (1972), the same author's "Prehistoric social evolution," pp. 1-26 in Carol and Melvin Ember, eds., Research Frontiers in Anthropology (Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall, 1995), and Henry Wright, "Recent research on the origin of the state," Annual Review of Anthropology 6:379-97 (1977). Robert Carneiro, "A theory of the origin of the state," Science 169:733-38 (1970), argues that states arise through warfare under conditions in which land is ecologically limiting. Karl Wittfogel, Oriental Despotism (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1957), relates state origins to large-scale irrigation and hydraulic management. Three essays in On the Evolution of Complex Societies, by William Sanders, Henry Wright, and Robert Adams (Malibu: Undena, 1984), present differing views of state origins, while Robert Adams, The Evolution of Urban Society (Chicago: Aldine, 1966), contrasts state origins in Mesopotamia and Mesoamerica.

Among studies of the evolution of societies in specific parts of the world, sources for Mesopotamia include Robert Adams, Heartland of Cities (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1981), and J. N. Postgate, Early Mesopotamia (London: Routledge, 1992); for Mesoamerica, Richard Blanton et al., Ancient Mesoamerica (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1981), and Joyce Marcus and Kent Flannery, Zapotec Civilization (London: Thames and Hudson, 1996); for the Andes, Richard


Burger, Chavin and the Origins of Andean Civilization (New York, Thames and Hudson, 1992), and Jonathan Haas et al., eds., The Origins and Development of the Andean State (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1987); for American chiefdoms, Robert Drennan and Carlos Uribe, eds., Chiefdoms in the Americas (Lanham, Md.: University Press of America, 1987); for Polynesian societies, the books cited under Chapter 2; and for the Zulu state, Donald Morris, The Washing of the Spears (London: Jonathan Cape, 1966).

Chapter 15

Books covering the prehistory of both Australia and New Guinea include Alan Thorne and Robert Raymond, Man on the Rim: The Peopling of the Pacific (North Ryde: Angus and Robertson, 1989), J. Peter White and James O'Connell, A Prehistory of Australia, New Guinea, and Sahul (Sydney: Academic Press, 1982), Jim Allen et al., eds., Sunda and Sahul (London: Academic Press, 1977), M. A. Smith et al., eds., Sahul in Review (Canberra: Australian National University, 1993), and Tim Flannery, The Future Eaters (New York: Braziller, 1995). The first and third of these books discuss the prehistory of island Southeast Asia as well. A recent account of the history of Australia itself is Josephine Flood, Archaeology of the Dreamtime, rev. ed. (Sydney: Collins, 1989). Some additional key papers on Australian prehistory are Rhys Jones, "The fifth continent: Problems concerning the human colonization of Australia," Annual Reviews of Anthropology 8:445-66 (1979), Richard Roberts et al., "Thermoluminescence dating of a 50,000-year-old human occupation site in northern Australia," Nature 345:153-56 (1990), and Jim Allen and Simon Holdaway, "The contamination of Pleistocene radiocarbon determinations in Australia," Antiquity 69:101-12 (1995). Robert Attenborough and Michael Alpers, eds., Human Biology in Papua New Guinea (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1992), summarizes New Guinea archaeology as well as languages and genetics.

As for the prehistory of Northern Melanesia (the Bismarck and Solomon Archipelagoes, northeast and east of New Guinea), discussion will be found in the above-cited books by Thorne and Raymond, Flannery, and Allen et al. Papers pushing back the dates for the earliest occupation of Northern Melanesia include Stephen Wickler and Matthew Spriggs, "Pleistocene human occupation of the Solomon Islands, Melanesia,"


Antiquity 62:703-6 (1988), Jim Allen et al., "Pleistocene dates for the human occupation of New Ireland, Northern Melanesia," Nature 331:707-9 (1988), Jim Allen et al., "Human Pleistocene adaptations in the tropical island Pacific: Recent evidence from New Ireland, a Greater Australian outlier," Antiquity 63:548-61 (1989), and Christina Pavlides and Chris Gosden, "35,000-year-old sites in the rainforests of West New Britain, Papua New Guinea," Antiquity 68:604-10 (1994). References to the Austronesian expansion around the coast of New Guinea will be found under further readings for Chapter 17.

Two books on the history of Australia after European colonization are Robert Hughes, The Fatal Shore (New York: Knopf, 1987), and Michael Cannon, The Exploration of Australia (Sydney: Reader's Digest, 1987). Aboriginal Australians themselves are the subject of Richard Broome, Aboriginal Australians (Sydney: Allen and Unwin, 1982), and Henry Reynolds, Frontier (Sydney: Allen and Unwin, 1987). An incredibly detailed history of New Guinea, from the earliest written records until 1902, is the three-volume work by Arthur Wichmann, Entdeckungs-geschichte von Neu-Guinea (Leiden: Brill, 1909-12). A shorter and more readable account is Gavin Souter, New Guinea: The Last Unknown (Sydney: Angus and Robertson, 1964). Bob Connolly and Robin Anderson, First Contact (New York: Viking, 1987), movingly describes the first encounters of highland New Guineans with Europeans.

For detailed accounts of New Guinea's Papuan (i.e., non-Austronesian) languages, see Stephen Wurm, Papuan Languages of Oceania (Tubingen: Gunter Narr, 1982), and William Foley, The Papuan languages of New Guinea (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1986); and of Australian languages, see Stephen Wurm, Languages of Australia and Tasmania (The Hague: Mouton, 1972), and R. M. W. Dixon, The Languages of Australia (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1980).

An entrance into the literature on plant domestication and origins of food production in New Guinea can be found in Jack Golson, "Bulmer phase II: Early agriculture in the New Guinea highlands," pp. 484-91 in Andrew Pawley, ed., Man and a Half (Auckland: Polynesian Society, 1991), and D. E. Yen, "Polynesian cultigens and cultivars: The question of origin," pp. 67-95 in Paul Cox and Sandra Banack, eds., Islands, Plants, and Polynesians (Portland: Dioscorides Press, 1991).

Numerous articles and books are devoted to the fascinating problem of why trading visits of Indonesians and of Torres Strait islanders to Australia


produced only limited cultural change. C. C. Macknight, "Macassans and Aborigines," Oceania 42:283-321 (1972), discusses the Macassan visits, while D. Walker, ed., Bridge and Barrier: The Natural and Cultural History of Torres Strait (Canberra: Australian National University, 1972), discusses connections at Torres Strait. Both connections are also discussed in the above-cited books by Flood, White and O'Connell, and Allen et al.

Early eyewitness accounts of the Tasmanians are reprinted in N. J. B. Plomley, The Baudin Expedition and the Tasmanian Aborigines 1802 (Hobart: Blubber Head Press, 1983), N. J. B. Plomley, Friendly Mission: The Tasmanian Journals and Papers of George Augustus Robinson, 1829-1834 (Hobart: Tasmanian Historical Research Association, 1966), and Edward Duyker, The Discovery of Tasmania: Journal Extracts from the Expeditions of Abel Janszoon Tasman and Marc-Joseph Marion Dufresne, 1642 and 1772 (Hobart: St. David's Park Publishing, 1992). Papers debating the effects of isolation on Tasmanian society include Rhys Jones, "The Tasmanian Paradox," pp. 189-284 in R. V. S. Wright, ed., Stone Tools as Cultural Markers (Canberra: Australian Institute of Aboriginal Studies, 1977); Rhys Jones, "Why did the Tasmanians stop eating fish?" pp. 11-48 in R. Gould, ed., Explorations in Ethnoarchaeology (Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1978); D. R. Horton, "Tasmanian adaptation," Mankind 12:28-34 (1979); I. Walters, "Why did the Tasmanians stop eating fish?: A theoretical consideration," Artefact 6:71-77 (1981); and Rhys Jones, "Tasmanian Archaeology," Annual Reviews of Anthropology 24:423-46 (1995). Results of Robin Sim's archaeological excavations on Flinders Island are described in her article "Prehistoric human occupation on the King and Furneaux Island regions, Bass Strait," pp. 358-74 in Marjorie Sullivan et al., eds., Archaeology in the North (Darwin: North Australia Research Unit, 1994).

Chapters 16 and 17

Relevant readings cited under previous chapters include those on East Asian food production (Chapters 4-10), Chinese writing (Chapter 12), Chinese technology (Chapter 13), and New Guinea and the Bismarcks and Solomons in general (Chapter 15). James Matisoff, "Sino-Tibetan linguistics: Present state and future prospects," Annual Reviews of Anthropology 20:469-504 (1991), reviews Sino-Tibetan languages and their wider rela-


tionships. Takeru Akazawa and Emoke Szathmáry, eds., Prehistoric Mongoloid Dispersals (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1996), and Dennis Etler, "Recent developments in the study of human biology in China: A review," Human Biology 64:567-85 (1992), discuss evidence of Chinese or East Asian relationships and dispersal. Alan Thorne and Robert Raymond, Man on the Rim (North Ryde: Angus and Robertson, 1989), describes the archaeology, history, and culture of Pacific peoples, including East Asians and Pacific islanders. Adrian Hill and Susan Serjeantson, eds., The Colonization of the Pacific: A Genetic Trail (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1989), interprets the genetics of Pacific islanders, Aboriginal Australians, and New Guineans in terms of their inferred colonization routes and histories. Evidence based on tooth structure is interpreted by Christy Turner III, "Late Pleistocene and Holocene population history of East Asia based on dental variation," American journal of Physical Anthropology 73:305-21 (1987), and "Teeth and prehistory in Asia," Scientific American 260 (2):88-96(1989).

Among regional accounts of archaeology, China is covered by Kwangchih Chang, The Archaeology of Ancient China, 4th ed. (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1987), David Keightley, ed., The Origins of Chinese Civilization (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1983), and David Keightley, "Archaeology and mentality: The making of China," Representations 18:91-128 (1987). Mark Elvin, The Pattern of the Chinese Past (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1973), examines China's history since its political unification. Convenient archaeological accounts of Southeast Asia include Charles Higham, The Archaeology of Mainland Southeast Asia (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1989); for Korea, Sarah Nelson, The Archaeology of Korea (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1993); for Indonesia, the Philippines, and tropical Southeast Asia, Peter Bellwood, Prehistory of the Indo-Malaysian Archipelago (Sydney: Academic Press, 1985); for peninsular Malaysia, Peter Bellwood, "Cultural and biological differentiation in Peninsular Malaysia: The last 10,000 years," Asian Perspectives 32:37-60 (1993); for the Indian subcontinent, Bridget and Raymond Allchin, The Rise of Civilization in India and Pakistan (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1982); for Island Southeast Asia and the Pacific with special emphasis on Lapita, a series of five articles in Antiquity 63:547-626 (1989) and Patrick Kirch, The Lapita Peoples: Ancestors of the Oceanic World (London: Basil Blackwell, 1996); and for the Austronesian expansion as a whole, Andrew Pawley and Mai-


colm Ross, "Austronesian historical linguistics and culture history," Annual Reviews of Anthropology 22:425-59 (1993), and Peter Bellwood et al., The Austronesians: Comparative and Historical Perspectives (Canberra: Australian National University, 1995).

Geoffrey Irwin, The Prehistoric Exploration and Colonization of the Pacific (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1992), is an account of Polynesian voyaging, navigation, and colonization. The dating of the settlement of New Zealand and eastern Polynesia is debated by Atholl Anderson, "The chronology of colonisation in New Zealand," Antiquity 65:767-95 (1991), and "Current approaches in East Polynesian colonisation research," Journal of the Polynesian Society 104:110-32 (1995), and Patrick Kirch and Joanna Ellison, "Palaeoenvironmental evidence for human colonization of remote Oceanic islands," Antiquity 68:310-21 (1994).

Chapter 18

Many relevant further readings for this chapter will be found listed under those for other chapters: under Chapter 3 for the conquests of the Incas and Aztecs, Chapters 4-10 for plant and animal domestication, Chapter 11 for infectious diseases, Chapter 12 for writing, Chapter 13 for technology, Chapter 14 for political institutions, and Chapter 16 for China. Convenient worldwide comparisons of dates for the onset of food production will be found in Bruce Smith, The Emergence of Agriculture (New York: Scientific American Library, 1995).

Some discussions of the historical trajectories summarized in Table 18.1, other than references given under previous chapters, are as follows. For England: Timothy Darvill, Prehistoric Britain (London: Batsford, 1987). For the Andes: Jonathan Haas et al., The Origins and Development of the Andean State (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1987); Michael Moseley, The Incas and Their Ancestors (New York: Thames and Hudson, 1992); and Richard Burger, Chavin and the Origins of Andean Civilization (New York: Thames and Hudson, 1992). For Amazonia: Anna Roosevelt, Parmana (New York: Academic Press, 1980), and Anna Roosevelt et al., "Eighth millennium pottery from a prehistoric shell midden in the Brazilian Amazon," Science 254:1621-24 (1991). For Mesoamerica: Michael Coe, Mexico, 3rd ed. (New York: Thames and Hudson,


1984), and Michael Coe, The Maya, 3rd ed. (New York: Thames and Hudson, 1984). For the eastern United States: Vincas Steponaitis, "Prehistoric archaeology in the southeastern United States, 1970-1985," Annual Reviews of Anthropology 15:363-404 (1986); Bruce Smith, "The archaeology of the southeastern United States: From Dalton to de Soto, 10,500-500 B.P.," Advances in World Archaeology 5:1-92 (1986); William Keegan, ed., Emergent Horticultural Economies of the Eastern Woodlands (Carbondale: Southern Illinois University, 1987); Bruce Smith, "Origins of agriculture in eastern North America," Science 246:1566-71 (1989); Bruce Smith, The Mississippian Emergence (Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1990); and Judith Bense, Archaeology of the Southeastern United States (San Diego: Academic Press, 1994). A compact reference on Native Americans of North America is Philip Kopper, The Smithsonian Book of North American Indians before the Coming of the Europeans (Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1986). Bruce Smith, "The origins of agriculture in the Americas," Evolutionary Anthropology 3:174-84 (1995), discusses the controversy over early versus late dates for the onset of New World food production.

Anyone inclined to believe that New World food production and societies were limited by the culture or psychology of Native Americans themselves, rather than by limitations of the wild species available to them for domestication, should consult three accounts of the transformation of Great Plains Indian societies by the arrival of the horse: Frank Row, The Indian and the Horse (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1955), John Ewers, The Blackfeet: Raiders on the Northwestern Plains (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1958), and Ernest Wallace and E. Adamson Hoebel, The Comanches: Lords of the South Plains (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1986).

Among discussions of the spread of language families in relation to the rise of food production, a classic account for Europe is Albert Ammerman and L. L. Cavalli-Sforza, The Neolithic Transition and the Genetics of Populations in Europe (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1984), while Peter Bellwood, "The Austronesian dispersal and the origin of languages," Scientific American 265(l):88-93 (1991), does the same for the Austronesian realm. Studies citing examples from around the world are the two books by L. L. Cavalli-Sforza et al. and the book by Merritt Ruhlen cited as further readings for the Prologue. Two books with diametrically opposed interpretations of the Indo-European expansion provide


entrances into that controversial literature: Colin Renfrew, Archaeology and Language: The Puzzle of Indo-European Origins (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1987), and J. P. Mallory, In Search of the Indo-Europeans (London: Thames and Hudson, 1989). Sources on the Russian expansion across Siberia are George Lantzeff and Richard Pierce, Eastward to Empire (Montreal: McGill-Queens University Press, 1973), and W. Bruce Lincoln, The Conquest of a Continent (New York: Random House, 1994).

As for Native American languages, the majority view that recognizes many separate language families is exemplified by Lyle Campbell and Marianne Mithun, The Languages of Native America (Austin: University of Texas, 1979). The opposing view, lumping all Native American languages other than Eskimo-Aleut and Na-Dene languages into the Amerind family, is presented by Joseph Greenberg, Language in the Americas (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1987), and Merritt Ruhlen, A Guide to the World's Languages, vol. 1 (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1987).

Standard accounts of the origin and spread of the wheel for transport in Eurasia are M. A. Littauer and J. H. Crouwel, Wheeled Vehicles and Ridden Animals in the Ancient Near East (Leiden: Brill, 1979), and Stuart Piggott, The Earliest Wheeled Transport (London: Thames and Hudson, 1983).

Books on the rise and demise of the Norse colonies in Greenland and America include Finn Gad, The History of Greenland, vol. 1 (Montreal: McGill-Queens University Press, 1971), G. J. Marcus, The Conquest of the North Atlantic (New York: Oxford University Press, 1981), Gwyn Jones, The Norse Atlantic Saga, 2nd ed. (New York: Oxford University Press, 1986), and Christopher Morris and D. James Rackham, eds., Norse and Later Settlement and Subsistence in the North Atlantic (Glasgow: University of Glasgow, 1992). Two volumes by Samuel Eliot Morison provide masterly accounts of early European voyaging to the New World: The European Discovery of America: The Northern Voyages, a.d. 500-1600 (New York: Oxford University Press, 1971) and The European Discovery of America: The Southern Voyages, a.d. 1492-1616 (New York: Oxford University Press, 1974). The beginnings of Europe's overseas expansion are treated by Felipe Fernández-Armesto, Before Columbus: Exploration and Colonization from the Mediterranean to the Atlantic, 1229-1492 (London: Macmillan Education, 1987). Not to be missed is Columbus's own day-by-day account of history's most famous voyage, reprinted as


Oliver Dunn and James Kelley, Jr., The Diario of Christopher Columbus's First Voyage to America, 1492-1493 (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1989).

As an antidote to this book's mostly dispassionate account of how peoples conquered or slaughtered other peoples, read the classic account of the destruction of the Yahi tribelet of northern California and the emergence of Ishi, its solitary survivor: Theodora Kroeber, Ishi in Two Worlds (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1961). The disappearance of native languages in the Americas and elsewhere is the subject of Robert Robins and Eugenius Uhlenbeck, Endangered Languages (Providence: Berg, 1991), Joshua Fishman, Reversing Language Shift (Clevedon: Multilingual Matters, 1991), and Michael Krauss, "The world's languages in crisis," Language 68:4-10 (1992).

Chapter 19

Books on the archaeology, prehistory, and history of the African continent include Roland Oliver and Brian Fagan, Africa in the Iron Age (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1975), Roland Oliver and J. D. Fage, A Short History of Africa, 5th ed. (Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1975), J. D. Fage, A History of Africa (London: Hutchinson, 1978), Roland Oliver, The African Experience (London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1991), Thurstan Shaw et al., eds., The Archaeology of Africa: Food, Metals, and Towns (New York: Routledge, 1993), and David Phillipson, African Archaeology, 2nd ed. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1993). Correlations between linguistic and archaeological evidence of Africa's past are summarized by Christopher Ehret and Merrick Posnansky, eds., The Archaeological and Linguistic Reconstruction of African History (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1982). The role of disease is discussed by Gerald Hartwig and K. David Patterson, eds., Disease in African History (Durham: Duke University Press, 1978).

As for food production, many of the listed further readings for Chapters 4-10 discuss Africa. Also of note are Christopher Ehret, "On the antiquity of agriculture in Ethiopia," Journal of African History 20:161-77 (1979); J. Desmond Clark and Steven Brandt, eds., From Hunters to Farmers: The Causes and Consequences of Food Production in Africa (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1984); Art Hansen and Delia McMillan, eds.,


Food in Sub-Saharan Africa (Boulder, Colo.: Rienner, 1986); Fred Wendorf et al., "Saharan exploitation of plants 8,000 years B.p.," Nature 359:721-24 (1992); Andrew Smith, Pastoralism in Africa (London: Hurst, 1992); and Andrew Smith, "Origin and spread of pastoralism in Africa," Annual Reviews of Anthropology 21:125-41 (1992).

For information about Madagascar, two starting points are Robert Dewar and Henry Wright, "The culture history of Madagascar," Journal of World Prehistory 7:417-66 (1993), and Pierre Verin, The History of Civilization in North Madagascar (Rotterdam: Balkema, 1986). A detailed study of the linguistic evidence about the source for the colonization of Madagascar is Otto Dahl, Migration from Kalimantan to Madagascar (Oslo: Norwegian University Press, 1991). Possible musical evidence for Indonesian contact with East Africa is described by A. M. Jones, Africa and Indonesia: The Evidence of the Xylophone and Other Musical and Cultural Factors (Leiden: Brill, 1971). Important evidence about the early settlement of Madagascar comes from dated bones of now extinct animals as summarized by Robert Dewar, "Extinctions in Madagascar: The loss of the subfossil fauna," pp. 574-93 in Paul Martin and Richard Klein, eds., Quaternary Extinctions (Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 1984). A tantalizing subsequent fossil discovery is reported by R. D. E. MacPhee and David Burney, "Dating of modified femora of extinct dwarf Hippopotamus from Southern Madagascar," Journal of Archaeological Science 18:695-706 (1991). The onset of human colonization is assessed from paleobotanical evidence by David Burney, "Late Holocene vegetational change in Central Madagascar," Quaternary Research 28:130-43 (1987).


Links between environmental degradation and the decline of civilization in Greece are explored by Tjeerd van Andel et al., "Five thousand years of land use and abuse in the southern Argolid," Hesperia 55:103-28 (1986), Tjeerd van Andel and Curtis Runnels, Beyond the Acropolis: A Rural Greek Past (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1987), and Curtis Runnels, "Environmental degradation in ancient Greece," Scientific American 272(3):72-75 (1995). Patricia Fall et al., "Fossil hyrax middens from the Middle East: A record of paleovegetation and human disturbance," pp. 408-27 in Julio Betancourt et al., eds., Packrat Middens (Tucson: Uni-


versity of Arizona Press, 1990), does the same for the decline of Petra, as does Robert Adams, Heartland of Cities (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1981), for Mesopotamia.

A stimulating interpretation of the differences between the histories of China, India, Islam, and Europe is provided by E. L. Jones, The European Miracle, 2nd ed. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1987). Louise Levathes, When China Ruled the Seas (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1994), describes the power struggle that led to the suspension of China's treasure fleets. The further readings for Chapters 16 and 17 provide other references for early Chinese history.

The impact of Central Asian nomadic pastoralists on Eurasia's complex civilizations of settled farmers is discussed by Bennett Bronson, "The role of barbarians in the fall of states," pp. 196-218 in Norman Yoffee and George Cowgill, eds., The Collapse of Ancient States and Civilizations (Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 1988).

The possible relevance of chaos theory to history is discussed by Michael Shermer in the paper "Exorcising Laplace's demon: Chaos and antichaos, history and metahistory," History and Theory 34:59-83 (1995). Shermer's paper also provides a bibliography for the triumph of the QWERTY keyboard, as does Everett Rogers, Diffusion of Innovations, 3rd ed. (New York: Free Press, 1983).

An eyewitness account of the traffic accident that nearly killed Hitler in 1930 will be found in the memoirs of Otto Wagener, a passenger in Hitler's car. Those memoirs have been edited by Henry Turner, Jr., as a book, Hitler: Memoirs of a Confidant (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1978). Turner goes on to speculate on what might have happened if Hitler had died in 1930, in his chapter "Hitler's impact on history," in David Wetzel, ed., German History: Ideas, Institutions, and Individuals (New York: Praeger, 1996).

The many distinguished books by historians interested in problems of long-term history include Sidney Hook, The Hero in History (Boston: Beacon Press, 1943), Patrick Gardiner, ed., Theories of History (New York: Free Press, 1959), Fernand Braudel, Civilization and Capitalism (New York: Harper and Row, 1979), Fernand Braudel, On History (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1980), Peter Novick, That Noble Dream (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1988), and Henry Hobhouse, Forces of Change (London: Sedgewick and Jackson, 1989).

Several writings by the biologist Ernst Mayr discuss the differences


between historical and nonhistorical sciences, with particular reference to the contrast between biology and physics, but much of what Mayr says is also applicable to human history. His views will be found in his Evolution and the Diversity of Life (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1976), chap. 25, and in Towards a New Philosophy of Biology (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1988), chaps. 1-2.

The methods by which epidemiologists reach cause-and-effect conclusions about human diseases, without resorting to laboratory experiments on people, are discussed in standard epidemiology texts, such as A. M. Lilienfeld and D. E. Lilienfeld, Foundations of Epidemiology, 3rd ed. (New York: Oxford University Press, 1994). Uses of natural experiments are considered from the viewpoint of an ecologist in my chapter "Overview: Laboratory experiments, field experiments, and natural experiments," pp. 3-22 in Jared Diamond and Ted Case, eds., Community Ecology (New York: Harper and Row; 1986). Paul Harvey and Mark Pagel, The Comparative Method in Evolutionary Biology (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1991), analyzes how to extract conclusions by comparing species.

2003 Afterword

Two articles and one book summarize discoveries of the last half-dozen years about domestication of plants and animals, spreads of language families, and the relation of the spreads of language families to food production: Jared Diamond, "Evolution, consequences and the future of plant and animal domestication," Nature 418:34-41 (2002); Jared Diamond and Peter Bellwood, "The first agricultural expansions: archaeology, languages, and people," Science, in press; and Peter Bellwood and Colin Renfrew, Examining the Language/Farming Dispersal Hypothesis (Cambridge: McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research, 2002). Those two articles and that book give references to the detailed recent literature. A recent book-length account of the role of agricultural expansion in the origins of the modern Japanese people is Mark Hudson's Ruins of Identity: Ethnogenesis in the Japanese Islands (Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1999).

For a detailed account of New Zealand's Musket Wars, see the book by R.D. Crosby, The Musket Wars: a History of Inter-Iwi Conflict 1806-45 (Auckland: Reed, 1999). Those wars are summarized much more briefly


but placed in a larger context in two books by James Belich: The New Zealand Wars and the Victorian Interpretation of Racial Conflict (Auckland: Penguin, 1986) and Making Peoples: A History of the New Zealanders (Auckland: Penguin, 1996).

Two recent efforts by social scientists to identify proximate causes behind Europe's and China's divergence include an article by Jack Gold-stone, "Efflorescences and economic growth in world history: rethinking the 'rise of the West' and the Industrial Revolution," Journal of World History 13:323-89 (2002), and a book by Kenneth Pomeranz, The Great Divergence: China, Europe, and the Making of the Modern World Economy (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2000). The opposite approach, the search for ultimate causes, is exemplified by a recent article by Graeme Lang, "State systems and the origins of modern science: a comparison of Europe and China," East-West Dialog 2:16-30 (1997), and by a book by David Cosandey, Le Secret de l'Occident (Paris: Arléa, 1997). Those articles by Goldstone and by Lang are the sources of my quotations above.

The two papers analyzing the connection between economic indicators of modern wealth or growth rate, on the one hand, and long history of state societies or agriculture, on the other hand, are: Ola Olsson and Douglas Hibbs, "Biogeography and long-term economic development," in press in European Economic Review; and Valerie Bockstette, Areendam Chanda, and Louis Putterman, "States and markets: the advantage of an early start," Journal of Economic Growth 7:351-73 (2002).



p. 221: J. Beckett/K. Perkins, American Museum of Natural History. Negative 2A17202.

p. 229: Courtesy of V.I.P. Publishing.

p. 231: Courtesy of Myoung Soon Kim and Christie Kim.

pp. 223, 232, and 233: The Metropolitan Museum of Art.

p. 240: Heracleion Museum, Hellenic Republic Ministry of Culture.


Plates 1 and 8. Irven DeVore, Anthro-Photo.

Plates 2-5. Courtesy of the author.

Plate 6. P. McLanahan, American Museum of Natural History. Negative

337549. Plate 7. Richard Gould, American Museum of Natural History. Negative

332911. Plate 9. J. W. Beattie, American Museum of Natural History. Negative 12.

Plate 10. Bogoras, American Museum of Natural History. Negative 2975.

Plate 11. AP/Wide World Photos.

Plate 12. Judith Ferster, Anthro-Photo.

Plate 13. R. H. Beck, American Museum of Natural History. Negative 107814.


Plate 14. Dan Hrdy, Anthro-Photo.

Plate 15. Rodman Wanamaker, American Museum of Natural History. Negative 316824.

Plate 16. Marjorie Shostak, Anthro-Photo.


Plate 17. Boris Malkin, Anthro-Photo.

Plate 18. Napoleon Chagnon, Anthro-Photo.

Plate 19. Kirschner, American Museum of Natural History. Negative 235230.

Plates 20, 22, 24, 30, and 32. AP/Wide World Photos.

Plate 21. Gladstone, Anthro-Photo.

Plate 23. Above, AP/Wide World Photos. Below, W. B., American Museum of Natural History. Negative 2A13829.

Plate 25. Marjorie Shostak, Anthro-Photo.

Plate 26. Irven DeVore, Anthro-Photo.

Plate 27. Steve Winn, Anthro-Photo.

Plate 28. J.B. Thorpe, American Museum of Natural History. Negative 336181.

Plates 29 and 31. J. F. E. Bloss, Anthro-Photo.



Page numbers in italics refer to illustrations, maps and tables.

Aboriginal Australians:

band societies of, 267-68, 297

in coastal and river areas, 155, 310

cultural diffusion barriers for, 311, 313-17, 407

current underclass status of, 319

in desert environment, 296, 310

Eurasian diseases and, 213, 318, 320

European conquest of, 102, 310, 319, 320, 389-90

evolutionary ancestry of, 300-302, 316

as hunter-gatherers, 102, 113, 155, 297, 307, 309-11, 314

languages of, 301, 302, 316, 328

plant management practices of, 107, 155, 309, 310

population size of, 296, 298, 310, 311, 313, 319

racist theories on, 298-300, 320-21

rock paintings of, 295, 297

technological innovation and, 251-52, 253, 258, 311-17

villages constructed by, 155, 310

watercraft developed by, 297

weapons used by, 312, 316

wild foods of, 296, 309-11

accelerator mass spectrometry, 96

acorns, 115, 116, 118, 128-29

Africa, 376-401

Asian links with, 377, 378, 380-81

Bantu expansion in, 103, 133, 163, 386, 393-97, 395, 407

diffusion barriers in, 237, 238, 262-63, 399-400

diseases in, 197, 204, 208, 213, 396

domesticated animals in, 98, 162, 162, 163-64, 175, 186, 389, 406

early crops of, 126, 126-27, 133, 386-91, 387

European conquest of, 187, 397-401

five population groups in, 377-81, 398

human evolution in, 36, 38-39, 40, 50, 377, 398

languages of, 329, 377, 381-86, 382, 390-92

nomadic bands in, 267

non-animal protein sources in, 125

North, Eurasian culture related to, 161

north-south axis of, 186-87, 188, 263, 399-400

population levels in, 263, 399

racial oppression in, 187

spread of food production in, 98, 133, 180, 186-87, 188


Africa (continued)

state formation in, 290-91, 292

technological receptivity of societies in, 252

Afroasiatic language family, 382, 383, 384, 391, 392, 394

agave, 125-26, 327

agriculture, see crop cultivation; plants

AIDS, 197, 199, 201, 205, 208

Ainu, 165, 170-71, 356

airplanes, 206, 243, 245, 247

Alexander of Macedon, 281, 291, 410, 420

almonds, 114, 118, 129

alpacas, 159, 160, 161, 167, 178, 213

alphabets, 190, 217, 225-28, 230, 235, 236, 255, 259, 323, 333, 367, 400

amaranths, 180, 188

Amazonian cultures, 100, 126-27, 203, 266, 267, 374

American colonies, unification of, 290


animal extinctions in, 46-47, 162, 175, 213, 355, 406

barriers to cultural diffusion in, 177-80, 262, 366-67, 370, 407

current population level of, 375

diseases brought to, 204, 210-12, 357-58

domestic animals in, 76-77, 142, 158, 178, 213, 262, 355, 365

historical trajectory of key developments in, 360-70, 363

human presence in, 35, 38, 44-50, 67

modern band societies in, 268

native peoples of, see Native Americans

Norse voyages to, 371-73, 371

north-south axis of, 176, 187-88, 190, 255, 262, 366

onset of food production in, 96, 98, 99, 100, 361-62, 363, 364-65

population density of, 263

population replacement in, 354, 373-75

spread of food production inhibited in, 177-80, 366-67

technology diffusion in, 255, 262

Americas, European conquest of, 67-81

Atahuallpa's capture and, 68-74, 77, 354

centralized political structure and, 78, 374

horses used in, 76-77

infectious diseases and, 77-78, 197, 210-11, 355, 373-75

literacy as factor in, 78-80

maritime technology for, 78, 373

progress of, 373-75

weaponry in, 74-75, 76, 374

amygdalin, 114, 118

Andaman Islanders, 332-33


crops of, 98, 100, 126-27, 178, 185, 187-88, 213, 367, 375

survival of Native American population in, 375

animal extinctions:

in Americas, 46-47, 162, 175, 213, 355, 406

in Australia/New Guinea, 42-44, 46, 162-63, 175, 304, 308, 406

breeding programs for prevention of, 168

climatic theory of, 47

of domestic mammals' ancestors, 160, 175

food production intensified after, 110

in Polynesia, 60


latitude-related climate adaptations of, 184-85

taming vs. domestication of, 159, 165

territorial behavior of, 173-74

animals, domestic, 157-75

animal extinctions and, 44, 47, 406

crop production enhanced by, 88-89, 98, 128, 330, 357

earliest, 35, 142, 362-63

evolutionary alterations in, 159-61

human diseases and, 87, 92, 164, 195-97, 206-9, 207, 213-14, 330, 355, 357

initial sites for domestication of, 98-102, 100, 141, 142, 329-30, 389

for land transport, 91, 248

as military advantage, 76-77, 91, 358

morphology of wild species vs., 95, 159-61

number of potential candidates for, 44, 132

as pets, 163, 164-65, 166, 167, 196, 206, 207

as power source, 355, 358

regional differences in, 157-75, 355

as source of fibers, 90, 126, 159, 164, 170

wildlife decline as motive for, 110


wild mammals' suitability for, 131-32 see also mammals

anisakiasis, 198

Anna Karenina (Tolstoy), 157, 169, 174

annual plants, 120-21, 136, 139

Antarctica, 44, 266

antelope, 167-68, 172, 173-74

apes, human evolution from, 36, 204

apples, 115, 118, 122, 124-25, 134, 152, 155-56, 185-86

apricots, 122, 185

Arafura Sea, 297, 302

architecture, public, 269, 273, 274, 279

Aristotle, 282-83

arrowroot, 309


China's language families in, 324-29, 326, 327

expansion to Australia/New Guinea from, 41-42, 51-52, 300-301

initial human presence in, 37, 40

prehistoric coastline of, 299, 301

asses, North African, 171

Atahuallpa, 68-74, 75, 77, 78, 79, 80, 86, 211, 354

atoll types, 58

atomic bomb, 225, 242

aurochs, 160, 163, 166


Aboriginals of, see Aboriginal Australians

desert environment in, 295-96, 310

domesticates imported to, 189, 263, 308, 319-20, 407

environmental limits on food production in, 178, 308-9

European conquest of, 297, 319-21, 375

geological/climatic conditions in, 302, 303, 308, 311, 351

mineral resources of, 300

Murray-Darling river system of, 302, 310

New Guinea's separation from, 297, 298, 299, 302, 316

population size of, 263, 319

rabbit eradication efforts in, 209

sheep raised in, 196

Australia/New Guinea:

geographic isolation of, 257, 263

human presence in, 38, 41-44, 49, 51-52, 297, 300-301, 308

large-animal extinctions in, 42-44, 46, 162-63, 175, 304, 308, 406

mineral resources of, 241, 300

separation of, 297, 299, 302

stone tools used in, 241

Australopithecus africanus, 36

Austroasiatic language group, 325, 328, 333, 345, 351, 352, 369, 383, 392, 393

Austronesian expansion, 336-53

crops spread by, 344, 350, 351

linguistic evidence of, 336-39, 337, 342-45, 346-47, 369, 382, 383

to Madagascar, 340, 377, 380-81, 388, 392-93

to New Guinea, 307-8, 318, 319, 336, 345-51

pottery developments of, 339, 340, 345, 347-50, 351

routes of, 103, 313-14, 318, 339-40, 341, 342-43, 345, 346, 351-52, 388, 393

watercraft for, 341-412, 351

automobiles, invention of, 243

axis orientations, 176-91, 177, 255, 262, 263, 330, 366, 399-400

of Africa, 186-87, 188, 263, 399-400

of Americas, 176, 187-88, 190, 255, 262, 366

of Eurasia, 176, 183-86, 330, 366, 399-400

latitude-related climate conditions and, 183-86, 399--4100

technological diffusion and, 190

Aztec Empire, 360

Spanish conquest of, 210, 355, 373

tribute collected by, 292

warrior religious ideology of, 281

Bali, as part of prehistoric Asia, 301

Bali cattle, 161

Balkans, Fertile Crescent food production spread to, 187

bamboo rafts, 301

bananas, 119, 122, 127, 128, 132, 148, 186, 303, 305, 319, 344, 388, 391, 400

band societies, 203-4, 265-70, 277, 286-88

banteng, 159, 161, 163, 167


food production spread by, 133, 186-87, 190, 394, 397, 400

geographic origins of, 385

iron metallurgy of, 394-96

languages of, 329, 369, 384-86, 393, 394


Bantu (continued)

subequatorial-African expansion of, 103, 163, 386, 393-97, 395

bark beaters, 340


domestication of, 120, 124, 137

as founder crop, 126, 139, 141, 145-46, 182

nutritive value of, 125, 138, 151

spread of, 330, 333

Bar-Yosef, Ofer, 145-46

beans, 109, 118, 125, 126, 127, 151, 179, 180, 188, 367

bears, 165, 170-71

bees, 158

beets, 122

Bering land bridge, 38, 41, 44, 46

berries, 114, 115, 116, 117, 128, 129-30, 152

birds, domesticated, 158, 165, 207, 207, 389

birth intervals, 89

Bismarck, Otto von, 420

bison, 163, 164, 167, 168

bitter vetch, 141

Black Death (bubonic plague), 196-97, 199, 202, 205, 206, 212, 330, 357, 358

Blackfoot Indians, 85, 86, 389, 398

black pepper, 185

blueberries, 114, 117, 128, 152

blueprint copying:

new writing systems developed through, 224, 225-28

technological diffusion by, 256

Blumler, Mark, 139, 140, 153

bogong moth, 310

bone tools, 39, 90

bonobos, 36, 270

boomerangs, 311-12


Austronesian influence in, 336, 340, 341, 344, 348, 381

hunter-gatherer reversion in, 352

as part of prehistoric Asia, 299, 301

Bottger, Johann, 256

bows and arrows, 258, 298, 312, 316, 358

Brahms, Johannes, 267

brain size:

of domestic vs. wild animals, 159

human, 36, 38, 40

brain structure, language skills and, 40

breadfruit, 128, 148, 344

Britain, Roman authority withdrawn from, 279

broadcast seeding, 126-28, 357

bronze, 259, 330, 331, 333

bubonic plague (Black Death), 196-97, 199, 202, 205, 206, 212, 330, 357, 358


African, 163, 171, 389, 398

see also water buffalo

bureaucrats, 89-90, 269, 274, 280, 281

burial practices, 38, 39, 330

Burke, Robert, 296, 321


cabbage, 118, 122

Cajamarca, Atahuallpa captured at, 68-74, 77

calibrated radiocarbon dates, 35n, 96-97

California, University of, at Davis, 115

camels, 159, 160, 162, 166, 167, 389

canal technology, 155, 253, 310, 330, 331

Candia, Pedro de, 70


disease transmitted through, 198, 208

protein deficiency linked to, 149

canoes, 258, 314, 341-42, 351

capitalism, 250

carbon 14/carbon 12 ratios, 95, 96

see also radiocarbon dating

Carlyle, Thomas, 420

carnivores, unsuitability of as domesticates, 169

cashews, 128

cassava (manioc), 127, 128, 132, 178

cassowary, 147, 165

cast-iron production, 253, 330

cats, 158, 173, 207, 389

cattle (cows), 98, 141, 159, 160, 166, 167, 169, 186, 206-7, 207, 356, 389, 390, 400

cavalry, foot soldiers routed by, 76-77

cave paintings, 39-40, 48, 51

centralized societies:

in chiefdoms, 273-74, 275-76, 278

economy controlled by, 279

information flow limited in, 273, 279

public order maintained under, 277

religious support for efforts of, 277-78, 359

technological advancement under, 251


Australian paucity of, 309

domestication of, 110, 111, 124, 126, 127


as founder crops, 141, 142, 145-46

nutritive value of, 125, 128, 132, 138

productive yields from, 136-37

sites for onset of cultivation of, 133, 388, 394

technologies developed for farming of, 110-11, 310-11

tropical climates and, 148

Chalcuchima, 79-80

charcoal residues, radiocarbon dating of, 95-96

Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor, 68, 74

Chatham Islands:

Austronesian expansion to, 351-52

hunter-gatherers in, 55, 353

Maori conquest of Moriori settlements on, 53-57

cheetahs, 165, 170

chenopods, 180, 188

Cherokee confederacy, 289-90

Cherokee language, writing system developed for, 228-30, 229

cherries, 122, 124-25

chicken pox, 320

chickens, domestication of, 158, 185, 304, 389

chickpeas, 97, 126, 141

chiefdoms, 268, 269, 273-76, 278, 279-80, 282, 290-91, 292, 362-63

chili peppers, 179, 180, 188

Chimbu tribe, 252

chimpanzees, 36, 270


agricultural techniques developed in, 124, 186

Austronesian expansion from, 340, 342

crops cultivated in, 125-26, i26-27, 137, 185, 310, 329, 330

cultural exchanges in, 330-31

cultural expansion from, 186, 325-28, 333

developmental lead lost by, 409-10, 411-17

domestic animals of, 158, 185, 329-30

earliest evidence of human presence in, 324

environmental/climatic variety in, 323, 329, 411

ethnic attitudes in, 331-32

genetic diversity in, 323

geographic connectedness of, 414-16, 415

gunpowder developed in, 247, 253, 330

innovation vs. conservatism in, 253, 258, 330, 411-13

linguistic history of, 323-29, 326, 327, 332, 338, 345, 369, 413, 418-19

New Guinea immigrants from, 335

non-animal protein sources in, 125

North vs. South, 323, 329, 331-32

political unity of, 323, 332, 338, 412-14, 416

pottery from, 253, 254, 256

printing development in, 241, 253, 259

as site of food production origins, 98, 99, 100, 189, 329-30, 411

writing system of, 217, 218, 219, 224, 230, 231, 232, 235, 236-37, 259, 323, 330, 331, 333, 367, 413, 418-19

China, People's Republic of, population of, 279, 323

cholera, 196-97, 199, 200, 202, 206, 214, 357


infectious diseases spread in, 205

villages vs., 279

citrus fruit, 185

clans, 271


animal extinctions and, 43-44, 47 of Australia vs. New Guinea, 302

biodiversity linked to, 138-39

cold, 39, 44, 46, 372-73

crop diffusion and, 183-86, 189-90

of drought cycles, 308

latitude-related features of, 183-86

Mediterranean, 136, 138-41, 139, 184, 399-400

plant habitats expanded by global changes in, 110

seasonal variation in, 302, 308, 387-88

technological innovation vs., 251

Clovis hunters, 45-419, 363-64

coffee cultivation, 185, 252, 388

cold climates, human survival in, 39, 44, 46, 372-73

Colledge, Susan, 144-45

Columbus, Christopher, 67, 79, 197, 211, 213, 335, 354, 412-13

communal decision process, 272, 286-87

condors, 168

conflict resolution, societal systems for, 265-66, 268, 271-72, 280, 286



diseases spread by, 77-78, 197, 210-13, 357, 373-74

literacy as factor in, 78-80, 215-16

religious justification for, 69, 71-72, 73-74, 90, 266, 278, 281, 282, 359, 419

state amalgamation through, 289, 290-92

suicidal fighting in support of, 281-82

tribute gained from, 292

continental differences in cultural


axis orientation, 176, 177, 178, 183-91, 399-400

diffusion factors in, 406-7

domestication potential in, 406

environmental adaptation and, 51-52

geographical connectedness and, 414-16, 415

initial settlement dates and, 50-51

mutability of, 417

role of idiosyncracy in, 417-20

total area and population size in, 407-8

Cook, James, 214

Cooke, William, 245

copper metallurgy, 259, 358, 394


for animal feed, 169

cultivation of, 126, 127, 132, 148

diffusion of, 109, 151, 187, 188, 367, 391

domestication of, 118, 137, 142, 185

nutritive value of, 125, 138, 151, 356

wild ancestors of, 114, 137

Cortes, Hernan, 75, 79, 80, 91, 210, 355

cotton, 90, 119, 125-26, 127, 180, 188

cotton gin, 242, 245

cowpeas, 125, 126

cows (cattle), 98, 141, 159, 160, 166, 167, 169, 186, 206-7, 207, 356, 389, 390, 400

crafts specialists, 272, 274

Cro-Magnons, 39-41

crop cultivation:

in Africa, 387-91, 387

in altitude range over short distance, 140-41

continental diffusion of, 178-91, 356

in diverse Polynesian environments, 60-61

domestic animals used in, 88-89, 98, 128, 329-30, 357

eight founder crops of, 141

for fibers, 119, 125-26

of former weeds, 125

of fruit and nut trees, 124-25, 128-29, 155-56

latitude-related climate features and, 184

linguistic evidence of, 390-91

by Native Americans vs. Eurasians, 355-57

natural selection and, 116-18, 120, 123

nutritive value and, 125, 128, 149, 356-57

for oils, 119

preemptive domestication and, 178-80

reproductive biology and, 121-22

storage factors and, 124, 136

tools and technologies for, 88-89, 110-11, 126-28, 156, 357

twelve leading species for, 132, 136

Cuban Missile Crisis, 279

cucumber, 127, 185

Cuitláhuac, 77, 210

cult houses, 273

cumin, 185

cuneiform, 217, 218-24, 221, 230, 232, 234, 236-37

Custer, George, 75

cycad nuts, 310

Cyril, Saint, 225

Cyrillic alphabets, 225


Daimler, Gottfried, 243

Darwin, Charles, 123, 130

dates (fruit), 124, 133

dating, radiocarbon, 3Sn, 47, 95-97

deer, 172, 173-74, 208

desert environment, 295-96

determinatives, 220, 222

Dingiswayo, 290, 292

dingos, 308, 313-14

diphtheria, 212

diseases, infectious:

domestic animals in spread of, 87, 92, 164, 195-97, 206-9, 207, 213-14, 330, 355, 357

epidemics of, 202-14, 357-58

European conquests furthered by, 77-78, 197, 210-13, 357, 373-74

food production related to development of, 86, 87, 195

four evolutionary stages of, 207-10


genetic defenses against, 201

germ transmission strategies and, 198-200, 201-2, 209-10

immune defenses against, 200-202, 204, 317-18, 357, 396

population and, 203-6

sexual transmission of, 196, 199

symptoms of bodily responses to, 199-201

of tropical climates, 78, 197, 214, 358

dodo, extinction of, 43

dogs, 141, 152, 158, 161, 164, 166, 167, 169, 170, 173, 213, 308, 389

infectious diseases and, 199, 207, 207

Domestication of Plants in the Old World (Zohary and Hopf), 181

dominance hierarchy, 173, 174

donkeys, 159, 160, 167, 171, 389

drought cycles, 308

ducks, 158, 207, 213

dugout canoes, 314, 341-42

dysentery, 203-4, 317


eagles, 165

Easter Island:

giant statues of, 65

writing system of, 224, 230-31

eastern United States, Native American groups in:

early crops domesticated by, 98, 100, 126, 126-27, 150-51, 179

indigenous biota vs. imported additions

cultivated by, 146, 150-53, 155-56

east-west axes, continental diffusion along, 176, 177, 178, 153-86, 330, 366, 399-400


centralized control of, 279, 287

of non-food-producers, 268, 272, 279, 285, 292

redistributive, 269, 275, 277, 287

Edison, Thomas, 241, 243, 244, 245

eel fisheries, 310

eggplants, 118

Egypt, ancient:

food production in, 101, 102, 178, 181-82, 390, 400

hieroglyphs of, 217, 218, 219, 224, 226-27, 230, 231-33, 233, 235, 236, 400

Ehret, Christopher, 391

eland, 167-68, 172

electric lighting, 245, 247, 249

elephants, 159, 165, 169, 399

elk (red deer), 167, 168, 172

English Channel, 41

English language, geographic history of, 385

ENSO (El Niño Southern Oscillation), 308, 309

equids, 171


Arctic survival skills of, 372-73

in band societies, 268

Eurasian colonization and, 370-71

European diseases contracted by, 374

technologies abandoned by, 258


crops of, 126, 126-27, 181, 185, 388, 391

food production begun in, 99, 100, 101, 390

writing system in, 227, 400

ethnic diversity, political incorporation of, 322-23

ethnobiology, 143-46


defined, 161

diseases from, 197, 205-6, 212-13

east-west axis of, 176, 183-86, 330, 366, 399-400

European dominance of, 409-17

food production in Americas vs., 354-57

historical trajectory of key developments in, 360-70, 362

language expansions of, 91, 367-68, 369, 375

large-animal extinctions in, 44

large-mammal domestication in, 157-75

population density of, 263

as site for technological innovation, 241, 261-64, 358-59

spread of food production in, 178, 180-81, 182, 189, 191

technological diffusion in, 255, 256, 257, 259, 261-62


Cro-Magnon dominance in, 39, 40-41

Eurasia dominated by, 409-17

genetic immunities evolved in, 201

infectious diseases from, 77-78, 197

initial human presence in, 37, 49

language replacements from, 328


Europe (continued)

literate tradition in, 78-80, 359

maritime technology of, 78, 359

New World conquered by, 67-81, 197, 354, 355, 373-75

onset of food production in, 100, 101, 103, 109

Pacific conquests of, 353

political/geographic fragmentation of, 412-16, 415

pottery making in, 103

tropical diseases of colonists from, 197, 214, 317, 358


Fayu bands, 265-66, 267, 269, 288

ferrets, 158, 173

Fertile Crescent (Near East) (Southwestern Asia):

climate of, 136, 138-39

crops of, 123-25, 126-27, 133, 134

developmental lead lost by, 409-11, 416-17

diffusion process for food package from, 178, 179-87, 181, 189-90, 390, 391

domesticates spread from, 99-100, 101, 102

elements of food production package in, 141-42

environmental and biotic advantages for food production onset in, 134-43

evolution of social organization in, 271, 273

hunter-gatherer decline in, 142

mammal domesticates in, 141, 142

map of, 135

natural biodiversity of, 138-41

pottery from, 254

sequence of crop development in, 123-25

as site for food production's origin, 97, 98, 99, 100, 329

technological spread from, 182

topographical variety in, 140-41

fertilizer, 88, 205

fiber production, 90, 119, 125-26, 127

figs, 124, 133

Fiji Islands:

European diseases in, 78, 213-14

guns introduced in, 76

Finnish language, 226


early human use of, 38

for land management, 309

firearms, see guns

firestick farming, 309

fish, diseases from, 198

fish farms, 205, 310

fishing skills, 39, 253

Flannery, Tim, 51-52

flax, 90, 119, 120, 121, 125, 127, 132, 141, 142, 182

food production:

archaeological evidence of, 94-98

combination of local flora needed for, 134-56

continental axis orientations in spread of, 176, 178, 183-91

defined, 86

dense population supported through, 88-89, 111-12, 195, 204-5, 284-86

diffusion of, 176-91

east-west axis of Eurasian diffusion for, 176, 183-86, 330, 366, 399-400

evolution of epidemic diseases related to, 86-87, 195-96, 205, 357

geographic differences in history of, 93-94, 98-103, 99, 100, 406-7

hunting-gathering competition with, 55, 86, 147, 153-54, 365

from indigenous biota vs. imported additions, 146-53

local ethnobiological knowledge in, 144-46

military advantages and, 86-92

non-food-producing specialists enabled by, 89-90, 261, 285

nutrition levels in, 112, 305

onset of, 93-103, 155-56, 176-77, 262, 303-4, 329-30

population replacements concurrent with onset of, 101-3, 344-45, 351, 352

in pre-Columbian America vs. Eurasia, 354-57

sedentary lifestyle in, 89, 205, 261, 285-86

state control of, 279

surplus management for, 89-90, 285

technological developments linked to onset of, 110-11, 261-62, 263, 358-59, 364-65

writing development and, 236-37

Fore, 143-14, 208, 270-71

founder domesticates, 100-102, 100, 141


onset of cultivation of, 133-34

seed dispersal by, 116-17


seedless mutations of, 119, 122

fur animals, 158


Galton, Francis, 165, 168

Gama, Vasco da, 392-93, 398, 412

gasoline, extraction of, 247

gaur, 159, 161, 163, 167

gazelles, 142, 165, 172

geese, 158

geographic determinism, 408

Germany, unification of, 290

germination, natural inhibitors of, 121

germs, evolution of, 92, 207-10

see also diseases, infectious giraffes, 165, 389, 399

glass, 241, 246

glottochronology, 391

goats, 141, 159, 160, 166, 167, 172, 173, 186, 389, 390, 400

Goering, Heinrich, 376

Goering, Hermann, 376

gonorrhea, 214

goosefoot, 126, 150, 151, 179

gorillas, 36, 168, 169, 270

gourds, 127


communal decision process used for, 272, 286-87

spread of religion linked with, 266-67

grafting, 124, 156

Grand Canyon, 47

grapes, 115, 119, 122, 124, 133, 134, 152

grasses, 303

early cultivation of, 125, 126, 145-46

worldwide survey of, 125, 126, 153

see also cereals

Great Leap Forward, 39, 40, 41, 52

Greek alphabet, 217, 226, 227, 235, 236

Greenberg, Joseph, 368, 381, 383, 384

Greenland, Norse settlement in, 371-72, 373, 407-8

grizzly bears, 165, 170-71

groundnuts, 125, 126

guanaco, 160

guinea fowl, 389

guinea pigs, 158, 159, 178, 187, 213

gunpowder, 225, 247, 253, 330

guns, 76, 241, 249, 255-58, 312, 343

Gutenberg, Johannes, 241, 259-60


Halmahera, 337, 341, 345, 346

han'gul alphabet, 230, 231, 333

Hannibal, 159, 399

harquebuses, 76

Harris, David, 144-45

haus tamburan, 273


chiefdoms of, 274-76, 277, 278, 280, 291

epidemic disease in, 214

food production in, 352

isolation of, 237, 238

political unification of, 64, 66, 291

hemp, 90, 119, 125-26, 127

Henry, Joseph, 245

hepatitis, 317

herd animals, social characteristics of, 172-74


seasonal movement of, 270

in sub-Saharan Africa, 98, 102, 113, 163-64, 396

hereditary social position, 273, 274-75, 279, 281

hieroglyphs, 217, 218, 219, 224, 226-27, 230, 231-32, 233, 235

Hillman, Gordon, 144-45

hippopotamus, 171, 389, 398, 399

history, as science, 408, 420-25

Hitler, Adolf, 414, 419-20, 423

Hmong-Mien (Miao-Yao) language family, 325, 328, 332, 345, 369

Hobbes, Thomas, 104

Homo erectus, 36-38, 337

Homo habilis, 36

Homo sapiens, 37-38

honeybees, 158

hookworms, 199, 202, 204

Hopewell culture, 152

Hopf, Maria, 181, 181


in Africa, 186, 400

in Americas, 162, 356, 358

domestication of, 159, 160, 163, 167, 171, 389

social dominance in bands of, 172-73

Eurasian diffusion of, 91, 262

for long-distance transport, 91

military use of, 76-77, 91, 164, 358

motor vehicles vs., 243, 244

Huascar, 77, 211

Huayna Capac, Emperor of Incas, 77, 211, 212


biological evolution of, 36-41

geographical colonization patterns of, 36-52



African herders vs., 102, 113, 163-64

in band societies, 268, 270

in chiefdoms, 274, 284

disease vulnerability of, 203-4

end of, 86, 113

ethnobiological knowledge of, 143-45

farmers reverted to, 55, 109

food producers' conquest and replacement of, 102-3, 112, 113, 344-45, 351, 352

food production in competition with, 112, 147, 153-54, 365

in 1492 Eurasia vs. Americas, 356, 360

landscape management practiced by, 106-7

in modern New Guinea, 147, 305

nutritional status of, 112

population densities of, 45, 56, 88, 89, 204, 205

sedentary societies of, 90, 136, 142, 144

of Southeast Asia, 332-33

hunting skills:

animal extinctions and, 42-44, 47, 175

of protohumans, 39, 43

Huygens, Christiaan, 245

hydraulic management, 283-84


Ice Ages, 35

land bridges during, 38, 41, 297, 299

idea diffusion:

of porcelain technology, 256

writing systems developed through, 224-25, 228-33

immune system, 200-202, 204

Inca Empire:

animals of, 170

disease epidemics and, 77, 373

geographic isolation of, 237, 238, 262

incandescent light bulb, 245 Incas, European conquest of:

Atahuallpa's capture and, 68-74, 77

cavalry vs. foot soldiers in conquest of, 76-77

centralized political organization and, 78, 360

literacy as aid to, 78-80

military equipment of, 74-76


Chinese influence on, 324

crops cultivated in, 126, 326-27

domesticates from, 185

food production spread to, 181, 182, 189

sea trade routes with, 392-93

Indo-European languages, regional

expansion of, 91, 324, 368, 369, 375

Indonesia, 324, 368, 369, 375

agricultural crops of, 319, 390-91

Austronesian expansion and, 103, 307-8, 313, 318, 336, 337-38, 342, 343, 347-48, 350, 393

colonization of, 41, 51-52

New Guinean cultural influence from, 307

population of, 335

western New Guinea controlled by, 318-19, 334-36

Industrial Revolution, 123, 359

Indus Valley, food production's development in, 100, 101, 178, 189

influenza, 92, 196-97, 199, 200-201, 202, 207, 212, 214, 320, 330, 357, 358

information, government control of, 268, 279


diseases transmitted by, 199, 208

domesticated, 158

Irian Jaya, 318-19

iron metallurgy, 259, 330, 331, 394-96, 362-63

irrigation systems, 205, 275, 283-84, 356

Islam, 253, 256

cultural diffusion of, geographic factors in, 257

incendiary weapons in wars of, 247

Iyau, 277



Ainu society in, 165, 170-71, 356

Chinese influence on, 324, 333

cultural isolationism in, 257-58

guns abandoned in, 257-58, 312

hunter-gatherer lifestyle in, 109

pottery from, 254, 333

transistor technology acquired by, 248-49, 256

writing systems of, 217, 248, 333


Asian mainland joined to, 299, 301

Austronesian expansion to, 336, 340, 341

Java man, 36, 337

jewelry, earliest evidence of, 39

jicama, 127


Job's tears, 148

Jordan Valley, plants selected for domestication in, 145-46


Kamehameha I, King of Hawaii, 64

kangaroos, 147, 163, 308, 309

Kennedy, John F, 279

Khoisan peoples:

Bantu encroachment on, 187, 385-86, 393-97

genetic background of, 378-80

as hunter-gatherers vs. herders, 102, 113, 164, 396

language family of, 329, 382, 384, 385, 391

no crops domesticated by, 187, 389, 391, 400

white decimation of, 78, 187, 213, 396, 397

Kingdon, Jonathan, 51-52

Kirikiri, 265

Kislev, Mordechai, 145-46

kleptocracies, four sustaining strategies for, 276-78

knotweed, 126, 150, 151

koalas, 169

kola nuts, 388, 390

konohiki, 274, 280


Chinese influence in, 324, 333

writing system developed for, 230, 231, 333

Korean hemorrhagic fever, 199

kuru (laughing sickness), 198, 208


labor force:

diversity of, 62-63

seasonal shifts in, 285

technological innovation related to size of, 249-50

Langley, Samuel, 245


for address of royalty, 280

African diversity of, 381-86, 382, 390-92

anatomical basis for, 40

ancestral vs. modern, 343-44

of Australia/New Guinea vs. Asia, 301, 302

of Austronesian family, 325, 328, 333, 345, 351, 352, 369, 383, 392, 393

of China and Southeast Asia, 323-29, 326, 327, 332

click sounds in, 384

cultural history deduced from, 343-44

Eurasian movements of, 91, 367-68, 369, 375

of Native Americans, 328, 367-70, 375

political connectedness reflected in, 413

replacements of, 325-29, 332

writing systems modified for differences in, 216, 225, 226

Lapita pottery, 347-50, 351

Lascaux Cave, 40

Lassa fever, 208

latitude, climate features related to, 183- 86

laughing sickness (kuru), 198, 208

leather, 90

leeks, 125

legumes, 124, 125

lentils, 120, 125, 126, 141

leprosy, 204, 205

lettuce, 122, 124, 125

Levi-Strauss, Claude, 235

Lilienthal, Otto, 245

lima beans, 118, 126, 179, 188

Linearbandkeramik culture, 89

Linear B writing system, 217, 226, 234-35, 240

lions, 169, 171

Liszt, Franz, 267

literacy, see writing systems

llamas, 159, 160, 161, 167, 178, 187, 213, 262, 367

logograms, 217, 234-35, 236

Los Angeles public schools, ethnic diversity in, 322

luxury goods, 269, 274

Lyme disease, 208


macadamia nuts, 128, 309, 321

Macassans, Australian Aboriginal contact with, 314

Madagascar, Austronesian expansion to, 340, 377, 380-81, 388, 392-93

Malai Islet, 348-49

malaria, 196-97, 201, 202, 207, 212, 214, 270

altitudinal ceiling for, 318

European susceptibility to, 317, 320, 357, 358

immunity to, 350, 396

transmission of, 199, 205

Malayo-Polynesian language group, 336, 337, 338-39, 342-43, 344


Malay Peninsula, Austronesian expansion to, 336, 337, 341, 342-43, 344


aquatic, 158-59

extinctions of, 46-47, 160, 175, 213, 355, 406

large species of, 42, 46-47

as milk sources, 88

small, as domesticates, 158, 166

mammals, large domesticated, 157-75

African paucity of, 389, 398-99, 400

aquatic, 158-59

captive breeding suitability of, 169-70

continental diffusion of, 178, 186, 187-88

diet requirements of, 169

domestication dates for, 142, 165-66, 167

fourteen ancient species of, 159, 160-61, 161-63, 166, 355

growth rates of, 169

modern efforts at developing, 163, 166-68

rapid acceptance of Eurasian species of, 163-64

size of, 159

social characteristics of, 172-74

suitability criteria for, 131-32, 157, 166-75, 398-99

temperament as factor in, 170-72

unequal global distribution of candidates for, 141, 161-63, 174-75, 355, 389, 406, 409

Manco, 77

Mandan Indians, 212, 374

Mandarin, 323, 324

Manhattan Project, 242

manioc (cassava), 127, 128, 132, 178

manure, 88, 355, 357


British defeat of, 90

Moriori conquered by, 53-57

muskets adopted by, 255

New Zealand colonized by, 45, 51

maritime technology:

of Austronesian expansion, 313, 341- 42

Eurasian origins of, 241

of European expansion, 78, 359

marsupials, extinct, 304, 308

Marx, Karl, 276

Matthew, Saint, 175

Maya societies:

barriers to cultural diffusion from, 262

writing system developed by, 217, 222, 235

maygrass, 127, 150, 151

Meadowcroft rock shelter, 48, 49

measles, 92, 196-97, 203, 204, 206, 207, 212, 213-14, 320, 357

Mediterranean region:

climate typified by, 136, 138-41, 139, 184, 399-400

earliest evidence of watercraft in, 41

megafauna, extinctions of, 42-44, 46-47, 162, 175, 213, 355

melons, 116, 118, 119, 127, 182

Mena, Cristobal de, 79

Merina state, 291


barriers to cultural diffusion from, 262, 366-67

diffusion to and from South America in, 178, 180, 187-88

domestic animals in, 142, 158, 178, 213

early crops of, 100, 125-26, 126-27, 179

languages of, 368

non-animal protein sources in, 125

as site of food production's origin, 98, 100

social organization begun in, 273

technological advances in, 248, 370

writing systems developed in, 190, 217, 218, 222-24, 223, 230, 235, 236-37, 360, 367

metallurgy, 182, 255, 259, 263, 330, 352, 358, 361, 362-63, 362-63

Miao-Yao (Hmong-Mien) language family, 325, 328, 332, 345, 369


Eurasian technological advantages in, 358

food supplies for, 90

ideology of patriotic suicide in, 281-82

motor transport in, 243

religious motivation of, 69, 71-72, 73-74, 90, 266, 278, 281, 282, 359

milk production, 88, 159, 182

millets, 125, 126, 185, 310-11, 329, 388, 390, 394

missionaries, 266, 285-86

mithan, 161

Mobutu Sese Seko, 276

Mongol Empire, 367

Mongoloids, 323

monkey viruses, 197, 204, 208


monoculture fields, 126-28

Monte Verde site, 48-49

Montezuma, 77, 80

moose, 167, 168

Moriori society, Maori conquest of, 53-57

Morse, Samuel, 245

mosquitoes, 199, 205, 208, 396


as food, 310

natural selection for industrial melanism in, 123

motor vehicles, invention of, 243

Mtetwa chiefdom, 290, 292

mumps, 203, 205, 212

Muralug Island, 315-16

murder, among band and tribal societies, 265-66, 277

Murray-Darling river system, 302, 310

Muscovy ducks, 158, 213

mushrooms, 114, 143-44

muskets, 255

musk ox, 167

mustard seeds, 119, 145

myxo virus, 209, 210


Namibia, colonial history of, 376-77

Native Americans:

crops cultivated by, 109, 356-57

cultural diversity of, 322

disease epidemics among, 77-78, 197, 199, 202, 203-4, 210-12, 357, 373-74

domestic animals of, 164, 213, 355, 356

of Eastern U.S., 98, 100, 126, 126-27, 146, 150-53, 155-56, 179

Eurasian food production vs., 354-57

European conquest of, 67-81, 85-86, 197, 210-11, 328, 354-75

geographic/ecological isolation of, 178-80, 237, 238, 357-58, 367, 407

as hunter-gatherers, 85, 102, 113, 274, 356, 364, 365, 367

independent inventions of, 248, 255, 367, 369

innovation vs. tradition among, 252-53

languages of, 328, 367-70, 375

of Mississippi Valley, 211, 237

population levels of, 211, 213, 374-75

technological disadvantages of, 358-59

of West Indies, 213, 373

writing systems of, 217, 218, 222-24, 223, 228-30, 229, 235, 238, 360

see also specific Native American groups

natural selection:

for disease immunity, 201

human crop cultivation vs., 116-18, 120, 123, 130

Nature, 48

Navajo, 164, 252-53, 356

Neanderthals, 38, 40-41, 44

Near East, see Fertile Crescent

Negritos, 332-33, 338, 383

Newcomen, Thomas, 244-45

New Guinea:

Australia separated from, 297, 298, 299, 302

Austronesian expansion to, 307-8, 318, 319, 336, 345-51

diverse languages of, 301, 302, 324, 337, 346-47

domestic animals in, 148, 304, 305, 307, 308, 315

early crops of, 126, 126-27, 148

environmental conditions in, 147, 302-3, 305-6

European presence in, 298, 307-8, 317-19

food production in, 147-50, 298, 303-6, 308, 318, 319

geographic barriers to cultural diffusion in, 306, 307, 407

giant marsupials exterminated on, 304

indigenous biota vs. imported additions cultivated in, 140-50

indigenous fauna of, 303, 147, 148-49

Indonesian province of, 318-19, 334-36

initial human presence in, 41-44, 147, 300-301

intertribal warfare in, 306-7

onset of food production in, 99, 99, 100, 303-4, 305

political fragmentation in, 306-7

population density of, 298, 304, 305-6

Torres Strait population from, 314-16 see also Australia/New Guinea

New Guineans, modern:

art of, 305

band societies of, 265-66, 267, 269-70, 298

Chinese immigrants as, 335

diseases of, 204, 208, 317-18

eastern vs. western, 318-19

ethnic tensions among, 334-36


New Guineans, modern (continued) ethnobiological expertise of, 143-44, 145, 147, 149

European colonization among, 298

evolutionary ancestry of, 300-302, 333, 335-36, 345-46

highland agriculture vs. lowland

subsistence for, 147-50, 304-5,315, 335

innovative vs. conservative cultures in, 252

languages of, 270, 301, 302, 306-7

Native Australians vs., 297-98, 302

pets kept by, 165, 167

population distribution in, 304-5, 306

stone tools of, 38, 298

tribal groups of, 143-44, 208, 270-73, 277, 298, 305

New Zealand:

Austronesian expansion to, 351

geological diversity of, 58

Maori ancestors in, 45, 54

mineral resources of, 58, 64, 66

Niger-Congo language family, 382, 384-86, 389, 390, 391, 392

Nilo-Saharan language family, 382, 384, 391, 392, 394

Ninan Cuyuchi, 77

Norse, North Atlantic expansion efforts of, 371-73, 371, 407-8

North Africa, Eurasian culture related to, 161

north-south continental axes, 176, 178, 186-90, 255, 262, 263, 366, 399-400

nuts, 114, 115, 118, 128-29, 148, 151-52, 388


oak trees, 115, 118, 128-29, 151-52

oats, 125, 185

oca, 127, 128

ogham alphabet, 226, 230-31

olives, 115, 119, 124, 133-34

onagers, 171-72

On the Origin of Species (Darwin), 130

oranges, 119, 122

Otto, Nikolaus, 243, 244


Pacific Northwest, hunter-gather chiefdoms in, 274

papermaking techniques, 253, 256, 259, 330

Papin, Denis, 244

Papuan languages, 301, 302, 346-47

Patagonia, Clovis hunter-gatherer expansion to, 45

patent law, 244, 250

patriotism, conquest furthered by, 281-82

peaches, 122, 185

peanuts, 126, 178, 391

pears, 124-25

peas, 95, 115, 117-18, 120, 121, 124, 125, 126, 141, 182, 183

pecans, 115, 128, 152

peccaries, 157, 163

Pedra Furada, cave paintings at, 48

pertussis (whooping cough), 199, 203, 207, 212

petroleum products, 247

pets, 163, 164-65, 166, 167, 196, 206, 207

Phaistos disk, 239-40, 240, 245, 253, 259-60


Austronesian expansion to, 103, 337-38, 343, 347-48, 350

crops brought to, 149

food production's spread from, 178

languages of, 328, 333, 336, 337-38, 342, 343-44, 383

phonemes, 217, 218

phonograph, invention of, 243


domestication of, 141, 159, 160, 163, 166, 167, 304, 307, 330, 389

human diseases and, 198, 213

pineapples, 122

Pizarro, Francisco, 68-74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 86, 91, 210-11, 354, 359

Pizarro, Hernando, 69, 70, 79-80

Pizarro, Juan, 70

Pizarro, Pedro, 69

plague, bubonic (Black Death), 196-97, 199, 202, 205, 206, 212, 330, 357, 358


atmospheric carbon absorbed by, 95

dioecious species of, 122

reproductive processes of, 121-22, 137-38

self-fertilization of, 122, 124

plants, domestication of, 114-56

alterations undergone through, 95, 115-23, 136-37, 146

in China, 329-30

defined, 114

earliest known dates for, 35, 99, 100, 361-62, 362-63


hermaphroditic selfers and, 137-38

initial sites for, 97, 98-102, 100, 254, 303-4, 388, 390

interspecific hybrids, 138

local ethnobiological knowledge employed in, 143-46

modern lack of major additions to, 132-33

natural selection process vs., 116-18, 120, 123, 130

in New Guinea, 303-4

nutritional yield and, 88, 125, 138, 142, 149, 151, 356-57

preemptive domestication and, 178-80

prehistoric climate changes and, 110

regional potential for required variety of, 134-56, 399, 409

single vs. multiple instances of, 179-80, 182-83, 188

size increases in, 117-18

variations in ease of, 123-30, 137

wild mutants in, 120-22, 129, 178-79

plants, wild:

almonds, 114, 118

of Australia, 309

berries, 114, 116

bitterness of, 114, 118-19

cereals, 110, 111, 136, 137

domestication potential of, 131-33, 136-38

food production's onset based on entire regional assortment of, 134-56

germination inhibition in, 120-21

grass species, 139, 140, 153

local ethnobiological knowledge of, 143-46

number of species of, 132

poisonous, 114, 118-19, 143-44

Plato, 276

Pleistocene Era, end of, 35

plow animals, 88-89, 126, 128, 329, 357

plums, 122, 124-25, 152

pneumonia, 196

polio, 205

political systems:

centralized, 78, 251, 273-79, 359

ethnic diversity encompassed by, 322-23

of Eurasian societies vs. Native Americans, 359-60

of Inca Empire, 78, 360

of kleptocracies, 276-78

Polynesian diversity of, 61-64

population density and, 62, 63-64, 285-86

in sedentary societies, 89-90

Spanish conquests enabled by, 78

spread of religion linked with, 266-67

technological advancement and, 251

units of, 61-62

writing development linked to, 234-37

see also social organization

Polynesian islands:

Austronesian expansion to, 336

chiefdoms in, 273, 274-76, 277, 278, 280, 291

domestic animals on, 60, 148

human adaptation to diverse environments in, 55-66, 352-53

languages of, 328, 337, 343-44

metallurgy and writing absent on, 352

seafaring expertise developed on, 336

spread of food production to, 178, 186

technologies abandoned on, 258, 312

Polynesian islands, environmental variations in:

agricultural development influenced by, 60-61, 110

in climate, 58

economic specialization and, 62-64

geological types of, 58-59

isolation and, 59, 62, 64

marine resources of, 59

material culture and, 64-65

political organization and, 61-64

in size, 59

subsistence practices and, 59-61

in terrain fragmentation, 59, 62

pomegranates, 124

poppy cultivation, 101, 119, 182, 185

population density:

agricultural productivity vs., 60, 89, 305-6

bidirectional links of food production with, 88-89, 111-12, 195, 204-5, 284-86

defeated peoples' fates tied to, 291-92

epidemic diseases linked with, 87, 203, 204-6

labor force diversity and, 62-63

political organization affected by, 62, 63-64, 285-86

of Polynesian environments, 61-63

for sedentary society vs. nomadic peoples, 89

societal complexity related to, 284-88

population growth, 45, 56


population size:

for epidemic diseases, 203-6

social organization and, 266-67, 268, 271, 273, 279, 284-92

technological development linked to, 257, 261, 262, 263, 370, 407-8

porcelain, 253, 256

potatoes, 118, 127, 128, 132, 185, 187, sweet, 127, 128, 132, 149, 150, 153, 178, 303, 304, 319


in Africa, 263, 400

of Austronesian expansion, 339, 340, 345, 347-50, 351

from conquering cultures, 103

first appearances of, 254, 261, 333, 362-63

furnace technology for, 259

Polynesian abandonment of, 258, 312

porcelain, 253, 254, 256

power sources, mechanical, 358-59

preemptive domestication, 178-80, 182-83

priests, 90, 235, 278, 280

printing methods, 240-41, 253, 259-60

protein sources:

animals as, 142, 149

deficiencies in, 148-49

non-animal, 125, 138, 142, 149, 151, 356-57

Proto-Indo-Europeans, 343

protolanguages, 343

public works, 275, 278, 279, 285

pulses, 125, 126, 127, 132, 141, 142, 149

Punan, 352

Pygmies, 329, 333, 338, 378-80, 383, 385-86, 389, 392, 393, 396


quince, 185

quinoa, 125, 126

quipu, 360

Quizo Yupanqui, 76-77

QWERTY keyboards, 248, 249, 418


rabbits, 158, 166, 207, 209

rabies, 199

radiocarbon dating, 35n, 47, 95-97

radishes, 125

ragweed, 151

rainfall, crop diffusion and, 189, 190

Recent Era, 35

red deer (elk), 167, 168, 172

redistributive economy, 269, 275, 277, 287

reindeer, 159, 160, 161, 172, 173, 356


conquest justified by, 69, 71-72, 73-74, 90, 266, 278, 281, 282, 359, 419

kleptocracies supported by, 269, 277-78

spread of government linked with, 266-67

state leaders elevated by, 280

technological innovation and, 250

tribal supernatural beliefs institutionalized as, 277-78

resource supply, technological innovation vs., 251

rhinoceros, 168, 174, 389, 398, 399

rice cultivation, 125, 126, 132, 138, 148, 151, 329, 331, 333, 388

rinderpest, 206-7

rock paintings, 295, 297

rodents, 158, 205, 208, 209

Roman alphabet, 225, 226, 227, 228, 236

Roman Empire:

food production in, 185-86

geographic range of, 367, 414

root crops, 127, 128, 132, 148, 149

Rothschild, Lord Walter, 171

Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 283, 288, 289

rubella, 199, 203

Russia, Imperial, ethnic diversity

incorporated in, 322-23

Russian language, 225, 368, 369

rye, 125


sago palm tree, 147, 270, 305

Sahara, African food production begun in, 390

Sahel zone:

crops of, 226-27, 137, 186, 387-88, 400

east-west crop diffusion in, 186

metallurgy from, 394

onset of food production in, 98, 100

salmonella, 198

samurai, 257-58

San people, 78, 380

see also Khoisan peoples

Savage, Charlie, 76

Savery, Thomas, 245-46

schistosomes, 199, 205

science, history as, 408, 420-25


sea transport, see maritime technology; watercraft

sedentary societies, 89

disease transmission in, 205

population density and, 89

state control and, 285-86

technological innovation fostered in, 260-61


broadcast sowing of, 126-28, 357

of cereals, 122, 136-37

competitive pressure of farming environment for, 123

crop cultivation for, 119, 136

mutant, 120-22

natural dispersal and germination of, 115-17, 118

in pods, 120

Sejong, King of Korea, 230

selfers, 137-38

Semang Negritos, 332-33, 338, 383

Semitic languages, 226-27, 383

sense organs, of domestic vs. wild animals, 159

Sepik River, 273

Sequoyah, 228-30, 229, 232

sesame seeds, 119, 185

sheep, 141, 159, 160, 164, 165, 167, 172, 173, 174, 181, 186, 196, 356, 389, 390, 400

Siberia, hunter-gatherers in, 102, 356, 360, 370-71

sickness, earliest evidence of care during, 38

silk production, 158, 256

Sino-Tibetan language family, 324, 328, 329, 331, 332, 369

skull development, human, 37

slash-and-burn agriculture, 305, 306, 315

slavery, 204, 210, 250-51, 269, 272, , 275, 279-80, 292, 377

sleeping sickness, 199, 201

smallpox, 77, 78, 92, 199, 203

among Aboriginal Australians, 320

domestic animals related to, 196-97, 207

first appearance of, 205, 330

in Hawaii, 217

immunity to, 357

modern control of, 318

Native Americans killed by, 199, 210, 212, 355, 373

as Plague of Antoninus, 205

transmission of, 199, 358

social contract, 283

social organization:

amalgamation of, 288-92

in bands, 203-4, 265-70, 277, 286-88 in chiefdoms, 268, 269, 273-76, 278, 279-80, 282, 290-91, 292, 362-63

conflict resolution methods related to size of, 265-66, 271-72, 286

disintegration of, 281, 288

food production linked to, 283-86

four categories of, 267-81, 268, 269

hereditary status in, 273, 274-75, 279, 281

of Native Americans vs. Eurasians, 359-60

population size and, 266-67, 268, 271, 273, 279, 284

as state, 267-92

technological innovation vs., 250

of tribes, 268, 269, 270-73, 277

wealth distribution and, 272, 274, 276-78

sorghum, 125, 126, 132, 133, 186, 388, 390, 394

Soto, Hernando de, 70, 211

South Africa, food production's spread inhibited in, 178

South America:

crops of, 126

domestic animals from, 213

sites of food production's origin in, 98, 100

Southeast Asia:

Austronesian expansion from, see Austronesian expansion

Chinese language families in, 325, 326, 327, 328

human ancestors in, 36, 301

prehistoric coastline of, 299, 301

repopulation of, 324, 332-33

Southwest Asia, see Fertile Crescent soybeans, 125, 226, 132


as containers, 150

domestication of, 109, 119, 122, 127, 150, 179, 180

spread of, 151, 180, 188, 367

Stalin, Joseph, 225

state societies, 268, 269, 278-92

in Americas vs. Eurasia, 359-60, 362-63

archaeological evidence of, 278

bureaucrats in, 269, 274, 280, 281


state societies (continued)

conditions for formation of, 282-92

military advantages of, 281-82, 359

multiple ethnicities in, 280-81, 322-23

percentage of globe occupied by, 266, 283

religion in support of, 280, 359

suicidal patriotism and, 281-82

steam power, 241, 242, 244-45, 359


African manufacture of, 394

Eurasian development of, 241

Native Americans conquered with, 74, 76

stone tools:

of Aboriginal Australians, 297

archaeological identification of, 47-48

of Clovis hunters, 45

earliest use of, 36, 38, 260

for farming, 304, 311

in modern societies, 36, 38, 241, 253, 298

standardization of, 39

from volcanic stone, 58, 64-65

strawberries, 114, 115, 116, 117, 124, 128, 129-30, 152

street lighting, gas vs. electricity for, 247, 249

sugarcane, 126, 132, 148, 303

Sumatra, Asian mainland joined to, 299

Sumerian cuneiform, 217, 218-24, 221, 230, 232, 234, 236-37

sumpweed, 150, 151

sunflowers, 119, 121, 122, 150, 151, 188

supernatural beliefs, religious

institutionalization of, 277-78

supersonic transport, 247

sushi, 198

sweet potatoes, 127, 128, 132, 149, 150, 153, 178, 303, 304, 319

swords, 76, 257-58, 358

syllabaries, 217, 222, 226, 228-30, 229, 232, 236, 260

syphilis, 199, 210, 212, 214, 217, 320, 357


Tahiti, unification of, 291

Tai-Kadai language group, 325, 328, 345, 351


Asian mainland connected with, 299

Austronesian expansion begun in, 339-40, 342, 343, 344

languages of, 337, 339, 342, 343-44

Ta-p'en-k'eng culture on, 339-40

tamarind trees, 314

tannins, 128-29

Tanzania, languages of, 384

taro, 127, 128, 148, 149, 186, 303, 304, 344, 388


cultural isolation of, 253, 256-57, 312, 313

dogs adopted on, 164

first human presence in, 300

technological innovation abandoned in, 258, 312-13

taxation, 90, 269, 275, 276, 279

technological advances, 239-64

applications found after discoveries of, 242-43, 245

autocatalytic tendencies of, 258-60

commercial motivations for, 244-45

cumulative development of, 245

food production linked to, 261-62, 263, 311, 358-59, 364-65

geographic/ecological factors and, 190, 256-58, 262, 263, 416

heroic view of, 241, 244-45

intercontinental differences in, 261-64, 358-59

local invention vs. diffusion of, 254-55, 258-59, 364-65

moderate political connectedness as optimal condition for, 416

necessity as impetus for, 242-44

population size and, 257, 261, 263, 313, 370, 407-8

trial-and-error examples of, 246-47

technological advances, societal receptivity for, 154, 245-49

diffusion conditions for, 255-58, 261, 413

economic motives for, 247-48, 249-50, 260

historical reversals in, 257-58, 311-13, 413, 416

ideological atmosphere for, 250

perceived advantage and, 249

perceived need as motive for, 242-44

prestige considerations in, 248

in single societies or continents, 154, 251-54

standard explanations for, 249-51

vested interests in opposition to, 248-49

teff, 226, 388

telegraph, 245


Tell Abu Hureyra, evidence of selection in plants gathered at, 144-45, 146

temples, 273, 274, 278, 280

teosinte, 137

territorial behavior, 174

Third Chimpanzee, The (Diamond), 40

tobacco, 188, 314

Tolstoy, Lev, 157, 175

Tonga, isolation of, 237


bones used in, 39, 90

for crop production, 88-89, 110-11, 357

metal, 361, 362-63, 362-63

natural resources for, 58, 64-65

see also stone tools

Torres Strait, islands of, 298, 314-16

trade routes:

diseases transmitted along, 205-6, 358

of Indian Ocean, 392-93, 400

transistor technology, 248-49, 256, 417


annual growth rings of, 96

fruit, 119, 124-25, 156, 182

oak, 115, 118, 128-29, 151-52

sago palm, 147, 270, 305

tribal organization, 268, 269, 270-73, 277

tribute, 269, 273, 274, 275, 276, 278, 292

trichinosis, 198

tropical rain forests, latitude limitations for, 184

trypanosome diseases, 164, 186, 213, 400

tsetse flies, 164, 186, 199, 400

tuber crops, 227, 128, 132

tuberculosis, 196-97, 201, 202, 207, 212, 214, 320, 357

turkeys, 142, 158, 188, 213

turnips, 125

Tutankhamen, 118

typewriter keyboards, letter sequence designed for, 248, 418

typhoid, 214, 320

typhus, 199, 209, 212, 320, 357


Ulfilas, 225

United States, ethnic diversity of, 322

upright posture, 36


vaccination, 200

Valverde, Vicente de, 71-72

Veddoid Negritos, 332-33

venereal diseases, 199

vicuna, 170

Vietnam, languages spoken in, 325, 336

village life, 35, 362-63

violence, government curbs on, 277

volcanic islands, 58-59, 64-65


diseases transmitted by, 197

horses used in, 75, 76-77, 91, 164, 243, 358

societal amalgamation fostered by, 288-92

technological advancement affected by, 250-51, 255

Washington, George, 276

water buffalo, 159, 160, 163, 167, 330 watercraft:

for Austronesian expansion, 339-42, 351

canoes, 258, 314, 341-42, 351

cultural reversals of, 258

earliest evidence of, 41-42, 44, 297

Eurasian vs. Native American, 359

for transatlantic crossing, 372, 373

watermelons, 118, 119 127, 182

water power, 358-59

Watt, James, 241, 244-45

wealth distribution:

in chiefdoms, 274

for elite vs. general population, 276-78

in smaller social organizations, 272


of Aboriginal Australians, 312, 316

boomerang, 311-12

bows and arrows, 258, 298, 312, 316, 358

cultural attitudes about, 257-58

elite monopoly on, 277

European advantage in, 358

guns, 76, 241, 249, 255-58, 312, 343

incendiary, 247

multipiece construction for, 39

muskets, 255

of Native Americans, 74-75, 76

of steel, 76, 358

swords, 76, 257, 358

technology diffusion of, 249, 255, 257-58

weaving, 164, 253, 261


diffusion of, 330, 333

domestication of, 97, 122, 120, 123-24, 126, 133, 137, 145-46

ease of germination of, 121


wheat (continued)

einkorn, 133, 138, 141, 182

emmer, 97, 138, 139, 141, 145-46

nutritive value of, 125, 138, 142, 149, 151

worldwide production of, 132, 148

Wheatstone, Charles, 245

wheels, 182, 190, 225, 248, 255, 262, 358, 359, 367, 369

Whitney, Eli, 242

whooping cough (pertussis), 199, 203, 207, 212

wild boar, 160

wild foods, decline in availability of, 110

Wills, William, 296, 321

wind power, 358-59

wolves, 158, 161, 166, 173

wool, 126, 159, 164, 170

Wright brothers, 241, 245

writing systems, 66, 215-38

accounting records as stimulus for, 218, 228, 360

alphabetic, 190, 217, 225-28, 230, 234, 235-36, 255, 259, 323, 333, 367, 400

blueprint copying and modification of, 224, 225-28

expressive limitations of, 233-36

geographic and ecological barriers to spread of, 236-38, 400

idea diffusion as source for development of, 224-25, 228-33

independent invention of, 217-24, 219, 230, 236, 254-55

language differences and, 216, 225, 226

in Mesoamerica vs. Eurasia, 360

as military advantage, 78-80, 215-16 on Phaistos disk, 239-41, 240

phonetic principle employed in, 220-22, 234, 417-18

power of information transmittal through, 78-80, 215-16, 360

printing technology and, 239-41, 259-60

sites of origin of, 216, 236-37, 255, 362-63

sociopolitical organization linked to early use of, 234-36

spread of, 182, 190, 216-38, 352, 400

state societies and, 280, 360

three basic strategies used in, 216-17, 221

in western Eurasia vs. China, 331

Wu Li, 232


Xhosa, 397


Yahi Indians, 374

yak, 159, 161, 161, 163, 167

Yali, 36, 38, 295, 405-8

yams, 127, 128, 148, 186, 303, 305, 310, 344, 388, 390, 391

yaws, 204

yellow fever, 204, 212, 214, 358

yucca, 125-26, 127

Yumbri, 352


Zaire, kleptocratic practices in, 276

zebras, 157, 163, 167, 171-72, 389, 398

Zhou Dynasty, 325, 331-32

Zohary, Daniel, 181, 181

zoos, breeding programs at, 168, 170

Zulu state, 290-91, 292



Jared Diamond



1. What are the other commonly espoused answers to "Yali's question," and how does Jared Diamond address and refute each of them?

2. Why does Diamond hypothesize that New Guineans might be, on the average, "smarter" than Westerners?

3. Why is it important to differentiate between proximate and ultimate causes?

4. Do you find some of Diamond's methodologies more compelling than others? Which, and why?

5. What is the importance of the order of the chapters? Why, for example, is "Collision at Cajamarca"-which describes events that occur thousands of years after those described in the subsequent chapters-placed where it is?

6. How are Polynesian Islands "an experiment of history"? What conclusions does Diamond draw from their history?

7. How does Diamond challenge our assumptions about the transition from hunter-gathering to farming?

8. How is farming an "auto-catalytic" process? How does this account for the great disparities in societies, as well as for the possibilities of parallel evolution?

9. Why did almonds prove domesticable while acorns were not? What significance does this have?

10. How does Diamond explain the fact that domesticable American apples and grapes were not domesticated until the arrival of Europeans?

11. What were the advantages enjoyed by the Fertile Crescent that allowed it to be the earliest site of development for most of the building blocks of civilization? How does Diamond explain the fact that it was nevertheless Europe and not Southwest Asia that ended up spreading its culture to the rest of the world?

12. How does Diamond refute the argument that the failure to domesticate certain animals arose from cultural differences? What does the modern failure to domesticate, for example, the eland suggest about the reasons why some peoples independently developed domestic animals and others did not?

13. What is the importance of the "Anna Karenina principle"?

14. How does comparing mutations help one trace the spread of agriculture?

15. How does civilization lead to epidemics?

16. How does Diamond's theory that invention is, in fact, the mother of necessity bear upon the traditional "heroic" model of invention?

17. According to Diamond, how does religion evolve along with increasingly complex societies?

18. How is linguistic evidence used to draw conclusions about the spread of peoples in China, Southeast Asia, the Pacific, and Africa?

19. What is the significance of the differing outcomes of Austronesian expansion in Indonesia and New Guinea?

20. How does Diamond explain China's striking unity and Europe's persistent disunity? What consequences do these conditions have for world history?

21. How does Diamond refute the charge that Australia is proof that differences in the fates of human societies are a matter of people and not environment? In what other areas of the world could Diamond's argument be used?

22. What aspects of Diamond's evidence do lay readers have to take on faith? Which aspects are explained?

23. Diamond offers two tribes, the Chimbu and the Daribi, as examples of differing receptivities to innovation. Do you think he would accept larger, continent-wide differences in receptivity? Why or why not? How problematic might cultural factors prove for Diamond's arguments?

24. How, throughout the book, does Diamond address the issues he discusses in the last few pages of his final chapter, when he proposes a science of human history?


Jared Diamond, professor of physiology at the UCLA School of Medicine, began his scientific career in physiology and expanded into evolutionary biology and biogeography. He has been elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, the National Academy of Sciences, and the American Philosophical Society, and has received a MacArthur Foundation fellowship, a Phi Beta Kappa Award, the Burr Award of the National Geographic Society, and the National Medal of Science. He has published over 200 articles in Discover, Natural History, Nature, and Geo magazines.

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